Finally, it remains important to position the capacity for innovation in a perspective of economic development, beyond purely quantitative growth objectives or benchmarks related to Science and Technology. Inclusive innovation shows how the development of technologies, coupled with social policies aimed at reducing inequalities, are important levers. Inclusion can be “passive” or “active” depending on the degree to which individuals and communities can play an “active” role in economic development. The capacity for innovation is therefore oriented towards inclusive innovation, to the extent that formal or informal learning processes are allocated qualitative functions around well-being, improving quality of life or reducing poverty. This may be the case when looking at the role of universities in the systemic dynamics of innovation. In some transition and developing countries, the demand for highly qualified personnel is low. This low demand for graduates reflects cultural and social barriers that restrict their hiring. The low demand for knowledge can create stagnation in terms of technical and organizational change. This leads to an unoptimistic logic in which capacities will not have influenced the dynamics of innovation and economic development, which are essential for building an innovation system and making it sustainable in the long term.
6.5. Conclusion
In conclusion, we have understood that capacities are based on learning mechanisms, resulting from the connectivity between those who benefit from new ideas and seek to expand their possible applications, and those who use them and have continually evolving needs. The National Innovation Capacity, through the learning processes it initiates and sustains, plays a major role in the issue of systemic innovation. Not only does its development increase the growth potential of States through the processes of technological absorption and diffusion that it generates, but above all it gives priority to the local knowledge of communities through issues of poverty or inequalities that it can now raise.
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Chapter written by Vanessa CASADELLA.
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