That is why I enthusiastically applaud Dr Fernando Suárez López del Amo for his vision and dedication in leading the efforts that have culminated in making this book, Periodontics: The Complete Summary, a reality. Knowing Fernando for more than a decade now, I have truly enjoyed witnessing his development and inexorable growth in becoming an excellent clinician, outstanding scholar, and tremendously effective teacher. It is rare for an individual of such virtues to also seek to engage and elevate the profession by generating quality didactic materials. This textbook is a clear representation of Fernando’s commitment.
Spanning from the anatomy of periodontal and peri-implant structures to the management of medical emergencies, this book contains a cleverly weaved sequence of meticulously selected topics covering the most relevant literature pertaining to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of common periodontal and peri-implant diseases and conditions. Readers will notice that a great deal of attention was paid to scrupulously select and present pertinent information stemming both from classic and contemporary literature sources, providing it in a succinct and understandable manner. Although this book is primarily geared to serve as a guide for students throughout their formal training and in their preparation for standardized exams, more experienced professionals will also find it an excellent reference or “refresher” resource.
While Fernando is responsible for its genesis, organization, and successful completion, it must be acknowledged that this book is also the result of a collective endeavor carried out by a marvelous bunch of young and emerging clinicians, researchers, and educators from different geographic locations across the globe. It is exciting to see such a talented group coming together to generate an up-to-date and valuable compendium of foundational knowledge germane to periodontics and oral implantology. Congratulations to all of them for this superb contribution!
With my best wishes,
Gustavo Avila-Ortiz, dds, ms, phd
Professor and Chair
Department of Periodontics
College of Dentistry
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa
The fields of periodontics and oral implantology have greatly advanced and evolved over the last decades. Numerous investigations and developments have redefined the instruments, materials, and techniques used in daily practice, and we, the scientists and clinicians, should always be at the forefront of this continuous evolution. However, while remaining up to date is imperative to provide the best possible patient care, it is of utmost importance to acknowledge and understand the scientific discoveries and investigations previously performed. It is critical to appreciate the lessons learned decades ago to continue with the progression of the periodontal and dental implant fields. For this reason, I decided to embark on this project, and along with the outstanding contribution of a talented group of friends and colleagues, we have created this summary aimed at describing the underlying scientific basis and rationale for the numerous challenges and decisions that periodontists face in clinical practice. Special attention was given to provide the fundamental classic literature as well as newer and more current evidence.
The information presented in this book is a comprehensive review of the most essential knowledge pertaining to the different aspects of periodontics and oral implantology. From anatomy to medical emergencies, the 28 chapters summarize topics related to diagnosis, nonsurgical and surgical therapy, guided tissue regeneration, dental implants, and oral pathology. Students in the dental and periodontal fields will find this book of utmost value during their training. Nevertheless, this book was also conceived with the objective of being a source of information and consultation guide for more senior professionals, including investigators and clinicians.
First, I would like to thank my parents, Antonio and Mónica, for their unconditional love, endless support, and encouragement. For showing me that with passion and sacrifice, everything is possible. I also want to thank Morgan for her love, patience, and support throughout these years from when the idea of creating the book first originated until the final chapter was proofread. I would most like to thank my mentors in Spain and at the University of Michigan, who instilled in me the love for this profession. I have been tremendously fortunate to have mentors throughout my career who have not only taught me dentistry and periodontics, but also served as inspiration and role models. Last but not least, I deeply thank all the authors and coauthors that have collaborated on this project. Their hard work and dedication have made the completion of this book possible. I also want to thank the staff of Quintessence Publishing and particularly Bryn Grisham, as well as Marieke Zaffron for her excellent work editing this book.
Aaeshah Alkanderi, BMedSc, BDM, MS
Department of Periodontics
Jaber Al Ahmad Al Sabah Dental Specialty Center
Shuhada, Kuwait
Farah Asa’ad, BDS, MSc, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Biomaterials
Institute of Clinical Sciences
Sahlgrenska Academy
University of Gothenburg
Gothenburg, Sweden
Federico Ausenda, DDS, MS
Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Periodontology
School of Dental Medicine
Tufts University
Boston, Massachusetts
Clinical Instructor
Department of Biomedical, Surgical, and Dental Sciences
University of Milan
Private Practice
Milan, Italy
Lucía Barallat, DDS, MS, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Periodontology
The University Dental Clinic
International University of Catalonia
Private Practice Limited to Periodontology and Implant Dentistry
Barcelona, Spain
Alvaro Blasi, DDS, CDT
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Restorative Sciences
Dental College of Georgia
Augusta University
Augusta, Georgia
Private Practice
Barcelona, Spain
Gonzalo Blasi, DDS, MS
Dean’s Faculty
Division of Periodontics
School of Dentistry
University of Maryland
Baltimore, Maryland
Associate Faculty
Department of Periodontics
The University Dental Clinic
International University of Catalonia
Private Practice