— Index I —
I AMan analysis of an existential concept of the, 105:1.0 (1152.4–1153.5)Buddhism’s concept of the, 94:11.11 (1040.2)as cause and source of the Trinity and Absolute, 56:9.5 (644.7)causelessness of, unique, 102:7.3 (1126.3)concept of the nonattainable, and the attainable, the same hypotheses, 106:9.9 (1174.5)differentiation and integration of the, 105:2.3 (1154.2)establishment by the, of a sevenfold self-relationship, 105:4.2 (1157.3)existential concept of, and experiential concept of, one and the same, 106:9.9 (1174.5)expression in these papers as the, of unity in infinity, 115:3.3 (1261.7)the finality unity of energy-spirit in the, 103:7.12 (1139.4)force, the Paradise Source and Center the realization-revelation of the, 105:3.4 (1156.1)God the, 2:1.5 (34.4)the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, (1900.2) 174:3.2, 174:3.2 (1900.2), 174:3.2 (1900.4)of human salvation, 102:3.10 (1122.6)identical with the First Source and Center in the seventh triunity, 104:4.44 (1150.11)the Infinite and infinity, 105:1.3 (1152.6)insignificance of universe of universes apart from the, 195:7.18 (2080.3)liberation of, from unqualified infinity, 0:3.21 (6.1)the limit of the Father’s self-revelation in Moses’ time, 182:1.9 (1965.3)man’s philosophic postulate of the, vs. his worshipful concept of the Universal Father, 105:1.6 (1153.3)nature of, as unity, 105:4.4 (1157.5), 115:3.3 (1261.7)original diversification of the, due to inherent volition, 105:5.1 (1158.1)infinity of, and diversified manifestations of the seven triunities, 104:4.47 (1150.14)the original monothetic Creator personality, 56:1.6 (638.4)in past eternity, and in future eternity, 106:3.5 (1166.3), 106:8.23 (1173.1)a philosophic concession to finite mind, 0:3.23 (6.3)pre-Trinity and post-Trinity, one and the same, 106:9.9 (1174.5)the process of self-revelation of the, 105:4.2 (1157.3)realization of the, as an experiential attainable, 106:8.22 (1172.7)self-metamorphosis of the, consequences, 105:2.3 (1154.2)-realization of the, 106:8.23 (1173.1)as sevenfold, method of arrival at a concept of the, 105:2.4 (1154.3)at some hypothetical past-eternity moment, possible concepts regarding the, 105:1.5 (1153.2)technique of personality realization by the, 0:3.22 (6.2)that I AM, 182:1.9 (1965.3)timeless, spaceless, and unqualified nature of the, 102:3.10 (1122.6)and the Trinity of Trinities, 0:12.9 (16.6), 106:9.9 (1174.5)the union of the Supreme, Ultimate, and Absolute the functional reassembly of the, 106:8.22 (1172.7)the unknowable phase of the First Source and Center, 105:1.6 (1153.3)Universal Censor the expression of, in juridical trio, 19:4.4 (218.2)I WASthe God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, not what the Father said, 174:3.4 (1900.4)Perfector of Wisdom the expression of, in a juridical trio, 19:4.4 (218.2)signifying of, by I AM, 118:1.9 (1296.1)I WILL BEDivine Counselor the expression of, in a juridical trio, 19:4.4 (218.2)signifying of, by I AM, 118:1.9 (1296.1)Iceage, and appearance of man, 61:6.0 (700.2), 65:2.16 (733.6)determination of length of the, 61:5.2 (699.3)impossibility of another, while polar ice sheets remain, 61:7.11 (702.1)termination of, time of, 61:7.12 (702.2)collection in North America, three centers of, 61:5.4 (699.5)glacial, continental distribution of, 61:5.3 (699.4)invasion, acceleration of human evolution during the fifth, 61:7.4 (701.3)sheet, fourth, extent of, 61:7.2 (701.1), 64:4.4 (721.2)polar, time of formation of, 61:7.11 (702.1)IcelandAndonites’ residence in, 64:7.16 (728.5), 78:1.5 (869.1)burial of, by ice flows, time of, 61:5.4 (699.5)land bridge, submergence of, in Miocene period, 61:3.9 (697.4)Ichthyosaurssize of, 60:2.11 (688.3)Idea(s)-decisions, man’s need to organize knowledge into, in order to progress, 101:6.7 (1112.3)a definition, 101:7.1 (1113.7), 111:4.10 (1220.9), 133:7.7 (1479.7), 196:3.2 (2094.1)of God, vs. the ideal of God, 5:5.11 (69.6), 160:5.6 (1781.2)and ideals, animals’ inability to express, 109:4.1 (1198.4)Jesus’, near failure of realization of, reason, 170:4.14 (1863.12), 170:5.19 (1866.2), 195:0.12 (2070.8)of Judaism and Christianity, Romanized Greeks’ influence on the, 195:2.7 (2073.2)necessity of, to religion, 102:2.7 (1120.4), 160:5.6 (1781.2)pattern, questions regarding space’s relation to an, 118:3.7 (1297.8)philosophers’ co-ordination of, 101:5.9 (1110.12)vs. a positive decision, 101:7.1 (1113.7)power of an, in influencing the evolutionary mind, 87:4.3 (961.4), 92:3.3 (1005.5)and practical citizenship, 156:5.16 (1740.3)things, and values, co-ordination of, by human mind, supermaterial character of, 12:8.8 (140.4)Ideal(s)attainment of, prayer and the, 144:2.2 (1618.6)of children, wise attitude toward, 48:6.32 (554.6)Christian, incompatibility of exclusive profit motivation with, 71:6.1 (805.5)the divine and supreme, personalization of, as a God of fatherly love, 56:10.15 (647.6)of Eden, influence of custom in spreading the, 51:6.3 (587.1)elevation of, by gospel of Jesus, 160:1.15 (1775.1)enhancement of, an indication of educational growth, 100:1.3 (1094.5)of family life, 84:7.0 (939.4–942.1)of God, vs. the idea of God, 160:5.5 (1781.1)realization of, and soul consciousness, 5:5.11 (69.6)great, the importance of the lure of a, 160:1.8 (1773.5), 160:5.5 (1781.1)height of, vs. practicality of ideas, 156:5.16 (1740.3)high and inspirational, for all worlds, Jesus’ mission to create, 140:10.3 (1585.1)vs. ideas, as to origin, 111:4.10 (1220.9)importance of man’s knowledge of the superhuman origin of his, 103:5.0 (1133.6–1135.2)of infinite realty, God the Father the, 160:5.7 (1781.3)of Jesus, bold challenging by, of traditions of human race, 195:0.3 (2069.3)eventual triumph of, 195:3.10 (2074.5)of living, Jesus’ one, 157:6.2 (1749.1)of loving enemies, recognition of rightness of, 103:5.2 (1133.7)of mankind, religion and the stabilization of the, 99:1.3 (1086.6)man’s ability to communicate, 160:2.1 (1775.2)problems in living up to his, 103:4.3 (1133.3)process of transforming ideas into, 101:6.7 (1112.3)of marriage, present progress in, 83:8.8 (930.4)an, on spheres on high, 83:8.5 (930.1)new and great, Christianity’s possession of a, 195:0.8 (2070.4)noble, sincere men unafraid to critically examine, 146:3.2 (1641.4)of personal religious living, Jesus’ potential reinstatement as, results, 196:1.2 (2090.3)of spirit reality, God as the, 160:5.4 (1780.6)how satisfied, 180:5.8 (1950.3)of spiritual living, Jesus’ adjustment of, to practical earthly demands, 127:6.12 (1405.4)supernal, and revelation of God, 2:0.2 (33.2)susceptible of human attainment, 160:5.5 (1781.1)transcendent, God a, 1:5.8 (28.5)truth’s augmentation of, 103:4.2 (1133.2)of the Western world, the Socratic nature of the, 98:0.1 (1077.1)Idealismof altruism, derived from divine indwelling, 103:5.1 (1133.6)of divine love, an eternal motivation of God the Father, 4:4.6 (59.2)extent to which Plato envisioned God in, 92:5.12 (1009.6)the goal of, the youthful Jesus learning how to plan for achievement of, 127:6.12 (1405.4)God not the mere invention of man’s, 196:3.24 (2095.8)the great test of, 71:4.17 (804.17)Greek, rapidly spreading notions of, an early influence on the kingdom of heaven concept, 170:5.2 (1864.2)of Havona creatures, vs. its choice by men, 3:5.17 (52.3)higher, of divine reality, adventure in the spirit worlds of, 160:5.11 (1782.2)the highest, embodied in self-respect, role of, in interpreting the golden rule, 147:4.6 (1650.7)man’s, teaching that altruism merely a herd instinct is fatal to, 103:5.8 (1134.6)man’s spiritual, a value level difficult of symbolization, 0:2.1 (3.14)not the equivalent of religious reality, 196:3.23 (2095.7)pantheistic, example of a religion featuring an impersonal Deity, 91:2.5 (996.3)of the religion of Jesus, effort to convey to fellow men the concepts of, 160:5.11 (1782.2)religious, function