Physiology: The Science of the Body. Ernest G. Martin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ernest G. Martin
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664575340
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by which they are performed as functional metabolism. In some of the lower animals one can scarcely tell where basic metabolism leaves off and functional begins. There is a small shrimp, about a half inch long, that is found quite commonly in small ponds. This little animal has several pairs of legs by which he swims about, and the strokes of these legs go on continuously, day and night, with almost no interruptions, at the rate of a hundred or more a minute, for days or even weeks. It looks as though this, and other animals, that are continuously on the move, were organized without any sharp line between basic and functional metabolism; their protoplasm liberates energy by the oxidation of food, and various things happen as the result; among them are the maintenance of the protoplasm and the making of motions. In the higher animals the distinction between basic and functional metabolism is sharp, and, necessarily so, for the well-being of any of the higher animals requires that he shall have pretty complete control over the activities of his protoplasm, and this he could not have if the functional metabolism were blended in with the basic. In other words, it is as important for bodily well-being that the cells be able to become inactive as that they be capable of activity.


       Table of Contents

      A GOOD deal has been said thus far about living cells without anything at all having been said to tell what they look like, or how they are made up, beyond the statement that they consist of living protoplasm, which is of a jellylike consistency. To look at living cells through a microscope would almost surely be a disappointment at first, for protoplasm is so transparent that not much of its form can be seen on direct inspection. Fortunately for our knowledge of how cells are made up, protoplasm that has been properly killed and preserved takes stain very well, and different chemical substances in the protoplasm stain differently. Thus features that could not be made out at all in the living cells become clearly visible after killing and staining. The first thing that attracts the attention when cells thus prepared are studied is that every cell has somewhere within it, and usually near its middle, a spot which is more deeply stained than any other part of the cell. This indicates the presence of a substance or substances that take stain more readily than the mass of the protoplasm. This peculiarity led to the naming of the deeply staining portion of the protoplasm chromatin, referring to the ease of staining. The part of the cell which contains chromatin is called the nucleus. In many kinds of cells the nucleus can be made out by an expert observer without resorting to stains, although the details of structure cannot be seen in that way.



      We now know that the nucleus, or rather the chromatin that it contains, plays a remarkable and interesting rôle in the life of the cell. To this we shall return presently. The remainder of the protoplasm, outside of the nucleus, shows the greatest possible variety of form, according to the kind of cell at which we happen to be looking. In some of the simpler types this part of the protoplasm seems to be merely a nearly uniform mass, perhaps with tiny particles scattered through it. In other types the protoplasm is drawn out into long slender threads, and these threads may have many branches; or the protoplasm may be distorted into a thin shell inclosing a mass of fat; or it may be subdivided into dense and thin portions with sharp lines of division between them. These various forms are related to the special functions which the cells have, and we shall learn more about them as we take up the different functions in order. On the whole, study of cell structure shows clearly that the protoplasm outside the nucleus carries on the greater part of the metabolism or power development, and is correspondingly important as the seat of the special functions shown by the cell. If it is a muscle cell, this is the part that does the moving; if a gland cell, this is the part that secretes. Nevertheless, the nucleus is a vital part of the cell. It has been definitely proven that a cell from which the nucleus is lost cannot survive more than a brief time. To gain some idea of the actual part played by the nucleus, we shall have to return to it in some detail.


DIAGRAM SHOWING CELL SUBDIVISION A, a cell; B to F, successive stages in its subdivision; a, cell-sac; b, cell contents; c, nucleus. (From Martin’s “Human Body”)

      Before undertaking a further description of the nucleus itself, we shall be helped to an understanding of its function if we trace briefly the history of the cells which make up our body. At the beginning, as we probably all know, we start life as a single cell. This cell, after a series of events which will be described in a later chapter, begins the process known as development. Development consists of a series of subdivisions of cell material. At first the single cell divides into two; each of these then divides, giving four. At the next stage eight are formed, then sixteen and so on, until finally the millions of cells that make up the body are produced, all derived from the original single cell. We know that in the adult body there are very many different kinds of cells. Since they are all derived from a single cell, these differences must have put in their appearance during the course of the various cell divisions. In fact, this happens all along; at definite points in the process the two cells that come from the subdivision of some particular one will not be alike. The special kinds of cells that are thus produced become the starting points for whole masses of similar cells in the fully developed body. In human beings, and probably in most other kinds of animals, the very first subdivision does not result in any difference between the cells. The proof of this is that sometimes, in fact fairly often, the two cells become separated. When this happens twinning results, and the twins are exactly alike, being known as “identical twins.” Not only are they alike in all other respects, but they are always of the same sex, a fact that has escaped the attention of some writers of fiction, who have made twins, identical in all other features, brother and sister, instead of both boys or both girls. Twins that are not identical come from different original cells that happened to start developing together. Such twins need have no more resemblance than any members of the same family, and may or may not be of the same sex.

      In every cell division the first step consists in a division of the chromatin of the nucleus, which is followed by a division of the rest of the protoplasm. The process by which the chromatin is subdivided is so curious as to be worth a brief description. The



      chromatin material is not a simple lump in the nucleus. It looks rather like a tiny string of beads thrown down carelessly, so as to become all mixed together. Each bead is a single bit of chromatin, and these bits are strung on a tiny thread. In an ordinary cell the beads are so mixed together that no order can be distinguished among them, but if a cell that is about to begin dividing is looked at it is found that the string has straightened itself out, and also that it has broken into pieces. The individual pieces are called chromosomes and their number is always the same for any one kind of animal or plant. There is a parasitic worm whose cells have only four chromosomes, and the number ranges from this up to as many as forty-eight in human beings. It may be that other species have even more, but they become so hard to count when there are as many as forty-eight that the number cannot be stated with certainty. So far as can be judged, the number of chromosomes has little to do with the complexity of the animal or plant, for some complex forms have few chromosomes, and some simple forms many.
