The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse. Volumes 1 & 2. Virgil. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Virgil
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066169725
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      Quharin thar doith ane hundreth altaris stand,

      Hait byrnnyng full of Saba sens all houris,

      And smellyng sweit with fresch garlandis of flowris.

      CAP. VII.

      Eneas, at his moderys commandment,

      Cled with the mysty clowd, to Cartage went.

      Thai, in the meyn tyme, hastit furth thar way

      As the rod led thame, quhil ascend ar thai20

      The hill fer rysand abuf the town on hycht,

      Quhar all the Cite forgane thame se thai mycht.

      Eneas wondrit the gretnes of Cartage,

      Quhilk lait tofor had beyn ane smal cotage;

      The fair portis alsso he ferleit fast,

      And of the brute of pepill tharat inpast,

      The large stretys paithit by and by,5

      The byssy Tyrryanys lauborand ardently.

      Ane part haistis to beild the wallys wight;

      And sum to rays the gret castell on hyght,

      And welt vp stanys to the wark on hie;

      Sum grathis fast the thak and rufe of tre;10

      And sum about delvys the fowsy deip;

      Sum chesis officeris the lawys forto kepe,

      With counsalouris and senatouris, wys folkis;

      Ȝonder other sum the new havyn holkis;

      And heir alsso, ane other end fast by,15

      Lays the fundament of the theatry;

      And otheris eik the huge pillaris grete

      Out of the querrellys gan do hew and bete,

      Fortill adorn that place in all degre,

      In tyme cummyng quhar gret triumphe suldbe.20

      Lyke to the beys, in feildis floryst new,

      Gaderyng thar wark of mony diuers hew,

      In soft somyr the brycht son hait schynyng,

      Quhen of thar kynd thame list swarmys furth bryng,

      Or in camys inclus thar hwny cleyn,25

      And with sweit liquour stuffis thar cellis scheyn,

      Or ressavys the byrdyngis from othir tharowt,

      Or fra thar hyve togyddir in a rowt

      Expellis the bowbart beist, the faynt drone be:

      Thar labour is bissy and fervent forto se,30

      The hwny smellys of the sweit tyme seid.

      O, quod Ene, full happy ar ȝhe in deid,

      Quhais large wallis rysys thus on hie!

      A quhile he visseit the boundis of this cite,

      Ane wonder thyng, coverit with a clowd about;5

      He entrys syne amyd the thikast rowt,

      Amang the men he thrang, and nane hym saw.

      Amyd the cite stude ane semly schaw,

      With hys maist plesand sobir schaddowis, quhar,

      As the Punycianys first vpwarpit war,10

      Efter the stormys blastis and seys rage,

      Thai, delvand, fand the takynar of Cartage,

      Ane mekill hors hed that was, I weyn,

      As Juno had schaw tofor, of goddis queyn,

      That signyfyit the cite excellent in batale,15

      And plentuus eik al tymys of vittale.

      In the ilke place, the Sydonas Dido

      Begouth to byg a prowd tempill of Juno,

      With dowreis seir and gyftis of ryches,

      And eik the goldyn statw of the goddes.20

      The entre rays with hie stagis of bras,

      With bras alsso the cupplys festynyt was;

      The brassyn durris jargis on the marbill hirst.

      In this tempill, seir novelteis first

      Schawin till Eneas mesyt gretly hys feir;25

      The first assurance of comfort was heir,

      And hope of releif eftir aduersite:

      For as he went diuers thingis to se,

      Rowmyng about the large tempill scheyn,

      Forto behald the cummyng of the queyn,30

      And of the cite the gret prosperite,

      The mony warkmen, and thar craftis sle

      In dew proportioun, as he woundrit for joy,

      He saw per ordour all the sege of Troy,

      The famus batellis, wlgat throu the warld or this,5

      Of kyng Pryam and athir Attrides,

      And, baldar than thame baith, the fers Achill.

      He styntis, and wepand said Achates tyll;

      Quhou now, quhilk place is this, my frend, quod he,

      Quhat regioun in erd may fundyn be10

      Quhar our mysforton is nocht fully proclame?

      Allace! behald, se ȝondir king Priam,

      Lo, heir his wirschip is haldin in memor;

      Thir lamentabyll takynnys passit befor

      Our mortal myndis aucht to compassioun steir.15

      Away with dreid, and tak na langar feir;

      Quhat! wenys thou na this fame sall do the gude?

      Thus said he, and fed hys mynd, quhar he stude,

      With thir plesand fenȝeit ymagery,

      Murnand sair, and wepand tendyrly,20

      The flude of terys halyng our hys face;

      For as he lukit on the wark percace,

      He saw porturate quhar, in sik a place,

      The Grekis fled and Troianys followis the chace

      Abowt the wallys of Troy as thai dyd fyght:25

      At ȝondir part the Troianys tak the flycht,

      With creste on hed Achillis in hys chair

      Persewand strangly. Not far thens saw he, quhar,

      The quhite tentis of kyng Rhesus, evill kepe,

      Betraisit war apon the first sleip;30

      Quhar, with gret slauchter bludy Diomeid

      Distroyt all, and till hys tent gan leid

      The mylk quhite horssis, fers, swift and gude,

      Or evir thai taistit ony Troiane fude,

      Or drunkyn had of the flude Exanthus.5

      And ȝondir, lo! beheld he Troilus

      Wantyng his armour, the fey barn fleand,

      Fortill recontyr Achilles onganand,

      The hors hym harland behynd the void cart

      Hyngand wyde oppyn, and hys hed dounwart;10

      Suppos he held the renȝeis fast, but faill,

      Hys nek and harys on the erd gan traill,