Secrets & Mysteries of the Sephardim. Roman Ilyasov. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Roman Ilyasov
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2023
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between monarchs. Both sides benefit by maintaining trade, economic ties, and political alliances. It is also used for many other benefits. In our case, we can use this method against our present enemy, Eleanor of Aragon. I will tell you in a moment what this method is and how you will play a major part in it.

      “First, I want to assure you that you will not be a victim of this political scheme,” Isabella said. “Your father and I are doing this to save our family. But first and foremost, we are doing it for your own sake. We want to see you as every mother and father dreams of seeing their child.”

      “So tell me, Momma. What did you come up with?”

      “We decided to have you marry Afonso and, after his coronation, become the queen.”

      “What? Me? But how is that possible, Momma? We only have the usual family relationship. I don’t have feelings for him, and neither does he for me. Besides, he’s a man of principle. You can't force him to marry me.”

      “We don't want to force him to marry you, just as we don't intend to force you to marry him without mutual love.”

      “Then I don't understand, Momma. There is no mutual love between us.”

      “Oh, my dear, Isabelle. Listen to what I'm about to tell you,” the duchess said. “The feeling of love comes and goes. It is temporary for most people. Only a small number of people claim that love is permanent. I'm not sure that's true, though. At least I haven't met such people yet.”

      “How come, Momma? Don't you and my father truly love each other?”

      “Your father and I have true love, my angel, but only at the end of life can one come to a definitive conclusion. For some people, love is the fruit of their illusions. For some, love is a real hot flame in the soul that can ignite itself. But it is also possible to ignite it in someone else. Conditions, desire, and time play a big part in this.

      “We, our little angel, will create the conditions for you and Afonso. You show your desire to see him as a conqueror of your heart and to enchant him. The rest is a matter of time.”

      “Is it really that simple, Momma?” the infanta asked.

      “Oh, no, my darling. It's not,” the duchess responded. “To ignite a flame in someone's soul, you must have that flame yourself. Love is infectious and overwhelming. Love is an art. Art is exciting, but it's never easy. And whether this art becomes a masterpiece depends on the talents of the master who creates it.

      “And remember one more thing: ‘A woman's strength is her weakness.’ Men like to feel superior in strength and courage. Once you learn to show your weakness and timidity, success will be inevitable.”

      “How interesting this all is, Momma,” the infanta said.” You have revealed so many new and exciting things. I would be glad if you could help me put it all into practice.”

      “I will try to explain all this to you in general terms, my precious,” Isabella said.

      Remember, no one can teach you how to behave in any situation. Only your feelings and intuition can tell you how to act. Don’t be afraid of that. You have inherited these innate qualities from me, your father, your grandparents, and your ancestors. You are of royal blood. We gave you an excellent education. You already have everything in you that you can use in any situation. However, your father and I may not always be by your side and cannot always help you with our advice. But you don't need us. Listen to your heart, and it will tell you the right path.”

      The duchess continued: “We are sending you to the Duchy of Burgundy to your and Afonso's beloved aunt, the Duchess Isabella of Burgundy. She has invited us to her son Charles’ fifth wedding anniversary, but we have decided to send just the two of you. You will have plenty of time to spend together while sailing on the ship, and then you will have a journey in a carriage to Burgundy. We will inform her in advance so she can create the right conditions for you to make your feelings emerge and flourish. The rest will be up to you.”

      “How interesting and romantic this whole thing is, Momma,” the infanta replied. “I am grateful for your concern and trust in me. I am also grateful for your advice. And, from the bottom of my heart, I agree to all your instructions and will do my best to make everything come true.”

      “That's wonderful, my child,” the duchess said. “I am sure you will do well with our blessing and the Almighty's help. Now, let me leave you. And remember, Isabella, our conversation must remain a secret. Do not tell anyone – not your brothers, sisters, friends, or future children. It is our secret. We will formally inform Afonso and everyone about your upcoming journey tomorrow after matins at the family breakfast.”

      The duchess stood up, approached her daughter, took her by the elbows, and said goodbye. “From today, sweetheart, a new chapter in your story begins, and remember, you are the sculptor of your fate. Bless you, and God be with you.”

      After kissing her, the duchess headed for the door and added: “I will go prepare for this God-blessed voyage.”

      The next day, after matins, the royal family gathered as usual in the breakfast hall. As planned, Duke Pedro announced the invitation his sister gave to them to go to the Duchy of Burgundy.

      “The Royal Council has approved this trip,” he said reassuringly. “It is essential for our nation to maintain kinship ties with the rulers of those nations who will be happy to lend a hand in times of need. In the same way, friendly relations between countries lead to better trade relations, which improves the country’s welfare.

      “However, the present political situation in our country is precarious,” the duke explained. “So we have decided to remain here. In our place, we have chosen Afonso and Isabella to represent us. They will stay with my sister for a few weeks, and will return to the palace after this celebration. You will have a wonderful voyage by ship. Your aunt will also take you to some fabulously beautiful places in Burgundy. You have been within the walls of this palace for a long time, and we hope that this journey will enable you to see the world in more varied and vivid colors.

      “What do you say, Afonso and Isabella?”

      “I've always dreamed of traveling to different countries,” Afonso exclaimed excitedly. “Even in my dreams, I often see myself as either a sailor or a noble knight performing valiant feats. I am very grateful to you, uncle, and to you, aunt, for your care. You always think of things to do for me to make me feel more satisfied.”

      “I am delighted to have such a wonderful journey and will be glad to visit my aunt,” said Isabella meekly. “Thank you, father and mother. I am used to being near you, so it is frightening to know that you will be far away from me.”

      “Isabella!” exclaimed the duchess. “You will not be alone. By stating his innermost dreams, Afonso has revealed that he is like a valiant knight in the depths of his heart. He will always care for you and not let anyone hurt you on water or land. Isn't that so, Afonso?”

      “Oh, Isabella,” said Afonso.

      His voice had pathos in it.

      “You don't have to worry about your safety. You have nothing to fear. I am perfectly capable of handling a weapon. Please, uncle, let me take with me not an instructional sword but a real one so I can protect the infanta from ill-wishers.”

      “Of course, Afonso,” Pedro answered assuringly. “It is always prudent to take the best weapons on long journeys. You can choose any weapon from the king's arsenal.

      “And, for you, my Isabella,” Pedro continued, “I will also be reassured. I will remember that next to you is the son of a hero of Portugal, my brother, King Edward I, who showed himself as an incomparable navigator and an unsurpassed hero in the African wars. Afonso’s son is his blood, so he sees what is destined to happen to him even in his dreams.”

      The duchess joined the conversation. “Your cousin, my dear Isabella, is as noble and brave as his father. We would not send you if we were not sure that you would be in safe hands.”

      “Thank you, uncle and aunt, for your kind, faithful words about my father and me,” said Afonso proudly, with a twinkle in his eye.
