Solid State Chemistry and its Applications. Anthony R. West. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Anthony R. West
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Химия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781118695579
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4 corners shared KAlF4 Tetrahedra only 4 corners shared (between 4 tetrahedra) ZnS 4 corners shared (between 2 tetrahedra) SiO2 1 corner shared (between 2 tetrahedra) upper S i 2 normal upper O 7 Superscript 6 minus 2 corners shared (between 2 tetrahedra) left-parenthesis upper S i upper O 3 right-parenthesis Subscript n Superscript 2 n minus, chains, or rings

      Although it is legitimate to estimate the efficiency of packing spheres in cp structures, we cannot do this for space‐filling polyhedra since the anions, usually the largest ions in the structure, are represented by points at the corners of the polyhedra. In spite of this obvious misrepresentation, the space‐filling polyhedron approach shows the topology or connectivity of a framework structure and indicates clearly the location of empty interstitial sites.

      A complete scheme for classifying polyhedral structures has been developed by Wells and others. The initial problem is a geometric one: what types of network built of linked polyhedra are possible? The variables are as follows. Polyhedra may be tetrahedra, octahedra, trigonal prisms, etc. Polyhedra may share some or all of their corners, edges and faces with adjacent polyhedra, which may or may not be of the same type. Corners and edges may be common to two or more polyhedra (obviously only two polyhedra can share a common face). An enormous number of structures are feasible, at least theoretically, and it is an interesting exercise to categorise real structures on this basis.

      The topological approach to arranging polyhedra in various ways takes no account of the bonding forces between atoms or ions. Such information must come from elsewhere. Also, the description of structures in terms of polyhedra does not necessarily imply that such entities exist as separate species. Thus, in NaCl, the bonding is mainly ionic, and physically distinct NaCl6 octahedra do not occur. Similarly, SiC has a covalent network structure and separate SiC4 tetrahedral entities do not exist. Polyhedra do have a separate existence in structures of (a) molecular materials, e.g. Al2Br6 contains pairs of edge‐sharing tetrahedra, and (b) compounds that contain complex ions, e.g. silicate structures built of SiO4 tetrahedra which form complex anions ranging in size from isolated monomers to infinite chains, sheets and 3D frameworks.

Schematic illustration of cation–cation separation in octahedra which share (a) corners and (b) edges and in (c) tetrahedra which share edges.

       Figure 1.28 Cation–cation separation in octahedra which share (a) corners and (b) edges and in (c) tetrahedra which share edges.

       Table 1.6 The M–M distance between MX4 or MX6 groups sharing X atom(s)

Corner sharing Edge sharing Face sharing
Two tetrahedra 1.16 MX(tet.)a 0.67 MX(tet.)
Two octahedra 2.00 MX(oct.)a 1.41 MX(oct.)a 1.16 MX(oct.)

      For tetrahedra containing cations of high charge, edge sharing may be energetically unacceptable and only corner sharing occurs. For example, in silicate structures which are built of SiO4 tetrahedra, edge sharing of SiO4 tetrahedra never occurs. (Note: In an ideally ionic structure, the charge on Si would be 4+, but the actual charges are considerably less due to partial covalency of the Si–O bonds.) In SiS2, however, edge sharing of SiS4 tetrahedra does occur; the Si–S bond is longer than the Si–O bond and consequently the Si–Si distance in edge‐shared SiS4 tetrahedra is also greater and appears to be within the acceptable range for interatomic separations.

      1.17.1 Rock salt (NaCl), zinc blende or sphalerite (ZnS), fluorite (CaF2), antifluorite (Na2O)

      These structures are considered together because they all have ccp/fcc anions and differ only in the positions of the cations. In Fig. 1.24 are