5 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 (a) Ultrasonic waveform recorded passing through the aluminum ref...Figure 6.2 (a) Project work‐flow diagram highlighting the rock physics exper...Figure 6.3 (a) Vp‐Vs relationship for all rhyolite core data; (b) temperatur...Figure 6.4 (a) Vp vs effective pressure for various temperature experiments ...Figure 6.5 (a) Vp vs effective pressure for various temperature experiments ...Figure 6.6 (a) Qp vs effective pressure for the low porosity rhyolite core; ...Figure 6.7 (a) Qp vs effective pressure for the high porosity rhyolite core;...Figure 6.8 (a) λρ vs μρ moduli and (b) Young's modulus versus Pois...Figure 6.9 (a) and (c) Interpretation Young's modulus vs Poisson's ratio, an...Figure 6.10 Fluid saturation P‐wave velocity measurements for the (a) low po...Figure 6.11 (a) VP‐VS1 data for the fluid saturation experiments for both th...Figure 6.12 Attenuation results for the fluid substitution experiments for t...Figure 6.13 Fourth generation medical imaging resolution CT scan of low poro...Figure 6.14 λρ‐μρ data for all fluid saturation experiments for bo...Figure 6.15 Poisson's ratio–Young's modulus and λρ‐μρ data for the...
6 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Illustrations of (a) incident elastic waves, (b) elastic‐wave ref...Figure 7.2 A 2D slice of the elastic SEG‐EAGE salt model: (a) P‐wave velocit...Figure 7.3 Distributions of elastic‐wave energies (E P and E S ), and elast...Figure 7.4 Normalized elastic‐wave energies and elastic‐wave sensitivity ene...Figure 7.5 Distributions of elastic‐wave energies (E P and E S ), and elast...Figure 7.6 Normalized elastic‐wave energies and elastic‐wave sensitivity ene...Figure 7.7 The 2D layered elastic models with a fault zone. The width of the...Figure 7.8 Spatial distribution of P‐wave sensitivity energy for the normal ...Figure 7.9 Spatial distribution of S‐wave sensitivity energy for the normal ...Figure 7.10 Normalized (a) P‐wave sensitivity energy and (b) S‐wave sensitiv...Figure 7.11 Spatial distribution of P‐wave sensitivity energy with respect t...Figure 7.12 Spatial distribution of S‐wave sensitivity energy for the revers...Figure 7.13 Normalized (a) P‐wave sensitivity energy and (b) S‐wave sensitiv...Figure 7.14 Spatial distribution of P‐wave sensitivity energy for the normal...Figure 7.15 Spatial distribution of S‐wave sensitivity energy for the normal...Figure 7.16 Normalized elastic‐wave sensitivity energies at the surface for ...Figure 7.17 Spatial distribution of P‐wave sensitivity energy for the revers...Figure 7.18 Spatial distribution of S‐wave sensitivity energy for the revers...Figure 7.19 Normalized elastic‐wave sensitivity energies at the surface for ...Figure 7.20 The modified Hess anisotropic model: Panels (a)–(d) show the ela...Figure 7.21 Wavefield snapshots of the x3‐component of the elastic displacem...Figure 7.22 Spatial distributions of qP‐wave (a, b, c, d) and qS‐wave (e, f,...Figure 7.23 Spatial distributions of qP‐wave (a, b, c, d) and qS‐wave (e, f,...Figure 7.24 The normalized qP‐wave sensitivity energies with respect to the ...Figure 7.25 The qP‐wave (a, b) and qS‐wave (c, d) sensitivity energies with ...
7 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 A picture taken when the monitoring geophone string was cemented ...Figure 8.2 Illustration of the locations of the monitoring well, injection w...Figure 8.3 CO2 was injected into the reservoir through three horizontal well...Figure 8.4 Typical CO2 and water injection rates in well C313.Figure 8.5 A velocity model in blue constructed from a well log in yellow fr...Figure 8.6 (a) First‐arrival times of downgoing waves of synthetic offset VS...Figure 8.7 Velocity differences between inverted and initial velocity models...Figure 8.8 Double‐difference tomography results of source locations of basel...Figure 8.9 Double‐difference tomography results of the velocity difference p...Figure 8.10 Comparison among (a) the upgoing waves of the baseline (2007) VS...Figure 8.11 Comparison of the migration image differences obtained from (a) ...Figure 8.12 A wave‐equation migration image of the upgoing waves of the 2009...Figure 8.13 The image profiles along the monitoring well and the offset VSP ...Figure 8.14 The profiles imaging on the angle domain along the monitoring we...Figure 8.15 Illustration of the profiles along different offset VSP source l...
8 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 A map showing the location of the NS walkaway VSP shot line (blue...Figure 9.2 Flowchart of the VSP data‐processing steps.Figure 9.3 Schematic illustration of upgoing/reflection raypaths (purple lin...Figure 9.4 Common‐receiver gathers of walkaway VSP data recorded at geophone...Figure 9.5 Common‐receiver gathers of walkaway VSP data recorded at geophone...Figure 9.6 Common‐receiver gathers of walkaway VSP data recorded at geophone...Figure 9.7 RTM imaging results of (a) 2008 and (b) balanced 2009 walkaway VS...Figure 9.8 Angle‐domain RTM images: (a) before and (b) after removing artifa...Figure 9.9 The same as Figure 9.7, but with angle‐domain analysis and proces...
9 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 A velocity model obtained after applying a median filter with a ...Figure 10.2 A velocity model obtained after applying another median filter w...Figure 10.3 Conventional reverse‐time migration image of the synthetic walka...Figure 10.4 Least‐squares reverse‐time migration image of the synthetic walk...Figure 10.5 Conventional reverse‐time migration image of the synthetic walka...Figure 10.6 Least‐squares reverse‐time migration image of the synthetic walk...Figure 10.7 Shown here are 21 sources picked around a north‐south line for r...Figure 10.8 Shown here are 46 sources picked around a north‐south line for r...Figure 10.9 Image obtained using the conventional reverse‐time migration wit...Figure 10.10 Image obtained using the least‐squares reverse‐time migration w...Figure 10.11 Image obtained using the conventional reverse‐time migration wi...Figure 10.12 Image obtained using the least‐squares reverse‐time migration w...Figure 10.13 Shown here are 22 sources picked around an east‐west line for r...Figure 10.14 Shown here are 41 sources picked around an east‐west line for r...Figure 10.15 Image obtained using the conventional reverse‐time migration wi...Figure 10.16 Image obtained using the least‐squares reverse‐time migration w...Figure 10.17 Image obtained using the conventional reverse‐time migration wi...Figure 10.18 Image obtained using the least‐squares reverse‐time migration w...Figure 10.19 Source locations in a 4 km ×4 km region around the monitoring w...Figure 10.20 Front view of the 3D migration image obtained using the convent...Figure 10.21 Front view of the 3D migration image obtained using the least‐s...Figure 10.22 Back view of the 3D migration image obtained using the conventi...Figure 10.23 Back view of the 3D migration image obtained using the least‐sq...
10 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Time‐lapse P‐wave and S‐wave velocity models for monitoring Brad...Figure 11.2 (a) Time‐lapse change in P‐wave velocity; (b) time‐lapse change ...Figure 11.3 Initial (a) P‐wave and (b) S‐wave velocity models for inversion ...Figure 11.4 Time‐lapse changes of