Secrets & Mysteries of the Sephardim. Roman Ilyasov. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Roman Ilyasov
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2023
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All the courtiers were instructed to prepare for the celebration. Isabel Zarco also received an assignment directly from the duchess. She was to speed up Fernando's training so he, as Afonso's brother, would not fail at the ball, which was to be scheduled immediately after the betrothal ceremony.

      The dance schedule was, therefore, changed, and Fernando was now required to attend daily classes in the morning and evening. This news made Fernando extremely happy. For now, he could be near Isabel daily. During the last few months, his inspiration had not ceased. Every evening, he wrote love poems. And, every week, he delivered his poetic creations the way he had the first time.

      One day, after several days of intense dance classes, Fernando noticed that Isabel had a strange, pensive expression. Toward the end of the class, he asked, “Isabel, can I ask you something?”

      “Of course, infante Fernando,” Isabel replied with perplexity. “You don't have to ask for my permission. Ask me if you need to ask something, and I am always ready to answer you.”

      “Thank you, Isabel,” replied the infante. “I just wondered if it would be polite to ask such a question. You don’t look the same today as you usually do. I thought you might be overworked because of the frequent sessions with me. Tell me, and I will ask the duchess to reduce the number of lessons.”

      “Oh, no, not at all, Your Highness!” Isabel answered anxiously. “You needn't ask the duchess to do that. She has not required me to give you extra lessons. I told her to add the extra lessons so we could finish what I had planned. And I don’t feel overworked at all. I think you have the wrong impression of the situation, infante Fernando. But thank you for your concern and attention,” Isabel said, curtsying gratefully.

      “Isabel,” Fernando answered with inspiration. “It would be a great honor for me if I could somehow do you some favor. After all, I am so …” Fernando suddenly stammered and could not continue his thought.

      “May I ask you something, infante Fernando?” Isabel asked, wanting to lead the conversation out of its impasse.

      “I'm all ears, Isabel,” Fernando replied with a sigh of relief.

      “One of your cousins told me you are multitalented and even write poetry. Is this true?”

      “It must have been my cousin, Philippa, who told you that,” Fernando answered. “She always blurts out all my secrets.”

      Suddenly, it occurred to Fernando that Isabel might be trying to find out who the author was of the poems she often found on her door. “Now, at last, the moment had come for me to reveal myself to Isabel,” Fernando thought. “And if I finally do it, I will be the happiest creature in the world if Isabel accepts my love.”

      “Isabel!” Fernando began, preparing to voice out those speeches he had repeatedly rehearsed in front of the mirror. But, instead, he began to talk about something else. “Philippa is so imaginative. I told her I tried to write poetry. But it didn't work out. That was a long time ago.”

      “Оh! So it’s not you,” Isabel exclaimed with a surprised and confused expression. “It's not you.” Just as Fernando had done the last time, Isabel stuttered before she could finish what she wanted to say.

      “Not me what?” Fernando asked.

      “Oh, no, no! That was just me. I was thinking about something and was speaking out loud. Forgive me, infante Fernando.”

      After saying goodbye, Fernando scolded himself for his indecision and went to his room. “Where had my courage gone?” he reasoned. “I had always been confident until now. I had always won the training sword fights, not because of my skill but because I had a strong spirit. Not even my older brother nor my cousins have this. Why am I now a wimpy little coward?”

      Fernando entered his room and looked at himself in the mirror with contempt. “Slug! Slob! Slob!” he shouted angrily, pointing at his reflection. “You are not worthy of a goddess like Isabel! And you are no hero or knight as you always imagined yourself to be! You're a wretched coward! That is what you are!” Fernando covered his face with shame and threw himself into bed, sobbing.

      During the night, Fernando could not sleep a wink, feeling emotionally uncomfortable and experiencing mental pain and unbearable anguish. In the morning, he got out of bed, all broken up. He went to his desk and, with a distracted look, ran through the schedule of classes for the day:

      French speech


      Latin speech

      Star science

      Knightly lessons: sword and lance techniques on a moving target

      Dance techniques

      He went to the mirror and stared at his reflection – a pale, frowning face with puffy eyelids and red eyes. “I have to pull myself together,” Fernando thought. “It’s a hard day, but I'm not used to giving up. I have to endure and not show anyone my weakness.”

      The classes took Fernando's mind off the painful thoughts. But during the second to last lesson, Fernando felt a great physical weakness and slight dizziness. However, he decided to ignore it. Putting on his knight's armor, he got on his favorite horse, took a wooden spear, and galloped toward the moving target. Ten paces from the target, Fernando felt very dizzy. His eyes grew dim, the spear fell out of his hands, and he collapsed to the ground.

      Fernando woke up in his room. The doctor was sitting on a chair by his bed to his left and was touching his elbow. On his right was the maid, waving a fan in his face. At his feet stood Philippa, and the rest of Fernando's cousins stood at the door.

      “Oh, you are awake, Your Highness,” the doctor exclaimed. “I can see your face, which is already quite pink, is quite focused. Tell me, Your Highness, is anything troubling you? Do you feel dizzy or have pain anywhere in your joints?”

      “No,” Fernando answered, trying to get out of bed.

      “Oh, take your time, Your Highness. Let me examine you first.” He took Fernando's hands, gently lifted them, moved them to the side, and bent them at the elbows while gazing intently into his pupils. “Splendid! I can see from your eyes that your hands are not feeling any pain. Now gently bend your knees, Your Highness. Do you feel any pain at all? Now extend your legs and lift them. Splendid! Your bones are intact! Now sit down and turn your head. Do you feel dizzy?”

      “A little,” Fernando answered.

      “That's not good. Do you feel pain in your spine?”

      “A little,” Fernando replied.

      “And in the shoulder joints? Make circular motions with your arms at your bent elbows.”

      “My shoulders don't hurt,” Fernando replied.

      “Now, carefully get up from the bed. The servants will hold you up. Try to walk around the room and let me know if you feel pain in other places, such as your ribs, legs, etc.”

      “No, it doesn't hurt anywhere else,” Fernando replied.

      “Very well,” said the doctor. “You are fortunate, Your Highness, that you fell from your horse like that. Forgive me, Your Highness. I meant the fall might have been more unfortunate and could have had worse consequences. You will need rest today, and I will probably examine you again tomorrow to see if your condition has improved.

      “I will prepare an herbal infusion for you to drink immediately after meals, three times a day, one tablespoon at a time. Now, Your Highness, drink this medicine,” said the doctor, pouring the liquid from the bottle into a glass of water. “This root tincture relieves the excitement of fright and will help you recover.”

      “I wasn't afraid when I fell, doctor,” Fernando replied.

      “This medicine is harmless. You will simply relax. All your muscles will relax, you will not feel pain in your spine, and you will soon recover, Your Highness. Please drink this. I think you will be completely well in two or three days.

      “Actually, it might be better if I visit you again this evening. But if you do not feel well, ask for me at any time.”
