2 Finite element spaces. The finite‐dimensional subspaces , () are defined and it is assumed that there are such that the sequence of functions ûi () converges in the space X to , that is:(1.152) The functions ûi are not the finite element solutions in general.
3 The finite element solution. The finite element solution satisfies:(1.153)
4 The stability criterion. The finite element method is said to be stable if(1.154) for all possible . The necessary and sufficient condition for a finite element method to be stable is that for every there is a so that(1.155) where is a constant, independent of i, or for every there is a so that this inequality holds. This inequality is known as the Babuška‐Brezzi condition, usually abbreviated to “the BB condition”. This condition was formulated by Babuška in 1971 [9] and independently by Brezzi in 1974 [29].
If the Babuška‐Brezzi condition is not satisfied then there will be at least some
Remark 1.15 Any implementation of the finite element method must be shown to satisfy the Babuška‐Brezzi condition otherwise there will be some input data for which the method will fail even though it may work well for other input data. The formulation based on the principle of virtual work satisfies the Babuška‐Brezzi condition.
Exercise 1.23 Show that the finite element method based on the principle of virtual work satisfies the Babuška‐Brezzi condition.
1.8.1 The mixed method
Consider writing eq. (1.5) in the following form:
and assume that the boundary conditions are
In the following we will use the one‐dimensional equivalent of the notation introduced in sections A.2.2 and A.2.3. Multiply eq. (1.156) by
We define the bilinear form:
and the linear form
The problem is now stated as follows: Find
The finite element problem is formulated as follows: Find