2 Chapter 2Table 2.1 ITU‐T optical transmission windows.Table 2.2 Radio frequency ranges as per ITU‐R V.431‐8.Table 2.3 PLC timeline.Table 2.4 Bands and transmission levels defined in EN 50065‐1:2011.
3 Chapter 3Table 3.1 Simulation of receiving one erroneous bit per codeword.Table 3.2 Simulation of receiving two and three erroneous bits per codeword.
4 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Presence of the different technologies in the different domains of ...Table 4.2 TDM technologies data rates.Table 4.3 SDH/SONET technologies data rates (STM optical and electrical; OC f...Table 4.4 OTN interfaces.
5 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Electric Power Distribution Reliability Indices (IEEE 1366‐2012).Table 5.2 IEC 61850 partsTable 5.3 List of Logical Node (LN) groups (IEC 61850‐7‐4).Table 5.4 Transfer time classes.
6 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Main service characteristics of the different PON standards.Table 6.2 Splitter optical power losses.Table 6.3 Data rates for the Communication Modes in PRIME.Table 6.4 Transmission rates in PRIME v1.4 in kbps.Nch represents the number ...Table 6.5 Number of data carriers used in G3‐PLC.Table 6.6 Maximum bit data rates for G3‐PLC.Table 6.7 Main parameters of IEEE 1901 PHY layer.
7 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Minimum technical performance set for IMT‐2020/5G systems.Table 7.2 IMT bands.Table 7.3 Main frequency bands under consideration for 5G deployment.Table 7.4 LTE operating bands.Table 7.5 Channel bandwidth configurations in LTE.Table 7.6 Comparison between key NR and LTE radio interface features.Table 7.7 NR operating bands in FR2.Table 7.8 Standardized QoS characteristics associated with each 5QI.Table 7.9 Standardized SST values for network slices.
8 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Main wireless IoT technologies for smart grid applications.Table 8.2 IEEE 802.15.4 PHY layer options.Table 8.3 Wi‐SUN PHY layer operating modes.Table 8.4 Sigfox Radio Configurations.Table 8.5 Comparison of the scope of LTE‐M and NB‐IoT technologies.
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Electricity at the core of critical services. Dependencies are ba...Figure 1.2 Building blocks of traditional electric power systems.Figure 1.3 Medium voltage common topologies.Figure 1.4 Low voltage common topologies.Figure 1.5 Primary substation examples.Figure 1.6 Different types of secondary substations.Figure 1.7 Sample weekly aggregated electricity demand curve. Consumption in...
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Generic telecommunications model.Figure 2.2 Digital telecommunications in an analog world.Figure 2.4 Network topology types.Figure 2.3 Telecommunications and power systems architecture conceptual orga...Figure 2.5 Transport and Switching/Routing are complementary.Figure 2.6 Traffic efficiency in circuit or packet‐based networks.Figure 2.7 Circuit‐switched network.Figure 2.8 Packet‐switched network.Figure 2.9 Multiple layers in telecommunication networks.Figure 2.10 Representation of the OSI layered model.Figure 2.11 Relationship between OSI and TCP/IP layer functionalities.Figure 2.12 Data structures in the TCP/IP layered model.Figure 2.13 Optical fiber cables.Figure 2.14 Structure to coordinate radio spectrum use.Figure 2.15 Some examples of cable dispositions in power lines (MV to the le...
