Physics of the Terrestrial Environment, Subtle Matter and Height of the Atmosphere. Eric Chassefiere. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Eric Chassefiere
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Биология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119866152
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movement of a subtle matter, like the first element of Descartes, but about the movement of the ordinary matter likely to give place to a light emission. The author refers to Hooke, who judges that movement, to produce light, must satisfy two conditions: (i) it must be extremely fast, like that of fermentation and putrefaction, which makes brine and rotten wood shine and (ii) it must be vibratory, with vibrations of an extremely short period, as well as those of rubbed diamonds which become shiny. These phenomena, which today would be called chemiluminescence and triboluminescence, are characteristic of phosphorus, which we have previously described. There is no question here of fire and heat as sources of light, the latter being found in movement, from which of course it can result some heat, according to Boyle’s theory that we have exposed, and some fire, for example, by friction. The author then states elements of Newton’s work on light (refraction, colors), and notes that Newton, because of the straight-line propagation of light, considers that this propagation cannot consist only in the Cartesian principle of action.

      This resistance to the passage of light through different diaphanous bodies can be understood as resulting from the fact that the medium prevents light from diffusing and distributing itself in all parts of the medium, and therefore the medium can be said to be less illuminable: because, by its nature, light tends to diffuse. And, conversely, the more the light affects the parts of the medium that it illuminates equally and uniformly, the greater the number of particles of the illuminated medium to which it transmits its energy, the more the medium can be said to be illuminable, less resistant to the progression of light. Hence the fact that, the more solid and small the affected parts of the medium are, the less space they admit between them for any other heterogeneous matter, the more important is the illumination of the medium. And it is certain that resistance must result from the contact of two bodies, and that contact, whether active or passive, is the property of the bodies.

      Thus, the interaction between light and the medium is conceived in terms of mechanical action and reaction between bodies, the resistance of the medium being all the weaker as it is cohesive and admits fewer impurities in its pores, potentially slowing down the light by preventing it from diffusing. The second property confirming that light is a body, and a “body moved and projected forward”, is that its passage from one place to another is not instantaneous, but takes a certain amount of time, its movement being the fastest of all. The author cites Roemer’s observation of the eclipses of the satellites of Jupiter, which allowed him to estimate the speed of light. A third piece of evidence put forward by Molyneux is that “light cannot, by any technical or artificial process, be increased or decreased”. One cannot, for example, enlarge the light of the Sun or of a candle, any more than 1 cubic inch of gold can be enlarged:

      An objection can be made that the light is increased by reflection, without depriving any other place of the light it would otherwise have received. It is easy to see that this objection does not hold. If we imagine a candle placed in a room facing a small opening to the outside, half of the light from the flame illuminates the room, while the other half illuminates the outside space. If we now place in front of the opening a mirror with its reflective side facing inwards, the light that previously illuminated the outside of the room illuminates the inside of the room, to the detriment of the outside space which is no longer illuminated. We thus see that the mirror subtracts the light in the middle behind it, and the contradiction raised falls.

      The content of the Lexicon entry thus significantly differs from the contents of the articles of the DUF and the Encyclopédie, in that it focuses, with the exception of the passages devoted to the laws of propagation of light, on the question of the character of light as a body, and therefore as matter. The Lexicon entry makes almost no reference to heat, and to the possible relations between heat and light, a subject of concern to French scientists, and cites as examples, in support of the idea that light is born of movement, only those of phosphorus whose light is not accompanied by fire or heat. Light is presented as a matter in its own right, in mechanical interaction with its environment.

      and says that it is not only rarer and more fluid than air, but also much more elastic and more active; and that by virtue of these properties, it can produce many of the phenomena of nature. It is, for example, to the pressure of this medium that Newton seems to attribute the gravity of all other bodies; and to its elasticity, the elastic force of air and nerve fibers, emission, refraction,