Meru Mountains. Hyperborea and Aryan ancestral homeland. S. V. Zharnikova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: S. V. Zharnikova
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785006554276
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(you) – wam

      dwa, dwe (two) – dwa, dwi

      padati (fall) – pad

      deva (virgin) – devi

      The list goes on and on.

      – Svetlana Vasilievna, historical science is replete with errors and examples of wrong paths. Do you know what you are saying, or do you believe in it?

      – It is difficult to even capture the amount and variety of evidence that we apply. This is anthropology, and climatology, and linguistics, cultural studies… rituals. Indeed, if only in the North and in India it is customary for a dying man to end his life on straw, if both here and there the child is sheared a year old and his hair is surely rolled up in manure – this already says something.

      And the names of our northern rivers! This is all the same ancient Indian, Sanskrit names! So, for example, in our region there are several Ganges Rivers. In the Ust-Sysolsk uyezd, the Gar river is “sprayed” in Sanskrit, and the Giridaya river is “given mountains” in the same place. Indoga River – in Sanskrit “Indu” – a drop of moisture. In the Velsk County, the Kala River is from the same language “dark, quiet”. In the Solvychegodsk district, the Lala river, according to Sanskrit, “Lal” – to play. In the Kirillov district there is Lake Swar, which means “sparkle”. There are hundreds of examples.

      – And the last. The whole complex of your theory, all the fullness of evidence would not fit in several issues of the Russian North. Where can I find out more about your discovery!

      – From time to time I give lectures at the Institute for Advanced Studies, in addition, the book “Antiquity: Aryans. Slavs”, there is my article there.

      Where did the Drevlyans and Krivichi disappear, or why does the Vologda dialect in Sanskrit not need translation

      A professor from India, who arrived in Vologda and did not know the Russian language, a week later refused a translator. “I myself understand enough Vologda,” he said, “because they speak spoiled Sanskrit.”

      The Vologda ethnographer Svetlana Zharnikova was not at all surprised: “The present Indians and Slavs had one ancestral home and one proto-language – Sanskrit,” says Svetlana Vasilievna. – Our distant ancestors lived in Eastern Europe on the territory from about modern Vologda to the coast of the Arctic Ocean.

      Svetlana Zharnikova wrote a monograph on the historical roots of North Russian folk culture. The book was thick.

      Researcher of the ancient Indian epos Tilak in 1903 published his book “The Arctic Homeland in the Vedas” in Bombay. According to Tilak, the Vedas, created more than three thousand years ago, tell about the life of his distant ancestors near the Arctic Ocean. They describe endless summer days and winter nights, the North Star and the northern lights.

      The ancient Indian texts tell that in the ancestral home, where there are many forests and lakes, there are sacred mountains that divide the land to the north and south, and the rivers to the current to the north and the current to the south. The river flowing into the southern sea is called Rga (or Ra, this is the Volga). And the one that flows into the Milky or White Sea is Dvina (which means “double” in Sanskrit). The Northern Dvina does not really have its source – it arises from the confluence of two rivers: the South and Sukhona. And the sacred mountains from the ancient Indian epic are very similar in description to the main watershed of Eastern Europe – the Northern Uvals, this giant arc from the hills, which ran from Valdai to the north-east to the polar Urals.

      Judging by the studies of paleoclimatologists, in those days, which are described by the Vedas, the average winter temperature on the coast of the Arctic Ocean was 12 degrees higher than now. And it lived in the sense of climate no worse than it is now in the Atlantic areas of Western Europe.

      “The vast majority of the names of our rivers can be simply translated from Sanskrit without distorting the language,” says Svetlana Zharnikova.

      – Sukhona means “easily overcomeable”, Kubena means “meandering”, Suda means “stream”, Darida means “giving water”, Padma means “lotus, water lily”, Kusha means “sedge”, Syamzhena means “uniting people”. In the Vologda and Arkhangelsk regions, many rivers, lakes and streams are called the Ganges, Shiva, Indiga, Indosat, Sindoshka, Indomanka. In my book, thirty pages are occupied by these Sanskrit names. And such names can be preserved only in the case – and this is already the law – if the people who gave these names are preserved. And if it disappears, then the names change.

      The year before last, Svetlana Zharnikova accompanied the Indian folk ensemble on a trip to Sukhon. The head of this ensemble, Ms. Mihra, was shocked by the ornaments on Vologda national costumes. “These, she exclaimed enthusiastically, are found here in Rajasthan, and such in Aris, and these ornaments are just like in Bengal.” It turned out that even the technology of embroidery of ornaments is called the same in the Vologda region and in India. Our craftswomen speak of the embossed smooth surface “chekan”, and Indian – “chikan”.

      The cooling caused a significant part of the Indo-European tribes to seek new, more favorable living areas in the west and south. The “Deichi” tribes left for Central Europe from the Pechora River (Daitia), the “Suehan” from the Sukhona River, and the “Vagan” from Vagi. All these are the ancestors of the Germans.

      Other tribes settled on the Mediterranean coast of Europe, reached the Atlantic Ocean. They went to the Caucasus and further south. Among those who came to the Hindustan peninsula were the Krivi and Drava tribes – remember the Slavic Krivichi and Drevlyans.

      According to Svetlana Zharnikova, at the turn of the 4th-3rd millennia BC, the original Indo-European community of tribes began to break up into ten language groups, which became the ancestors of all modern Russians, Slavs, all Roman and German peoples of Western Europe, Albanians, Greeks, Ossetians, Armenians, Tajiks, Iranians, Indians, Latvians and Lithuanians. “We are going through a ridiculous time,” says Svetlana Vasilievna, “when ignorant politicians try to make nations alien to each other.” A wild idea. No one is better or older than the other, because everything is from one root.

      Unfortunately, the book of the ethnographer Zharnikova exists in a single copy. Handwritten. There is no money in the Russian Federation for its publication. And Russia comes from “Rus”, which in Sanskrit means “holy, bright.”

      Was there a sensation?

      The newspaper “Rush Hour” (December 2, 1997) reported that the Moscow State University expedition, led by Ph. D. Valery Demin, discovered on the Kola Peninsula the “ancestral home of all terrestrial civilization” – the legendary Hyperborea, or rather, the remains of “ancient cult and scientific complexes, plates the correct form with traces of technogenic influence “and the ruins of an ancient observatory. It was also noted that the expedition members came to the sensational conclusion: “Hyperborea not only actually existed, but also was located on the territory of the Russian North.”

      I would like to dwell on this last report, since we are talking about as much and as much about a very serious scientific discovery, the authorship of which allegedly belongs to the expedition members. Archaeological finds, of course, are bright and interesting, one cannot argue with this. But as for the sensational conclusion about the whereabouts of the “Legendary Hyperborea in the Russian North”, there is something to be surprised about. We must pay tribute to the staff of the editorial office of “Hour PIC”, the newspaper simply reprinted information from a selection of international agencies. And it’s not her fault that the employees of international agencies of our Russian magazines do not read, and apparently they don’t get involved in scientific periodicals either. Otherwise, they would have known that as early as 1903 a book by the outstanding Indian