From Traditional Fault Tolerance to Blockchain. Wenbing Zhao. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Wenbing Zhao
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная компьютерная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119682110
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News (Distributed Computing Column), 32(4):18–25, December 2001.

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      18 18. W. Zhao. Fast paxos made easy: Theory and implementation. International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST), 6(1):15–33, 2015.

      19 19. W. Zhao. Optimistic byzantine fault tolerance. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 31(3):254–267, 2016.

      20 20. W. Zhao, C. Jiang, H. Gao, S. Yang, and X. Luo. Blockchain-enabled cyber-physical systems: A review. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2020.

      21 21. W. Zhao, S. Yang, and X. Lou. Secure hierarchical processing and logging of sensing data and iot events with blockchain. In Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Blockchain Technology, pages 52–56. ACM, 2020.

      22 22. W. Zhao, S. Yang, and X. Luo. On consensus in public blockchains. In Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Blockchain Technology, pages 1–5, 2019.


      Distributed systems bring many benefits to us, for example, we can share resources such as data storage and processing cycles much more easily; we can collaborative on projects efficiently even if the team members span across the planet; we can solve challenging problems by utilizing the vast aggregated computing power of large scale distributed systems. However, if not designed properly, distributed systems may appear to be less dependable than standalone systems. As Leslie Lamport pointed out: “You know you have one (a distributed system) when the crash of a computer you’ve never heard of stops you from getting any work done” [10]. In this book, we introduce various dependability techniques that can be used to address the issue brought up by Lamport. In fact, with sufficient redundancy in the system, a distributed system can be made significantly more dependable than a standalone system because such a distributed system can continue providing services to its users even when a subset of its nodes have failed.

      In this chapter, we introduce the basic concepts and terminologies of dependable distributed computing and system security, and outline the primary approaches to achieving dependability.

      The term “dependable systems” has been used widely in many different contexts and often means different things. In the context of distributed computing, dependability refers to the ability of a distributed system to provide correct services to its users despite various threats to the system such as undetected software defects, hardware failures, and malicious attacks.

      To reason about the dependability of a distributed system, we need to model the system itself as well as the threats to the system clearly [2]. We also define common attributes of dependable distributed systems and metrics on evaluating the dependability of a distributed system.

      1.1.1 System Models

      A system is designed to provide a set of services to its users (often referred to as clients). Each service has an interface that a client could use to request the service. What the system should do for each service is defined as a set of functions according to a functional specification for the system. The status of a system is determined by its state. The state of a practical system is usually very complicated. A system may consist of one or more processes spanning over one or more nodes, and each process might consist of one or more threads. The state of the system is determined collectively by the state of the processes and threads in the system. The state of a process typically consists of the values of its registers, stack, heap, file descriptors, and the kernel state. Part of the state might become visible to the users of the system via information contained in the responses to the users’ requests. Such state is referred to as external state and is normally an abstract state defined in the functional specification of the system. The remaining part of the state that is not visible to users is referred to as internal state. A system can be recovered to where it was before a failure if its state was captured and not lost due to the failure (for example, if the state is serialized and written to stable storage).

      1.1.2 Threat Models

      Whether or not a system is providing correct services is judged by whether or not the system is performing the functions defined in the functional specification for the system. When a system is not functioning according to its functional specification, we say a service failure (or simply failure) has occurred. The failure of a system is caused by part of its state in wrong values, i.e., errors in its state. We hypothesize that the errors are caused by some faults [6]. Therefore, the threats to the dependability of a system are modeled as various faults.

      A fault might not always exhibit itself and cause error. In particular, a software defect (often referred to as software bug) might not be revealed until the code that contains the defect is exercised when certain condition is met. For example, if a shared variable is not protected by a lock in a multithreaded application, the fault (often referred to as race condition) does not exhibit itself unless there are two or more threads trying to update the shared variable concurrently. As another example, if there is no boundary check on accessing to an array, the fault does not show up until a process tries to access the array with an out-of-bound index. When a fault does not exhibit itself, we say the fault is dormant. When certain condition is met, the fault will be activated.