Table of Contents
1 Cover
7 1 Embracing Psychology Positively References
8 2 The Empathy‐Altruism Hypothesis Empathy‐Altruism Hypothesis Conclusion References
9 3 Positive Creativity Positive Creativity and Negative Creativity Causes of Negative Creativity References
10 4 Science of Well‐Being Relative Independence of Positive Affect, Negative Affect, and Life Satisfaction Subjective Well‐Being Measurement Set Point and Adaptation Causes of Well‐Being Outcomes of Well‐Being Conclusion References
11 5 Positive Psychology: Coaching Leadership Tensions Introduction Workplace Coaching Leadership Tensions (1) Coaching for Happiness at Work: Well‐Being and Performance (2) Coaching for Emotions at Work: Going to, Going through (3) Coaching for Vision at Work: Clarifying and Aligning (4) Coaching the Self at Work: Humility and Audacity Conclusion References
12 6 Positive Cyberpsychology Technology in Experiencing Well‐being and Optimal Human Functioning Impact of Technology on Well‐Being Impact of Online Content on Well‐Being Positive versus Negative Cyberpsychology References
13 7 Earth to Humans Social Psychology and Intelligence Role of Rational Thinking Role of Personality The Role of Positive Psychology References Note
14 8 Time Perspective and Good Feelings Introduction Time Perspective Positive Affective Experiences Time Perspective and Subjective Positive Affects References
15 9 Physiological and Epigenetic Introduction Dopaminergic Neural Pathway Cholinergic Anti‐Inflamatory Pathway Interoception Information Conclusion References
16 10 Youth Civic Engagement Conceptualizing Youth Civic Engagement Role of Microsocial Processes Role of Macro‐Societal Contexts Future Directions References
17 11 The Ups and Downs of Love Love is Not a Single Thing: Analyze What Is Going Right or Wrong The Role of Ideals Triangulating Love Love