A Gothic Grammar. Braune Wilhelm. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Braune Wilhelm
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная классика
Год издания: 0
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(< *spêþs, beside spêdiza, spêdists), suggest the missing hinduma and spêduma. Also miduma, midst, midumônds, mediator, point to a form *miduma, midl (cp. OE. meodume, midmest).


      1. CARDINALS

§ 140. The first three numerals ar declinabl in all cases and genders.

      1. ains, n. ain and ainata, f. aina, inflects entirely like a strong adj. (blinds, § 123). Plural forms mean only, alone. No weak inflection is found. (§ 122, n. 1).

      The nom. of the m. and f., which is not extant, may with certainty be givn as þreis.

      Note. The definit dual number 'both', ἀμφότεροι, is renderd by bai, which inflects like twai. The extant forms ar nom. m. bai, dat. baim, acc. bans, nom. acc. n. ba. – There occurs also an extended form with the same meaning, its inflection being that of a consonantal substantiv (§ 117, n. 4): nom. bajôþs, dat. bajôþum.

§ 141. The numerals from 4 to 19 ar of one gender. Extant ar: fidwôr, 4; fimf, 5; saíhs, 6; sibun, 7; ahtau, 8; niun, 9; taíhun, 10; ainlif (§ 56, n. 1), 11; twalif, 12; fidwôrtaíhun, 14; fimftaíhun, 15. These numerals ar uzed uninflected, but may take an inflected gen. and dat. according to the i-declension (§ 99 et seq.). Thus, fidwôr, dat. fidwôrim; niun, gen. niunê; taíhun, dat. taíhunim; ainlif, dat. ainlibim; twalif, gen. twalibê, dat. twalibim.

      Note. For fidwôr appears fidur- (s. § 24, n. 2) in cpds.: fidurfalþs, fourfold; fidurdôgs, time of four days; fidurragineis, tetrarch. Cp. Beitr., 6, 394; Brgm., III, 11.

      § 142. The tens from 20 to 60 ar formd by means of the pl. tigjus (< *tigus, a decad), preceded by the units. tigjus inflects regularly like sunus (§ 104). The object counted is always givn in the gen. —twai tigjus, 20; *þreis tigjus, 30 (extant in gen. þrijê tigiwê, acc. þrins tiguns), fidwôr tigjus, 40; fimf tigjus, 50; saíhs tigjus, 60.

      § 143. From 70 to 100 -têhund takes the place of tigjus: sibuntêhund, 70; ahtautêhund, 80; niuntêhund, 90; taíhuntêhund and taíhuntaíhund, 100. The numerals in -têhund ar substantivs which ar as a rule indeclinabl. Onse (Lu. XV, 7) we meet with an inflected gen. sg.; in niuntêhundis jah niunê garaíhtaizê. – Cp. Brgm., III, 40.

      § 144. The hundreds ar formd by means of the plural of a neuter hund (a hundred). The following ar extant: twa hunda, 200; þrija hunda, 300; fimf hunda, 500; niun hunda, 900.

§ 145. þûsundi, 1000, is a f. sb. (inflecting like bandi, § 96), with a gen. pl.; several thousands ar exprest by þûsundjôs. – Onse (Ezra II, 14) occurs a n. pl. twa þûsundja. Cp. ahd. gr., § 275. OE. Gr., § 327, and Mahlow, 'Die langen Vocale', p. 98.

      The extant thousands ar: twôs þûsundjôs, 2000; .g. þûsundjôs, 3000; fidwôr þûsundjôs, 4000; fimf þûsundjôs, 5000; taíhun þ., 10000; miþ twaim tigum (dat.) þûsundjô (gen.), with 20000.

      Note (to §§ 141-145). The numerals ar very often denoted by letters (cp. § 1, n. 2). Therefore so many words for numerals ar wanting.

      2. ORDINALS

§ 146. The first two ordinals differ in point of stem from the corresponding cardinals. 1. m. fruma, n. frumô, f. frumei (s. § 139), and the superl. frumists, first (§ 139, n. 1). 2. anþar, second, other, inflects like a strong adj. (§ 122, n. 1; § 124, ns. 1. 4). – All subsequent ordinals ar derived from the cardinals and inflect like weak adjectivs (§ 132, n. 3). The extant ordinals ar: þridja, 3d; *fimfta (only in 15th), fifth; saíhsta, 6th; ahtuda, 8th; niunda, 9th; taíhunda, tenth; fimftataíhunda, 15th. Only the second component is declined: dat. sg. (in jêra) fimftataíhundin; Lu. III, 1.


      § 147. A distributiv numeral is tweihnai, two apiece, two-and-two, extant in the dat. f. tweihnaim and acc. f. tweihnôs.

      Note. All other distributivs ar exprest by means of the cardinals along with ƕazuh, ƕarjizuh (§§ 164. 165) or the prep. bi; as (insandida ins) twans ƕanzuh, two and two; Lu. X, 1; bi twans; I. Cor. XIV, 27.

      § 148. Multiplicativs ar formd by means of the adj. falþ-: ainfalþs, onefold; fidurfalþs, fourfold; taíhuntaíhund-falþs, hundredfold; managfalþs, manifold.

      § 149. Numeral adverbs answering the question 'how many times', 'how often'? ar exprest by the dat. sg. sinþa or by the dat. pl. sinþam (nom. sg. sinþs, time, lit. 'a going') preceded by the cardinals: ainamma sinþa, onse; twaim sinþam, twice; þrim sinþam, thrice; fimf s., five times; sibun s., seven times. – With an ordinal numeral: anþaramma sinþa, a second time.

      Note. Also the n. þridjô, a third time, is uzed adverbially (II. Cor. XII, 14).



§ 150.

      Note 1. ugkis, igqis, etc., are also speld uggkis, iggqis;