Prophecies of Robert Nixon, Mother Shipton, and Martha, the Gypsy. Anonymous. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Anonymous
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664593665
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in still plainer terms; for he says,

      A time shall come when priests and monks

       Shall have no churches nor houses,

       And places where images stood,

       Lined letters shall be good,

       English books through churches are spread,

       Where shall be no holy bread.

      It is not my intention to recite every particular he is said to have foretold, which regard either private families or past occasions—however, it may not be amiss to mention what is fresh in every one’s memory who lives near Delamere forest and was vouched to me by several of the oldest inhabitants.

      Thro’ Weaver-hall shall be a lone [10] Ridley-pool shall be sown and mown, And Darnel-Park shall be hacked and hewn.

      The two wings of Weaver-hall are now standing and between them is a cart-road; Ridley-pool is filled up and made good meadow land: and in Darnel-Park the trees are cut down and it is made into pasture-ground.

      I was also assured that he foretold the use of broad wheels, etc. and that the town of Northwich now a considerable place of trade for salt will be destroyed by water, which is expected to come to pass, by the natives of Cheshire, as much as any other part of his prophecy has done; and some urge that the navigable cuts lately made is the water meant: but whether a prejudice against those useful improvements may not have given rise to this notion, time only can determine.

      But what rendered Nixon the most noticed was that at the time when the battle of Bosworth-field was fought between King Richard the Third and King Henry the Seventh, he stopped his team on a sudden and pointing with his whip from one to the other cried, “Now, Richard! Now, Harry!” several times; till at last, he said, “Now, Harry, get over that ditch and you gain the day.” The plough-holder, amazed, related what had passed when he came home, and the truth of the prediction was verified by special messengers sent to announce the proclamation of King Henry of England on the field of battle.

      The messenger who went this circuit related on his return the prediction of Nixon concerning the King’s success; which, though it had been confirmed by his arrival had made it no news to the natives of those parts; but Henry perhaps the wisest Prince of his time not willing to be deceived, nor yet doubting the dispensations of Providence though by the mouth of a fool, sent the same messenger back to find Nixon, and to bring him before him. At the moment the King gave his orders our prophet was in the town of Over, about which he ran like a madman declaring the King had sent for him and that he must go to court and there be clammed: that is, be starved to death. Such a declaration caused a great deal of laughing in the town, to think that his Majesty so noted for his wisdom should send for a dirty drivelling clown to court, and that being sent for he should fear to be starved there; but how great was their surprise, in a few days after, when the messenger passing through the town demanded a guide to find Nixon who (then turning the spit at his brother’s at the Bark-house) cried, “He is coming, he is now on the road for me!” but the astonishment of the family can scarcely be imagined when, on the messenger’s arrival he demanded Nixon in the King’s name; the people who before scoffed at his simple appearance and odd sayings, and had pointed to the very children to make him their sport were now confounded on finding the most ridiculous of all he ever foretold (in their opinion) become a truth, which was vouched to their own eyes. Whilst hurried through the country Nixon still loudly lamented that he was going to be starved at the court.

      He had no sooner arrived there than the cautious King willing to make trial of his foreknowledge devised the following scheme to prove it. Having had a valuable diamond ring which he commonly wore after the most seemingly strict inquiry made through the palace whether any one had seen it; he sent for Nixon, telling him what a loss he had sustained, and that if he could not help him to find it, he had no hopes left. But how much surprised was the King, when he got for answer that old proverb,

      He who hideth can find;

      On which he declared with a smile that he had done this only to try the prophet; but ever after ordered that what he said should be carefully put in writing.

      To prevent Nixon’s being starved his Majesty gave orders for him to have the liberty to range through the whole palace and the kitchen was to be his more constant dwelling. Besides which, an officer was appointed to take care that he was neither misused or affronted by the servants, nor at loss for any necessary of life. Thus situated one would have thought want would never have reached him; yet one day, as the King was going out to his hunting-seat Nixon ran to him crying and begged in the most moving terms that he might not be left, for that if he was his Majesty would never see him again alive: that he should be starved; that now was the time, and if he was left he must die.

      The King whose thoughts were doubtless fixed on the diversion he was going to and supposing the matter so very unlikely to come to pass, only said that it was impossible and recommended him strongly to the officer’s care; but scarcely was the king gone from the palace-gate when the servants mocked and teased Nixon to such a degree, that the officer to prevent these insults locked him up in a closet and suffered no one but himself to attend on him thinking that he should prevent this part of his prophecy coming true: but a message of great importance coming from the King to this very officer, he in his readiness to obey the royal command forgot to set poor Nixon at liberty and though he was but three days absent when he recollected his prisoner he found him at his return, dead as he had foretold of hunger.

      Thus evidenced with what is past stands his prophecy in every mouth in Cheshire; yet a greater affront cannot be given than to ask a copy from the families said to be possessed of it. Every possible means it is well known has been used to smother the truth, perplex the curious, and even to abolish the very remembrance that such a one ever existed, but from what reason cannot appear except that it is foretold that the heir of O— is to meet with some ignominious death at his own gate, [16] with other family events which, though no person or time being perfectly distinguished may perhaps occasion this secrecy.

      I must also observe that the cross on Delamere forest, that is, three steps and the socket in which the cross formerly stood are now sunk within a few inches of the ground, though all remember to have seen it within the memory of man nearly six feet above, the cross itself having been destroyed long since. It is also remarkable that Headlets cross is mentioned by Merlin de Rymer and most other English and Scotch prophets as the last place in England on which it is supposed a decisive action will happen; but as to any fixed period when the things will come to pass I cannot learn, being all mentioned with the greatest uncertainty.




       Table of Contents

      When a raven shall build in a stone lion’s mouth,

       On a church top beside the grey forest,

       Then shall a king of England be drove from his crown,

       And return no more.

      When an eagle shall sit on the top of Vale-Royal house,

       Then shall an heir be born, who shall live to see great troubles in England.

      There shall be a miller nam’d Peter,

       With two heels on one foot,

       Who shall distinguish himself bravely,

       And shall be knighted by the victor:

       For foreign nations shall invade England;

       But the invader shall be killed,

       And laid across a horse’s back,

       And led in triumph.

      A boy shall be born with three thumbs on one hand,

       Who shall hold three King’s horses,

       Whilst England three times is won and lost in one day.