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 (a) Examples of continuous‐time signals (left) and discrete‐time ...Figure 3.2 Sampling and quantizing process. Quantization error.Figure 3.3 Analog (left) and digital (right) signals.Figure 3.4 Time and frequency representation of a sinusoidal signal. Upper: ...Figure 3.5 Time and frequency representation of a finite‐domain sinusoidal s...Figure 3.6 Time and frequency representation of a sum of sinusoids (top) and...Figure 3.7 Time (left) and frequency (right) representation of a 1250 Hz win...Figure 3.8 Block diagram of a typical digital communications system.Figure 3.9 Double Sideband modulated and information signals in time and fre...Figure 3.10 Constellation for different Phase Shift Keying digital modulatio...Figure 3.11 4‐PSK, 8‐PSK, and 16‐PSK constellations. Transmitted symbols (ci...Figure 3.12 Example of a channel's frequency response.Figure 3.13 Communication performance in terms of BER/SNR for 4‐PSK, 8‐PSK, ...Figure 3.14 Orthogonal frequency representation.Figure 3.15 Schematic representation of an OFDM transmitter block.Figure 3.16 Example of how an interleaver scatters burst errors in communica...Figure 3.17 Representation of the hidden node problem in a wireless scenario...Figure 3.18 Main propagation phenomena in optical fiber.Figure 3.19 Propagation phenomena.Figure 3.20 Link budget example calculation.
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Increasing capacity achievement.Figure 4.2 PDH link.Figure 4.3 SDH/SONET transport network.Figure 4.4 WDM link.Figure 4.5 Common use of bridges to interconnect three LANs.Figure 4.6 Interconnection of hosts and possible paths.Figure 4.7 Network with inter and intra‐autonomous system links.Figure 4.8 Ethernet packet.
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Utility applications.Figure 5.2 The relationship among utility management systems, automation dom...Figure 5.3 Application Protocol Data Unit (APDU) in IEC 60870‐5‐104 protocol...Figure 5.4 Basic protection representation of a feeder.Figure 5.5 Teleprotection concept.Figure 5.6 Distribution automation example in a ring protection.Figure 5.7 Intra‐substation IEC 61850 components.Figure 5.8 AMI common architectures.Figure 5.9 Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) and Phasor Data Concentrators (PD...Figure 5.10 Daily demand curve modification to reduce peak consumption.
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Point‐to‐point PON architecture, compared with a point‐to‐multipo...Figure 6.2 Optical fiber spectrum occupation.Figure 6.3 Range vs. split ratio in PONs.Figure 6.4 GPON Transmission Convergence layer frames and relevant fields.Figure 6.5 Coexistence architecture in ITU GPON family.Figure 6.6 Simplified scheme of the architecture of PLC systems.Figure 6.7 General transmitter scheme for multicarrier PLC systems.Figure 6.8 Frame types in PRIME v1.3 and v1.4.Figure 6.9 PRIME v1.3 transmission scheme as defined the standard.Figure 6.10 Subcarrier assignation. (a) Payload block. (b) Header block.Figure 6.11 BER – SNR performance in PRIME v1.3 and PRIME v1.4.Figure 6.12 MAC frame scheme.Figure 6.13 (a) Logical structure of a PRIME network. (b) Different states t...Figure 6.14 Evolution of Service Node states: (a) registration process; (b) ...Figure 6.15 Channel structure in PRIME v1.4. Channel 1 refers to the spectru...Figure 6.16 Transmitter structure for PRIME v1.4.Figure 6.17 ITU‐T G.9903's frame structure according to the standard.Figure 6.18 Scheme for a G3‐PLC transmitter according to the standard.Figure 6.19 BER – SNR performance for Communication Modes in G3‐PLC.Figure 6.20 Superframe structure in G3‐PLC.Figure 6.21 Logical topology in a G3‐PLC network.Figure 6.22 G.hnem transmitter scheme.Figure 6.23 Transmitter's block diagram for an IEEE 1901 device.Figure 6.24 Band plans and OFDM parameters for ITU‐T G.9960 (G.hn).
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Evolution of mobile communications technologies.Figure 7.2 3GPP standards and releases.Figure 7.3 Main features with 3GPP Releases 15, 16, and 17.Figure 7.4 Illustrative architecture of a 4G/5G mobile communication system....Figure 7.5 Illustration of different types of RAN base stations.Figure 7.6 High‐level functional view of 4G and 5G