From Traditional Fault Tolerance to Blockchain. Wenbing Zhao. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Wenbing Zhao
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная компьютерная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119682110
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recovering process may receive two types of retransmitted regular messages: (1) those with a valid rsn value, and (2) those without. Because the rsn counter is part of the state checkpointed, the recovering process knows which message is to be executed next. During the recovery, the process executes the retransmitted regular messages with valid rsn values according to the ascending rsn order. This ensures that these messages are replayed in exactly the same order as they were received prior to the failure. During the replay, the process may send regular messages to other processes. Such messages are logged at the recovering process as usual and they are likely to be duplicate. This is not a concern because of the duplicate detection mechanism in place and the duplicate message handling mechanism described above.

      After replaying these messages, the process is recovered to a state that is visible to, and consistent with, other processes prior to the failure. For regular messages without rsn values, the recovering process can replay them in an arbitrary order because the process must not have sent any regular message since the receipt of such messages prior to its failure. Limitations and Correctness.

      The sender-based message logging protocol described above ensures proper recovery of a distributed system as long as a single failure occurs at a time. That is, after a process fails, no other processes fail until the failed process is fully recovered. Note that the protocol cannot cope with two or more concurrent failures. If two or more failures occur concurrently, the determinant for some regular messages (i.e., the rsn values) might be lost, which would lead to orphan processes and the cascading rollback (i.e., the domino effect).

      EXAMPLE 2.7

Schematic illustration of two concurrent failures could result in the loss of determinant information for regular messages.

      Let’s assume a process Pi fails and another process Pj receives a regular message sent by Pi prior to the failure, we need to prove that the message must have been logged at Pi either prior to its failure or will have been logged before the end of the recovery.

      If Pi checkpointed its state after sending the regular message prior to the failure, the message must have been logged in stable storage and is guaranteed to be recoverable. Otherwise, the message itself would have been lost due the failure because it was logged in volatile memory. However, we prove that the message will be regenerated during the recovery. Discussion.

      As we have mentioned before, unlike the receiver-based pessimistic logging, performing a local checkpointing at a process does not truncate its message log because the log contains messages sent to other processes and they might be needed for the recovery of these other processes. This is rather undesirable. Not only it means unbounded message log size, but it leads to unbounded recovery time as well.

      The sender-based message logging protocol can be modified to at least partially fix the problem. However, it will be at the expense of the locality of local checkpointing. Once a process completes a local checkpoint, it broadcasts a message containing the highest rsn value for the messages that it has executed prior to the checkpoint. All messages sent by other processes to this process that were assigned a value that is smaller or equal to this rsn value can now to purged from its message log (including those in stable storage as part of a checkpoint). Alternatively, this highest rsn value can be piggybacked with each message (regular or control messages) sent to another process to enable asynchronous purging of the logged messages that are no longer needed.

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