Plato: The Complete Works (31 Books). Plato . Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Plato
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9782378079437
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nothing, that must be an affair of business in which we have very greatly the advantage of them.

      EUTHYPHRO: And do you imagine, Socrates, that any benefit accrues to the gods from our gifts?

      SOCRATES: But if not, Euthyphro, what is the meaning of gifts which are conferred by us upon the gods?

      EUTHYPHRO: What else, but tributes of honour; and, as I was just now saying, what pleases them?

      SOCRATES: Piety, then, is pleasing to the gods, but not beneficial or dear to them?

      EUTHYPHRO: I should say that nothing could be dearer.

      SOCRATES: Then once more the assertion is repeated that piety is dear to the gods?

      EUTHYPHRO: Certainly.

      SOCRATES: And when you say this, can you wonder at your words not standing firm, but walking away? Will you accuse me of being the Daedalus who makes them walk away, not perceiving that there is another and far greater artist than Daedalus who makes them go round in a circle, and he is yourself; for the argument, as you will perceive, comes round to the same point. Were we not saying that the holy or pious was not the same with that which is loved of the gods? Have you forgotten?

      EUTHYPHRO: I quite remember.

      SOCRATES: And are you not saying that what is loved of the gods is holy; and is not this the same as what is dear to them—do you see?

      EUTHYPHRO: True.

      SOCRATES: Then either we were wrong in our former assertion; or, if we were right then, we are wrong now.

      EUTHYPHRO: One of the two must be true.

      SOCRATES: Then we must begin again and ask, What is piety? That is an enquiry which I shall never be weary of pursuing as far as in me lies; and I entreat you not to scorn me, but to apply your mind to the utmost, and tell me the truth. For, if any man knows, you are he; and therefore I must detain you, like Proteus, until you tell. If you had not certainly known the nature of piety and impiety, I am confident that you would never, on behalf of a serf, have charged your aged father with murder. You would not have run such a risk of doing wrong in the sight of the gods, and you would have had too much respect for the opinions of men. I am sure, therefore, that you know the nature of piety and impiety. Speak out then, my dear Euthyphro, and do not hide your knowledge.

      EUTHYPHRO: Another time, Socrates; for I am in a hurry, and must go now.

      SOCRATES: Alas! my companion, and will you leave me in despair? I was hoping that you would instruct me in the nature of piety and impiety; and then I might have cleared myself of Meletus and his indictment. I would have told him that I had been enlightened by Euthyphro, and had given up rash innovations and speculations, in which I indulged only through ignorance, and that now I am about to lead a better life.


      PERSONS OF THE DIALOGUE: Socrates and Menexenus.

      SOCRATES: Whence come you, Menexenus? Are you from the Agora?

      MENEXENUS: Yes, Socrates; I have been at the Council.

      SOCRATES: And what might you be doing at the Council? And yet I need hardly ask, for I see that you, believing yourself to have arrived at the end of education and of philosophy, and to have had enough of them, are mounting upwards to things higher still, and, though rather young for the post, are intending to govern us elder men, like the rest of your family, which has always provided some one who kindly took care of us.

      MENEXENUS: Yes, Socrates, I shall be ready to hold office, if you allow and advise that I should, but not if you think otherwise. I went to the council chamber because I heard that the Council was about to choose some one who was to speak over the dead. For you know that there is to be a public funeral?

      SOCRATES: Yes, I know. And whom did they choose?

      MENEXENUS: No one; they delayed the election until tomorrow, but I believe that either Archinus or Dion will be chosen.

      SOCRATES: O Menexenus! Death in battle is certainly in many respects a noble thing. The dead man gets a fine and costly funeral, although he may have been poor, and an elaborate speech is made over him by a wise man who has long ago prepared what he has to say, although he who is praised may not have been good for much. The speakers praise him for what he has done and for what he has not done—that is the beauty of them—and they steal away our souls with their embellished words; in every conceivable form they praise the city; and they praise those who died in war, and all our ancestors who went before us; and they praise ourselves also who are still alive, until I feel quite elevated by their laudations, and I stand listening to their words, Menexenus, and become enchanted by them, and all in a moment I imagine myself to have become a greater and nobler and finer man than I was before. And if, as often happens, there are any foreigners who accompany me to the speech, I become suddenly conscious of having a sort of triumph over them, and they seem to experience a corresponding feeling of admiration at me, and at the greatness of the city, which appears to them, when they are under the influence of the speaker, more wonderful than ever. This consciousness of dignity lasts me more than three days, and not until the fourth or fifth day do I come to my senses and know where I am; in the meantime I have been living in the Islands of the Blest. Such is the art of our rhetoricians, and in such manner does the sound of their words keep ringing in my ears.

      MENEXENUS: You are always making fun of the rhetoricians, Socrates; this time, however, I am inclined to think that the speaker who is chosen will not have much to say, for he has been called upon to speak at a moment’s notice, and he will be compelled almost to improvise.

      SOCRATES: But why, my friend, should he not have plenty to say? Every rhetorician has speeches ready made; nor is there any difficulty in improvising that sort of stuff. Had the orator to praise Athenians among Peloponnesians, or Peloponnesians among Athenians, he must be a good rhetorician who could succeed and gain credit. But there is no difficulty in a man’s winning applause when he is contending for fame among the persons whom he is praising.

      MENEXENUS: Do you think not, Socrates?

      SOCRATES: Certainly ‘not.’

      MENEXENUS: Do you think that you could speak yourself if there should be a necessity, and if the Council were to choose you?

      SOCRATES: That I should be able to speak is no great wonder, Menexenus, considering that I have an excellent mistress in the art of rhetoric,—she who has made so many good speakers, and one who was the best among all the Hellenes—Pericles, the son of Xanthippus.

      MENEXENUS: And who is she? I suppose that you mean Aspasia.

      SOCRATES: Yes, I do; and besides her I had Connus, the son of Metrobius, as a master, and he was my master in music, as she was in rhetoric. No wonder that a man who has received such an education should be a finished speaker; even the pupil of very inferior masters, say, for example, one who had learned music of Lamprus, and rhetoric of Antiphon the Rhamnusian, might make a figure if he were to praise the Athenians among the Athenians.

      MENEXENUS: And what would you be able to say if you had to speak?

      SOCRATES: Of my own wit, most likely nothing; but yesterday I heard Aspasia composing a funeral oration about these very dead. For she had been told, as you were saying, that the Athenians were going to choose a speaker, and she repeated to me the sort of speech which he should deliver, partly improvising and partly from previous thought, putting together fragments of the funeral oration which Pericles spoke, but which, as I believe, she composed.

      MENEXENUS: And can you remember what Aspasia said?

      SOCRATES: I ought to be able, for she taught me, and she was ready to strike me because I was always forgetting.

      MENEXENUS: Then why will you not rehearse what she said?

      SOCRATES: Because I am afraid that my mistress may be angry with me if I publish her speech.

      MENEXENUS: Nay, Socrates, let us have the speech, whether Aspasia’s or any one else’s,