19 Chapter 20Figure 20.1 (a) U.S Department of Energy Regional Carbon Sequestration Partn...Figure 20.2 Map showing anthropogenic sources of CO2 and potential oilfield ...Figure 20.3 Over 150 km of pipeline connect two sources to three projects an...Figure 20.4 Map showing data collection locations and methods for use in cha...Figure 20.5 Geologic characterization of the reservoir occurred at a variety...Figure 20.6 The storage reservoir characterized by hydraulic flow units. HFU...Figure 20.7 Relative strength of reservoir and caprock facies. Caprock facie...Figure 20.8 1,524 m x 1,524 m 1D mechanical Earth model. The model is center...Figure 20.9 Location map of all FWU wells and SWP aqueous‐phase (purple shad...Figure 20.10 Fluid injection and fluid/tracer production history for FWU inj...Figure 20.11 Fluid injection and fluid/tracer production history for FWU inj...Figure 20.12 CO2 mole fraction 20 year forecast distribution at the FWU. Pla...Figure 20.13 Risk assessment workflow.Figure 20.14 Process influence diagram for CO2 storage and CO2‐EOR risks/FEP...Figure 20.15 Monthly accounting since SWP began monitoring the site in 2013,...Figure 20.16 Cumulative values for features shown in Figure 20.15. Targeted ...Figure 20.17 Monthly oil production and CO2 injection. Oil production and CO
20 Chapter 21Figure 21.1 Location maps showing (a) the regional setting of Cranfield fiel...Figure 21.2 Baseline seismic showing (a) a 30 Hz amplitude variation with fr...Figure 21.3 Comparing the fluid‐flow model to the 4D seismic response (from ...Figure 21.4 Interpreted cross‐well tomography velocity difference at the DAS...Figure 21.5 Inversion of ERT response over time to CO2 saturation (from Carr...Figure. 21.6 Surface pressure measurements in injection well F1 and observat...
21 Chapter 22Figure 22.1 (a) Location of the Sleipner Field in the Norwegian North Sea. S...Figure 22.2 P‐wave velocity variation with brine saturation for various patc...Figure 22.3 Two‐way travel time map view of the Top Utsira Sand Wedge horizo...Figure 22.4 (a) P‐wave velocity model of baseline vintage (1994) derived by ...Figure 22.5 (a, b, and c) Frame bulk modulus KD, frame shear modulus GD, and...Figure 22.6 (a, b, and c) Uncertainty of frame bulk modulus KD, frame shear ...Figure 22.7 (a, b, and c) CO2 saturation estimated by RPI using patchiness e...Figure 22.8 (a, b, and c) Uncertainty of CO2 saturation estimated by RPI usi...Figure 22.9 (a and b) Estimation of patchiness exponent and related uncertai...Figure 22.10 From left to right: 1D profiles of CO2 saturation using differe...Figure 22.11 Estimation of frame shear modulus, frame bulk modulus, and poro...Figure 22.12 (a and b) Estimation of brine saturation Sw and (c and d) estim...Figure 22.13 Estimation of brine saturation Sw and Brie exponent e in the ca...Figure 22.14 Estimation of brine saturation Sw and Brie exponent e in the ca...
22 Chapter 23Figure 23.1 Annual CO2 emission per capita in 2010 (data after Worldbank) an...Figure 23.2 Location and structural model of the Ketzin site. (a) location o...Figure 23.3 Drilled lithological profiles of the Stuttgart Formation as reco...Figure 23.4 Normalized logging data for the injection well Ktzi201 showing (...Figure 23.5 Reservoir pressure (top) and temperature (middle) evolution and ...Figure 23.6 Thermodynamic path of the CO2 during normal operation with event...Figure 23.7 (a) Electrical resistivity of two Ketzin reservoir sandstone sam...Figure 23.8 Time line of geophysical survey activities at the Ketzin site (d...Figure 23.9 Overview of investigations relevant for the geophysical monitori...Figure 23.10 (a) Outlines of the baseline (black), the first repeat 3D (red)...Figure 23.11 Cross‐section of the stacked and migrated subvolume of the base...Figure 23.12 Amplitude difference (baseline‐repeat) maps at the reservoir le...Figure 23.13 Acoustic impedances inverted from (a) baseline, (b) first repea...Figure 23.14 P‐wave velocities derived from impedance inversion of the 3D ba...Figure 23.15 Relative velocity changes between baseline measurements and fir...Figure 23.16 Sparse 3D seismic survey area with the system of 3D inlines and...Figure 23.17 Amplitude difference horizon at the reservoir level for (a) the...Figure 23.18 Comparison of inverted velocity change percentage for 3D seismi...Figure 23.19 Comparison of the Fresnel depth migration of offset VSP source ...Figure 23.20 (a) Velocity differences obtained by travel time inversion and ...Figure 23.21 Inverted seismic velocity differences (baseline‐repeat) between...Figure 23.22 Layout and location of the permanent geophone/hydrophone array....Figure 23.23 (a) Smoothed frequency spectrum and (b) amplitude decay curve f...Figure 23.24 Inline 1,175 of the 3D seismic data (Juhlin et al., 2007), on w...Figure 23.25 (a) Borehole casing electrically insulated with Ryt‐Wrap™ (dark...Figure 23.26 (a) Time‐lapse sequence of inverted resistivity ratios (i.e., m...Figure 23.27 (a) Series of resistivity images obtained from surface‐downhole...Figure 23.28 (a) Time‐lapse electrical resistivity anomaly and (b) time‐laps...
9 Index
1 ii
2 iii
3 iv
4 vii
5 viii
6 ix
7 x
8 xi
9 xii
10 1
11 2
12 3
13 4
14 5