Physics of the Terrestrial Environment, Subtle Matter and Height of the Atmosphere. Eric Chassefiere. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Eric Chassefiere
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Биология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119866152
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[…] at all times full of water that has risen by evaporation, and remains there, invisible, until new circumstances reunite its dispersed molecules in small masses that substantially disturb its transparency. This is what distinguishes evaporation from the rise in the atmosphere of certain small and light bodies, such as dust, which only rise and sustain themselves there by the mechanical impulse of the agitated air, which retain their same volume, their opacity, and fall back as soon as the air ceases to be agitated.

      By these examples it is clear that evaporation does not differ essentially from the rise of volatile particles released by the application of sufficient heat to decompose bodies, or by calcination; that these operations only dispose the bodies to the rise of some of their parts; that, in addition, the particles which rise in the air in this manner are of the same nature, and support themselves there as well as those which rise by evaporation. However, it has been customary not to call evaporation the rise of the particles detached through these operations which decompose bodies; it has restricted the meaning of this word to the elevation of the free volatile parts, free of principles which can fix them, and which, in order to rise in the atmosphere, either require no artificial heat, or require only moderate heat, which hardly exceeds that of boiling water.

      We must understand here how the action of heat, and the presence of air, allows the evaporation of volatile parts of the body, whether water, air, the inflammable principle or molecules of an earthy nature, the latter only acquiring the property of rising in the air “as long as they contract an intimate union with water molecules”. The flammable principle itself, that is, the matter of fire (or igneous), although its molecules are in a very loose free state, is fixed so strongly in bodies, where it is not combined with water, that it is not able to evaporate by itself. On the other hand, when combined with water molecules, igneous molecules make them evaporate much faster. And here is what the author of the entry tells us about the mechanism of evaporation, as it is commonly accepted at the time:

      As we have seen, this is the explanation given by Halley and Homberg for the formation of the vapors. Thus, it is the addition of igneous particles to water molecules, resulting in the heating of these molecules and their rarefaction, which results in their evaporation, in air heavier than they are. The author of the entry, on the observation that “ice evaporates even in the most severe cold”, and also that condensed particles (clouds) are not lower in winter than in summer, rejects this explanation of evaporation due to the effect of igneous particles making water molecules lighter than those in the air. His explanation is that water dissolves in the air, just as salt dissolves in water. Dissolving in air makes water invisible, just as salt dissolving in water becomes invisible. He therefore considers air as a solvent, all the more effective in dissolving water when it is heated, especially by the vapors themselves in contact with the evaporable body. To the objection made to his theory that evaporation also occurs in a vacuum, he replies that the space above water cannot be completely empty of air:

      According to the experiments of some physicists, water evaporates in a vacuum; it can therefore rise without the help of air, without being supported by it, as I said in the state of dissolution. But if the physicist had paid attention to the fact that water contains an immense quantity of air from which it cannot be entirely purged, and that it cannot evaporate without the air it contains developing, he would easily have noticed that this objection contains a paradox, and that it is impossible for a space containing water that evaporates to remain perfectly empty of air.

      Fogs rise in our atmosphere at different heights. We sometimes see them suspended, one above the other, and they seem very distinct, which depends mainly on the difference in their specific gravity [their density], which keeps them in balance with the air, which is more or less dense. We know that they are suspended one above the other by the different routes they take, with one being carried higher and the other lower, without mixing together. It is said that the highest fogs rarely rise above the height of the tops of the highest mountains; for one can usually see from afar that these peaks rise above the clouds. (2) We learn from various observers who have been on the highest mountains that they have always seen the fogs floating below them, without ever noticing that they are above their heads. Riccioli has calculated that the highest fogs never rise to the height of 5000 steps [≈3000 m]. However, there could perhaps be some subtle exhalations that rise much higher.

      As for the dissipation of fog, this takes place through rain, but not exclusively in this way. It can also be dislocated by the wind, or dissolve in the air in proportion to the purity of the air when it rises in the atmosphere due to a local increase in pressure.

      Vapors rising from humid bodies, and the exhalations that are the equivalent of them applied to dry bodies, produced, respectively, by evaporation and exhalation, are therefore rather ill-defined substances, of a rather more liquid nature (in the sense of cloud particles) than of a gaseous nature (in the sense of air molecules) in the minds of the scientists of the time, although the gaseous nature is correctly perceived by some of them in the process of evaporation. The supposed liquid nature of vapors is a legacy of the Aristotelian vision, which attributes to vapors, and not to air, the ability to refract light and enlarge the Moon close to the horizon, just as water enlarges by refraction the image of the stick immersed in it. We will generally speak of vapors and exhalations to designate all the marine and terrestrial emanations present in the atmosphere, which are not necessarily transparent to light, as we