Intermittent Demand Forecasting. John E. Boylan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: John E. Boylan
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Медицина
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119135302
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s comma upper S right-parenthesis"/> form. After each transaction, the inventory position is compared with a control number, s, the order point. If the inventory position is less than s (or in some cases at or than s), a replenishment order is released. The replenishment order can be for a standard order quantity upper Q or, alternatively, enough may be ordered to raise the inventory position to the value upper S, the order‐up‐to level, or OUT level. (This is also known as the ‘replenishment level’.) If all demand transactions are unit sized, the two systems are identical because the replenishment requisition will always be made when the inventory position is exactly at s (so that upper S equals s plus upper Q). If the demand sizes vary, then the replenishment quantity in the left-parenthesis s comma upper S right-parenthesis policy also varies. In Figure 2.3, we show graphically the operation of the left-parenthesis s comma upper Q right-parenthesis policy and its equivalence to left-parenthesis s comma upper S right-parenthesis, assuming unit sized transactions. We further assume, for ease of presentation, that no stockouts occur (i.e. backordered demand does not need to be accounted for).

Schematic illustration of the continuous review (s,Q) and (s,S) policies for unit sized transactions.
policies for unit sized transactions.

      The problem is to find the optimal values of the control parameters s and upper Q. (See Technical Note 2.5 for discussion of equivalence with left-parenthesis upper R comma upper S right-parenthesis optimisation.) Optimality here refers to a solution that has been explicitly developed based on minimising the total inventory cost (Ordering cost + Holding cost + Backorder cost). In theory, optimisation of the two control parameters, s and upper Q, should occur in parallel recognising that cost interactions exist between them. Alternatively, the parallel optimisation may be for s and upper S (rather than s and upper Q) (see, for example, Wagner 1975). In practice, though, in our experience, a separate (independent) optimisation of these parameters is the norm because of its relative simplicity. Further arguments in support of this approach relate to its near‐optimal behaviour (Porteus 1985).

      2.5.2 Periodic Review Systems

      In periodic review systems, the inventory decision rules most usually take the form of a left-parenthesis upper R comma upper S right-parenthesis or left-parenthesis upper R comma s comma upper S right-parenthesis policy, the former being the one to be discussed in more detail in this book. Under the regime of both policies, after every upper R periods (constant inventory review interval) enough is ordered to raise the inventory position up to the ‘order‐up‐to level’, upper S. The difference between the two policies is that the left-parenthesis upper R comma s comma upper S right-parenthesis policy requires the inventory position to be less than or equal to s (or in certain cases strictly less than s) before an order is placed. Therefore, the left-parenthesis upper R comma upper S right-parenthesis policy always results in higher ordering costs because even a unit‐sized transaction during the review interval will trigger a replenishment requisition, whilst the left-parenthesis upper R comma s comma upper S right-parenthesis policy will place an order only if the cumulative demand, over the review interval, exceeds some minimum level. The left-parenthesis upper R comma s comma upper S right-parenthesis can be viewed as the periodic implementation of the left-parenthesis s comma upper S right-parenthesis system because the left-parenthesis upper R comma s comma upper S right-parenthesis reduces to left-parenthesis s comma upper S right-parenthesis for upper R equals 0.

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