The only thing that Tilak, Jelacich, and many other researchers did not – no one could specifically indicate where, the borders of this Hyperborean land passed. Everyone stopped before one paradoxical fact. Both the ancient Indian texts, and the ancient Iranian Avesta, and ancient Greek authors noted that the southern border of the legendary country was mountains, stretching in an arc from west to east and dividing rivers into currents flowing north into the Milky Sea, or the Arctic Ocean, and flowing south into the warm sea. These mountains were searched everywhere in Europe, and the most desperate traveled to Asia.
And one after another, assumptions were born. “Maybe these are the ridges of the Urals?” – said one. “Not! – answered others. – The Urals stretches from south to north and not from west to east. It does not start all the largest rivers (except the Danube), flowing through Eastern Europe. And then the Urals does not divide them into current north and south.” “But maybe this is the Tien-Shan? After all, it is located north of India, stretching from west to east. Is the Syr-Darya originating here and is the watershed of the rivers of Central Asia here? “Others asked. And they heard in response from their opponents: “No! Although the Syr-Darya begins here and flows into the Aral Sea, it cannot be called the Arctic Ocean. No one here has ever seen the northern lights, and the Polar Star and Ursa Major at its zenith also did not have to be observed. But these are the distinctive features of the latitudes, on which were the Hyperborean, Riphean Mountains (or Meru and Hara among the ancient Aryans). In addition, all the other rivers of Central Asia, flowing both north and south, do not carry their waters to any seas.”
The discussion ended with almost nothing, and in the early 80s it was decided to consider that the main geographical landmark of the land of Hyperborea is a myth, a retelling of the information received by the peoples living in the southern Russian steppes from the indigenous population of Siberia. And those, in turn, confused the direction of the cardinal points, and the Urals in them stretched not from north to south, but from west to east. They decided on that.
They were in no hurry to search for Hyperborea beyond the Ural Range, on the coast of the Arctic Ocean.
It would seem that you can calm down. But I, like many other researchers, have always been amazed by the fact that the sacred northern mountains were described too realistically in these myths too realistically. There are auroras, and convenient bays of the Milk Sea, and the sacred double river flowing into this sea, and the steep striped banks of the rivers, and the constellations of not only the Arctic, but also the Arctic, and much more, which is hardly necessary for the myth. I really wanted to find these mountains. And somehow, reflecting on the physical map of the European part of Russia, I paid attention to the light brown spots of the hills, stretching from west to east throughout the Russian North.
They really were similar in shape to a bow bent towards the south, and the ends of this bow were the mountains of the Kola Peninsula and the Subpolar Urals. A thought flashed: but it is precisely in the way that the bow bent to the south describes the sacred northern mountains, the Hyperborean mountains of the ancient Greeks in ancient texts. What was my amazement when it turned out that it was here that the main watershed of the rivers of the Russian Plain is located, i.e. indeed, these elevations divide the rivers into those flowing into the White Sea and flowing into the Caspian Sea.
The outstanding geomorphologist Yu. A. Meshcheryakov, in his book Relief of the USSR, wrote: “The position of the main watershed of the northern and southern seas on the Russian Plain belongs to the Northern Uvals”. It was they who caught my eye when considering the map on that memorable day of 1986.
And then facts began to gather, confirming that the mysterious Hyperborean mountains, the sacred mountains of the Arctic ancestral home of the Aryans, were indeed found. So, on the map of Ptolemy (2nd century A.D.), the Ripey (Hyperborean) mountains were in the ancient degree grid exactly where the Northern Uvals are located, at 60—63° N. It is from here that the Kama originates, which the ancients considered the source of the Volga – Ra. And the Valdai Upland, from where our great river really begins, also enters the southern part of this arc of hills. From here from the Northern Uvals, the greatest river of the Russian North Dvina (which means “double”) originates, which flows into the White (“Milk”) sea, which has convenient bays. The facts confirming that the conjecture was correct accumulated at the speed of a snowball.
There were no more doubts.
In 1986, that is, eleven years ago, all these conclusions were presented in the article “On the possible localization of the sacred mountains of Meru and Hara of Indo-Iranian (Aryan) mythology”, which was published in one of the scientific publications of UNESCO “Newsletter International Association for the Study of Cultures of Central Asia” (Issue 11). A map was attached to the article, on which the outlines of the Hyperborean mountains of ancient myths and, accordingly, the borders of the legendary Hyperborea were determined. In 1987, the magazine Around the World published a second article on the same topic, “Where are you, Mount Meru?”
At the end of a 1986 article, the author wrote: “I would like to note that the areas of the Northern Uvals, especially in their eastern and central parts, are hardly archaeologically explored today, and it is hoped that new interesting discoveries and discoveries are awaiting here in the near future “allowing to lift the veil over the past of many peoples inhabiting our continent.”
So it’s worth sincerely congratulating the expedition of Valery Demin on wonderful findings. But at the same time, note that the expedition went to the Kola Peninsula quite consciously and knew what it wanted to find. The path was indicated to her back in 1986, when the conclusion was first made: Hyperborea not only actually existed, but also was located in the Russian North. And do not be surprised at the fact that the expedition found grapevine vines beyond the Arctic Circle. Indeed, in 5—3 thousand BC the climate here was different, and average summer temperatures were higher than today by 3—5°C. That in the presence of constant summer sunlight really turned these lands into an earthly paradise.
Polar Homeland
Russia to Russia
How old is humanity? Modern scientists, as a rule, call the figure 40 thousand years – from the moment the Cro-Magnon appeared on Earth. This is the standard time interval allotted to human history in educational, scientific and reference books.
However, there are other figures that do not fit into the framework of officialdom. 400 thousand years – this date was calculated by ancient historians – Chaldean, Egyptian, Greek, and was projected onto Russia by Lomonosov.
(In fact, in the scale of events in world history there is another clearly fixed date that the imagination of modern people is not able to contain: according to the scrupulous calculations of astronomers and priests of the ancient Mayans, the history of mankind began in 5041738 BC.).
The Great Russian Lomonosov, a native of the Russian North, was always worried about why “in the northern parts of the ancient eyelids there were great heats where elephants could be born and multiply… it was possible.”
The answer was unequivocal: the cause of the catastrophic cooling that once covered the Russian North was the displacement of the earth’s axis and the change in the location of the poles. This happened about 400 thousand years ago, which is consistent with the calculations of the Babylonian astronomers and Egyptian priests.