Pitz, S.; Müller-Forell, W. (Mainz)
Is Orbital Imaging Always Necessary?
What Are the Relative Benefits of Orbital CT and MRI?
What Is the Place of Orbital Ultrasound?
What Lessons Can We Learn from Orbital Octreoscan?
What Other Imaging Techniques May Be Useful?
Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Graves’ Orbitopathy
Konuk, O. (Ankara); Anagnostis, P. (Thessaloniki)
Can You Give an Overall Scheme for the Diagnosis of Graves’ Orbitopathy?
Which Clinical Findings Are Helpful in Making a Diagnosis of Graves’ Orbitopathy?
Can One Make a Diagnosis of Graves’ Orbitopathy Based on Medical History and Clinical Picture Alone?
Do We Always Need to Order Thyroid Autoantibody and Thyroid Function Tests?
Which Are the Most Frequent Conditions Mimicking Graves’ Orbitopathy?
Mamoojee, Y.; Pearce, S.H.S. (Newcastle upon Tyne)
Does Graves’ Orbitopathy Occur at the Same Time as Hyperthyroidism?
Does Restoring Euthyroidism Lead to Improvement in Graves’ Orbitopathy?
What Effect May Hypothyroidism Have?
What Is the Typical Course of the Disease?
What Happens to Orbital Fat during the Course of the Disease?
What Is the Difference between Activity and Severity?
How Do You Determine Which Phase of the Disease the Patient Is Displaying?
How Does the Phase of the Disease Influence the Choice of Treatment?
Will Graves’ Orbitopathy Eventually Burn Itself Out?
Will the Orbital Changes Return to Normal when the Condition Eventually Resolves?
How Long Is It Likely to Take before the Disease Becomes Inactive?
General Management Plan for Graves’ Orbitopathy
Bartalena, L. (Varese)
Is There General Agreement among Specialists on How to Manage Graves’ Orbitopathy?
What Are the Priorities when Faced with a New Presentation of Graves’ Orbitopathy?
Should the Patient Be Informed about Risk Factors Affecting the Course of Graves’ Orbitopathy?
What Is the Evidence about the Role of Smoking on the Course of Graves’ Orbitopathy?
Does Thyroid Status Affect Graves’ Orbitopathy?
Are There Simple Measures That Can Help the Eyes?
Is Early Referral to Specialized Centres Important?
Can You Provide the Patient with an Overall Management Scheme?
Törüner, F.B.; Konuk, O.; Ayvaz, G. (Ankara)
What Are Combined Thyroid-Eye Clinics?
Why Is a Multidisciplinary Approach Recommended?
Can Patient Support Groups Be Helpful?