Historical paradoxes. Collection of scientific articles. Андрей Тихомиров. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Андрей Тихомиров
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005927972
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«The consciousness of Adolf Hitler.»


      Adolf Hitler’s wife could have been of Jewish origin (although they lived in a legal marriage for only one day). Eva Braun, who was Adolf Hitler’s lifelong love, and who became his wife on the eve of the collapse of the Third Reich, could have been of Jewish origin. This is evidenced by a DNA test of her hair on a comb seized in 1945 by an American intelligence officer at the Berghof residence.

      This sensational statement was made by the Independent newspaper in 2014 with reference to a documentary shown by Channel 4. According to the results of the study, Eva Braun was related to Ashkenazi Jews on her mother’s side. Thus, Hitler, on whose orders millions of Jews were exterminated, unintentionally married a partner of Jewish origin. Eva Braun was an assistant to Hitler’s personal photographer. At the time of acquaintance with the Fuhrer, she was 17 years old. The leader of the National Socialists instructed Martin Bormann to check the racial purity of a pretty young girl he liked. Only after a positive response, he ventured to courtship. Eva’s parents sent her to a Catholic school to confirm her Aryan origin. Nevertheless, Hitler was afraid that the affair could damage his reputation, so he did not marry Eva. He classified the relationship with his girlfriend and sent her to the Berghof residence in the Bavarian Alps.

      The TV channel claims that in the summer of 1945, an officer of the 7th US Army, Paul Baer, who was at the Berghof at the time, took some of Brown’s personal belongings into storage, including a comb with the remains of her hair. There is a picture confirming the removal of the comb, which is recognized by experts as original. Baer’s son subsequently sold the comb to an antique dealer. From him, the strands of Eva Braun’s hair got to the hair dealer John Reznikoff, who resold them for two thousand dollars to Mark Evans, who specializes in conducting DNA tests. After that, Brown’s hair was sent for forensic examination with the participation of international experts.

      To remove questions about the true origin of the hair, researcher Evans proposed to conduct DNA of the hair of Eva Braun’s surviving female relatives. However, they refused to help shed light on one of the mysteries of history. Meanwhile, Hitler’s niece Geli Raubal, with whom he lived, either committed suicide or he killed her. Renee Muller, also Hitler’s mistress, committed suicide. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Hitler was a case of classical masochism, which shocked partners who were not aware of this pathology so much that they committed suicide. Eva Braun also went through two suicide attempts.


      Hitler’s illegitimate son was found, the French press published sensational evidence in 2012 that the leader of the Third Reich had an heir. According to journalists, the illegitimate son of Adolf Hitler and a young Frenchwoman Charlotte Lobjoa was born during World War I, to which the future Fuhrer went as a volunteer.


      Hitler was drugging his soldiers. Wehrmacht soldiers were drugged throughout World War II. Pervitin (methamphetamine) helped them to withstand long marches and fight in the most difficult conditions (2011 post).


      During the Second World War, of all the countries in Europe, only Germany had uranium mines. They were located in the Harz and Bohemia regions, the scientific institutes of atomic research were located in Austria – the Radium Institute and the Academy of Sciences in Vienna. In Germany, the Göttingen Institute of Physics became the research center of science. German scientists had all the knowledge to develop a powerful nuclear industry. Already in 1939, they created uranium machines, the first stations operating on the energy of a fissionable atomic nucleus. They developed a uranium bomb. The Uranus Project was prepared by the SD Commission under the leadership of Werner Heisenberg. It was based on the use of the resources of the enterprise «Kaiser Wilheln Gesellschaft». In Germany, atomic physics laboratories were established in Hamburg, Heidelberg, Gottingham, Leipzig, Berlin. But the security service failed to keep famous German physicists in Germany. The Hungarian physicist Edward Teller worked with them, who became one of the fathers of the atomic bomb in the United States, where he managed to escape, already having worldwide fame for the works created in German laboratories.

      Back in 1940, the German scientist Dr. von Weizsacker wrote a scientific paper «On the possibilities of obtaining energy from uranium-238». By the time the air attacks on England began, a group of German physicists had completed a study on the possibilities of an explosion during the splitting of an atomic nucleus. But the German security service suspected the scientists of sympathizing with Marxism, in ties with Jewish circles, dangerous for the Third Reich. Vigilant surveillance and the identification of racial origin led to the fact that nuclear scientists began to emigrate or fled the country with the help of allied intelligence. The SD service parted with them without regret. Most of the scientists were not pure Aryans. The security service had other problems related to the newly discovered elements 93 and 94 in the Mendeleev system. But this omission caused Hitler to lose the war. 10 million senseless victims – this was the number of losses due to the omissions of Sievers, Himmler’s representative at the atomic research center, headed by Professor Walter Gerlach. It was he who told Martin Bormann at the end of 1944 that the machine could run on heavy water. Sievers did not believe, made a fatal mistake, which could not be corrected, trying to identify the right scientists from the mass of prisoners.


      The creation of the atomic bomb has been going on in parallel since the late 30s in England, Germany, the USSR and the USA, for example, the American «Manhattan Project» is known, the head of the project is Colonel Leslie Groves of the Engineering troops, who led, among other things, the construction of the Pentagon building. Kurchatov noted that the contribution of Soviet intelligence officers to the creation of the atomic bomb was 50%. The contribution of Soviet scientists is great: Andrei Sakharov, Anatoly Alexandrov, Yuli Khariton, Yakov Zeldovich, Isaac Kikoin and many others.

      Naturally, there was also the contribution of German prisoners of war (on December 19, 1945, the Soviet government adopted a resolution on attracting German specialists to work on the uranium problem, by the end of 1948, about 300 German specialists worked on this topic in the USSR, including the former director of the Institute of Physical Chemistry Peter Thyssen, who returned to the GDR only in In 1956 and awarded the Order of Lenin and the title of Stalin Prize laureate). But it would be unwise to reduce everything to them, they only helped speed up the creation of the bomb. The German V-2 (V-2 is the German letter «fau», from the German Vergeltung – retaliation) had a speed of up to 5.5 thousand km per hour, with a flight range of up to 290 km, during World War II 5 thousand missiles were manufactured, of which 20% were guided by a radio beam.

      Back in December 1944, in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, a team of mathematicians and physicists dressed in striped robes calculated formulas and equations that solved numerous problems of the V-2 missiles, and this is the former A-4 rocket. Already the A-5 rocket was a small space rocket, still not debugged and often exploding. By the end of the war, a rocket with a length of 14 meters and a weight of 4.5 tons was created, which easily moved on a special Mailer truck. With the help of a hydraulic mechanism, its upper part slowly rose towards the sky, and with a flash of orange color, the rocket instantly disappeared in order to hit the enemy’s target many kilometers away. Hitler was thrilled by this sight. «Why didn’t I believe in these missiles right away? If I had had them in 1939, the war would have turned out differently,» he confessed to one of the generals later. Although the German Peenemunde missile range was captured by Soviet troops, but as a result of the special operation «Paperclip» carried out by the Americans, 104 German rocket engineers, including SS Sturmbannfuhrer Werner von Braun, along with documentation and calculations, were taken to the United States, which accelerated the creation of an atomic bomb in the States. Data from Rainer Karlsch’s book «Hitler’s Bomb. The secret history of German atomic weapons tests.»


      150 thousand Jewish soldiers of Hitler fought against the USSR and its