Introduction to Flight Testing. James W. Gregory. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James W. Gregory
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Техническая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781118949801
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Graph depicts the normalized temperature, pressure, and density distributions in the standard atmosphere.

      (2.26)delta equals delta Subscript trop Baseline exp left-bracket minus italic n k left-parenthesis h minus h Subscript trop Baseline right-parenthesis slash theta Subscript trop Baseline right-bracket

      for the pressure ratio in the lower stratosphere. Finally, the density ratio in the lower stratosphere is simply found by the ideal gas law,

      (2.27)sigma equals delta slash theta Subscript trop Baseline period

      2.2.7 Comparison with Experimental Data

      The above equations describe the idealized atmosphere where the parameters are considered as the mean values of the measured quantities. However, as indicated in The U.S. Standard Atmosphere (NOAA et al. 1976), measurement data show considerable variations of the atmospheric parameters depending on time (day and season) and geographic location, which should be considered in flight testing.

Photo depicts the launch of a high-altitude weather balloon from the oval of the Ohio State University. Graph depicts the comparison of the standard atmosphere with temperature data measured by a weather balloon. Graph depicts the comparison of the standard atmosphere with pressure data measured by a weather balloon.

      We will now conclude this chapter with a discussion of different altitude definitions used in aviation. We have already introduced several definitions of altitude for the preceding discussion on the standard atmosphere. To recap, these include absolute altitude, geometric altitude, and geopotential altitude. Absolute altitude, hA, is measured from the center of the Earth and is only relevant when determining the value of gravitational acceleration at a particular altitude. Geometric altitude, hG, is the height of an aircraft above mean sea level. And, geopotential altitude, h, is the height above sea level with the assumption of constant gravitational acceleration. Geopotential altitude is only relevant in the context of deriving the standard atmosphere, so should not be used elsewhere. For the remainder of this book, we will presume that the differences between geometric altitude and geopotential altitude are small and will simply refer to the geometric altitude as h.

      However, these altitude definitions are limited to an engineering context. To make things interesting, we also have a set of altitudes that are defined for the aviation community. And, to make things more interesting, some of the aviation altitudes use the same terms but different definitions! The aviation set of altitudes include true altitude, indicated altitude, pressure altitude, density altitude, and absolute altitude. We will discuss each of these as follows.

      Similarly, indicated altitude is a direct reading from the altimeter, no matter how the altimeter is set. This may or may not be the same as true altitude, depending on the reference pressure used on the altimeter. (The reference pressure essentially shifts the calibration of the altimeter to match local barometric pressure, instead of standard sea level pressure.)

      Pressure altitude, in the aviation realm, is defined as the altitude read from the altimeter when it is set to a reference pressure of 29.92 inHg, which is the standard sea level pressure. In many locations around the world, barometric pressure readings are reported in millibars or hPa, where 1013 mbar (=1013 hPa) is equal to 29.92 inHg (both being standard sea level pressure). Pilots refer to this setting of the altimeter – to provide pressure altitude – as QNE. In engineering terms, pressure altitude has essentially the same meaning. An engineer would express pressure