Information at War. Philip Seib. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Philip Seib
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная деловая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781509548583
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and it has clearly contributed to increasingly adversarial dealings between press and government. This dynamic tension fosters an environment in which the motives and even the patriotism of the protagonists have been called into question. When carried to extreme levels, such vilification may not only affect war-making but also jostle the foundations of civil society.

      This has led to non-journalistic media influencing warfighting in new ways. Even governments that have long controlled the information that reaches the public have learned that they can be circumvented with increasing frequency. Censors can be eluded, and firewalls can be scaled – not always, but frequently enough to broaden the range of voices making themselves heard about war.9

      In this volume, perhaps more significant than conventional issues related to news media performance during war is the weaponization of information itself. We have moved into an era beyond news media monopolization of information about armed conflict. “Information” in this context has, to an unprecedented degree, become much more than “news” as we have traditionally known it, and it is affecting warfare in ways that continue to evolve at a brisk pace. Because information has become so easy to gather – or to invent – and disseminate, state and non-state actors can wield it to stir anger, sabotage elections, and soften or stiffen the resolve of citizens who are too often treated as mere pawns in politics and conflict.

      Can information start a war? Not on its own, but it certainly can influence the likelihood of one. When the Hearst and Pulitzer newspapers in the United States were screaming for war against Spain in 1898, they affected the American political environment and nudged, if not pushed, President William McKinley toward war.10 Today, an individual or group putting inflammatory material on social media can help cause civil disorder, and perhaps – in combination with other factors – incite pro-war sentiment.

      Information’s credibility has long been affected by the venues through which it is presented, but these venues are now so plentiful that information consumers may lack the knowledge needed to distinguish among sources and weigh their relative credibility as they decide what to believe. Online content competes with the media forms to which we grew accustomed during earlier decades. YouTube rivals television; websites and the likes of Facebook and Twitter vie with print; text messaging and email supersede face-to-face conversation and provide incessant updates about events. The speed and variety of providers have few limits, and members of the public dip into various offerings with a click or a tap that unleashes a river of information that washes over them.

      This book is about relationships among primary contributors to information at war, including the public, which must be defined broadly. Some members of the public watch war as if it was a spectator sport; the television or cellphone screen does not drip the blood of combat onto the living-room carpet, and escaping a war zone is merely a matter of switching channels or clicking on another app. Others might have much more at stake: those who are themselves caught up in war, including the noncombatants who become “collateral damage” (an obscenely cold-blooded term) as war’s fury touches their lives. Some of these may choose to be “citizen journalists” themselves, tweeting, blogging, or otherwise presenting information about the rage of warriors and the damage they inflict.

      Information tools available to the public are also used increasingly by conflicts’ actors themselves. Within recent years, we have seen inflammatory – and often false – information deployed within targeted populations as part of long- or short-term provocation leading toward military action, as was the case with Russia’s 2014 invasion of Ukraine.13 Joining the ranks of conflict-related communicators are “trolls,” “bots,” and other mechanical and human spreaders of tales that are designed to disrupt. “Deepfakes,” for instance, can look and sound so real that they can mislead even those who consider themselves to be savvy information consumers.

      We are in a transitional period during which individuals are learning (at varied speeds) how to navigate the sea of information. Which information providers offer safe harbors with reliably accurate content? Which ones are actually whirlpools that lure audiences with appealingly angry messages? How can the public distinguish among them? What level of media literacy is essential in the information era?14

      War is always with us in one way or another. Information can change the course of war, and war can change the role of information. The persistence of conflict and the relentless flow of information ensure that information at war will long continue to be part of our lives.

      This book proceeds roughly chronologically.

      During war, as at other times, information can make the remote seem proximate. The first true “living-room war” was a function of radio, and one of the most distinctive voices early in the era of electronic media was a young man born near Polecat Creek, North Carolina – Edward R. Murrow. As we see in chapter 1, “Living-Room Wars,” Murrow told many of his stories of war from the battle zone in real time, which captivated their audience and heightened their impact. His voice came into American living-rooms from across the Atlantic in 1940 as Great Britain was enduring intense German bombing, and his reports helped to chip away at the isolationism that was strongly influencing US politics. His work and that of other journalists provided President Franklin D. Roosevelt with room to maneuver as he sought to help keep Britain afloat in its fight against Nazi Germany.

      While television coverage was capturing attention, journalists working in other media were also wielding increasing influence. Certain print journalists made clear that they were not “on the team” in terms of shaping their reporting to conform to government officials’ wishful thinking. Correspondents