Historical paradoxes. Collection of scientific articles. Андрей Тихомиров. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Андрей Тихомиров
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005927972
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in a previous life will now find their family.» So, everyone – both the righteous and sinners – will rise again and rejoice, having regained their lost loved ones. And then a Sadvastaran meeting will take place, and their good and evil thoughts, speeches and deeds will be demonstrated to everyone. And sinners will look there like a white sheep among the blacks…» (speaking in Russian, like a white crow). And Jesus Christ is the lamb of God, and the lamb is a lamb (baby sheep), the firstborn in the flock, which was used as a sacrificial animal.

      Arias, hence the name «Iran» from «Arians», aries from Latin – a ram, aries, a totemic animal of the ancient Indo-Europeans. Arkaim is represented by a giant wheel with a diameter of 180 meters with two circles of powerful walls: external and internal.

      Especially impressive is the five-meter-thick outer wall, built of soil and having an internal gallery. On the outside, a deep ditch was dug around the wall. The inner moat is covered with a log flooring, possibly representing a storm sewer. Dwellings were located from the walls towards the central square. These houses were quite large: up to 20 meters long and more than 6 meters wide, where, according to experts, up to 50 people could be accommodated. In each house there were hearths, wells, pits for storing food, rooms for individual families. The floor was covered with a solid layer of lime mortar. In total, the settlement could accommodate up to two and a half thousand people. The inhabitants had a lot of cattle, especially horses – slender, thin-legged, fast, harnessed to war chariots, these ancient «tanks» of the Eurasian steppes. The production of bronze products has reached a high degree of perfection. It is believed that they diverged from here to very remote places. Most scientists believe that these are ancient Aryans, Indo-Aryans, that is, the peoples of the Iranian group of languages.

      Magi or magicians were called Persian (Zoroastrian) priests. «When Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the days of King Herod, the magi came to Jerusalem from the east,» says the Gospel of Matthew. From the east – from Parthia (Iran), where the main religion at that time was Zoroastrianism. They carried out a sacred mission, seeking to expand the influence of their religion among the Jews to fight against Rome.

      It is believed that by offering gold, frankincense and myrrh to the newborn Jesus, the magi honored him as a king, high priest and sacrifice. But the same gifts symbolize the three dominant castes of Zoroastrian society and three types of varna (in Sanskrit, «Varna» – letters – «quality», «color», the four main classes in Ancient India, the dominant position in society was occupied by Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas, the Sudras were a caste of inferior, dependent people). Similarly, in Zoroastrianism, the hvarna of the priest, the hvarna of the ruler and the hvarna of the warrior stood out. The symbol of royal charisma is gold, priestly – frankincense, military – myrrh, because warriors sacrifice themselves in the name of peace.

      At that time, various dualistic religious teachings were spread in Parthia (Iran), considering the world as a struggle between the good principle led by the god Ormazd and his spirits and the evil principle led by the god Ahriman and his demons (devas). These teachings associated with the name of Zarathustra have not yet received final formalization. Later they received a dogmatic form in the Avesta books recognized as sacred and in this form became known as Zoroastrianism. The religion of Mithraism (the god Mithra) is also connected with Iran, which in the first centuries of the existence of Christianity was a serious competitor to it. Myths, the appearance of Mithras himself, the cult of Mithraism largely coincides with mythology, the cult of Christianity. Suffice it to say that the birth of the god Mithras was widely celebrated in the Roman Empire on December 25.

      Initially, Christmas was celebrated on January 6, along with epiphany and epiphany, only in the IV century, when Christianity became the dominant religion in Rome, it was postponed to December 25 to displace the cult of Mithras. Syncretism was characteristic of the top of Parthian society, expressed in the fusion of local and Hellenic gods. In general, the Arsacid dynasty of Parthia (247 BC – 224 AD) was distinguished by broad religious tolerance, unlike the later Sassanid dynasty, who were zealous advocates of pure Zoroastrianism. In the I century A.D. Zoroastrianism is being reformed in Parthia, ancient texts are being collected, and one of the oldest editions of the Avesta is being created. During its greatest heyday, the Parthian Kingdom stretched from Babylonia through Iran to the Indus Valley. The Parthian kingdom ceased to exist around 224, when the Sassanid state emerged.

      So sheep, rams are our closest animals, helping people at all times.

      2. 1945 chronicle

      January 1945

      On January 6, the Supreme Commander of the USSR, Stalin, receives a letter from British Prime Minister Churchill with a request to accelerate the start of the Soviet offensive, since the allies (Anglo-American troops faced the threat of a second Dunkirk, that is, encirclement, as in 1940) were in a difficult situation in the Ardennes. Therefore, despite the bad weather, on January 12, instead of the planned January 20, a major winter offensive of Soviet troops begins in East Prussia, Western Poland and Silesia, called the Vistula-Oder offensive operation of the Red Army. Already on January 17, as a result of the Warsaw-Poznan operation, the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front, together with the 1st Army of the Polish Army, liberated Warsaw, and on January 18, Soviet troops entered Silesia on the territory of Germany. On January 19, the troops of the 2nd Belorussian Front entered the territory of East Prussia, and the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front liberated the city of Lodz in Poland.

      On January 20, an armistice agreement was signed in Moscow between the USSR, the United States and Great Britain on the one hand and German ally Hungary on the other. Hungary capitulated.

      January 23 – forced retreat of German troops. Elimination of the Ardennes «salient» on the western front.

      On January 26, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on awarding Leningrad with the Order of Lenin was published.

      On January 27, the Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated by Soviet troops. There were less than 3 thousand people alive there, and, according to various sources, from 1.5 to 4 million people died in it.

      On January 30, the Soviet submarine S-13 under the command of A.I. Marinesko sank the fascist liner Wilhelm Gustlov, on board of which there were more than 8 thousand Nazis.

      On January 31, the vanguard of the 5th Shock Army crossed the Oder and captured the town of Kinitz. The appearance of Soviet troops here, 70 kilometers from Berlin, turned out to be a complete surprise for the Germans. But the further advance of the troops to Berlin was prevented by the threat of their encirclement by the Germans. Meanwhile, the Western allies are conducting separate negotiations with the Nazis in Bern (Switzerland), seeking to find a compromise with them.

      Workers drop a sign installed by Fascist occupiers at the Kramatorsk plant in Donbass

      February 1945

      Finally surrounded by a group of Nazis in the area of Konigsberg. On February 4—11, the Yalta (Crimean) Conference of the heads of government of the three Allied powers took place: I.V. Stalin (USSR), F.D. Roosevelt (USA) and W. Churchill (England). Joint military plans were determined, as well as the post-war structure of Europe. The USSR agreed to enter the war against Japan 2—3 months after the end of the war in Europe.

      The troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front during the Lower Silesian operation advanced more than 100 km and captured one of the most important military-industrial areas – Lower Silesia and reached the line along the Neisse River to complete the strike in the Berlin direction. Fierce fighting in the area of Breslau (Wroclaw). The East Pomeranian operation began, during which they captured Eastern Pomerania and the Baltic coast from Danzig (Gdansk) to the Pomeranian Bay. On February 13, Budapest was liberated by Soviet troops after repelling a German counteroffensive near Lake Balaton.

      On February 18, during the completion of the Western Carpathian