2 Elsewhere [18], I have argued that a phenotypic ‘program’ cannot consistently be said to be a program, because the term program is based on the distinction between prescription and realization.
3 See our collection [31].
4 Another line of critique against the genetic program view would be that it naturalizes its metaphor. The assumption is that programs are not just our ‘way of understanding’ but that genes ‘really are’ programs, i.e. that they ‘work as’ programs.
5 Thanks to Lorraine Cowley, herself a genetic counselor, now social researcher in genetics, who brought to my attention that the usual language in genetic counseling sessions in Britain includes ‘genetic fault’ for mutations and ‘instruction book’ for the genome.
6 ‘What critics want to dispatch as ‘just a heap of cells’ in fact carries the whole genetic program for the development of a human being, from its very beginning as a fertilized egg cell. The program is integrally present, in its necessary and sufficient form’.
7 Implications for morally interpreting the role of the embryo donor in stem cell research are pointed out by Scully and Rehmann-Sutter [36].
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6 Angier N: Scientists and Philosophers Find that ‘Gene’ Has a Multitude of Meanings. New York Times, 11 November 2008.
7 Zimmer C: Now: The Rest of the Genome. New York Times, 11 November 2008.
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9 Gadamer H-G: Wahrheit und Methode. Grundzüge einer philosophischen Hermeneutik, ed 5. Tübingen, Mohr, 1986.
10 White House Office of Press Secretary: President Clinton Announces the Completion of the First Survey of the Entire Human Genome, June 25, 2000. www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/project/clinton1.shtml; accessed March 2, 2010.
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12 http://www.genome.gov/10001356; accessed March 2, 2010.
13 Beurton P: Genbegriffe; in Krohs U, Toepfer G (eds): Philosophie der Biologie. Frankfurt, Suhrkamp, 2005,pp 195-211.
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