Algebra and Applications 1. Abdenacer Makhlouf. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Abdenacer Makhlouf
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Математика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119818151
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J is isomorphic to one of the superalgebras in examples 1.8, 1.9 and 1.101.15 or it is the Kantor double of the Poisson bracket in example 1.17.

      REMARK 1.3.– We will assume always in this section that image.

      1.6.2. Case char F = p > 2, the even part image is semisimple

      Let us assume next that char F = p > 2 and the even part image is a semisimple Jordan algebra.

      Recall that a semisimple Jordan algebra is a direct sum of finitely many simple ideals.

      This case was addressed in Racine and Zelmanov (2003) and the classification essentially coincides with the one of zero characteristic, expect of some differences if char F = 3.

via a ∙ b = ab in M3(F)+ if a, bH3(F), that is,


      This superalgebra is simple.


      The action of image over image is defined as follows:


      Shestakov (1997) proved that B is an alternative superalgebra and has a natural involution ∗ given by (a + m)∗ = ām, image, where aā is the symplectic involution, and image.

      If H3(B, ∗) denotes the symmetric matrices with respect to the involution ∗, then H3(B, ∗) is a simple Jordan superalgebra. It is i-exceptional, that is, it is not a homomorphic image of a special Jordan superalgebra.

be a finite dimensional central simple Jordan superalgebra over an algebraically closed field F of char F = p > 2. If image and image is semisimple, then J is isomorphic to one of the superalgebras in examples 1.8, 1.9, 1.101.14 or char F = 3 and J is the nine-dimensional degenerate Kac superalgebra (see example 1.15) or J is isomorphic to one of the superalgebras in examples 1.21 and 1.22.

      1.6.3. Case char F = p > 2, the even part image is not semisimple

      This case shows similarities with infinite dimensional superconformal Jordan algebras (see section 1.8) in characteristic 0.

      Let us denote image the algebra of truncated polynomials in m variables. Let B(m, n) = B(m) ⊗ G(n) be the tensor product of B(m) with the Grassmann algebra G(n) = 〈1, ξ1,…, ξn〉. Then B(m, n) is an associative commutative superalgebra.

      THEOREM 1.3 (Martínez and Zelmanov (2010)).– Let

be a finite dimensional simple unital Jordan superalgebra over an algebraically closed field F of characteristic p > 2. If the even part image is not semisimple, then there exist integers m, n and a Jordan bracket { , } on B(m, n) such that J = B(m, n) + B(m, n)v = KJ(B(m, n), { , }) is a Kantor double of B(m, n) or J is isomorphic to a Cheng–Kac Jordan superalgebra JCK(B(m), d) for some derivation d : B(m) → B(m).

      1.6.4. Non-unital simple Jordan superalgebras

      Finally, let us consider non-unital simple Jordan superalgebras. As we have seen, K3 the three-dimensional Kaplansky superalgebra and K9 the nine-dimensional degenerate Kac superalgebra are examples of such superalgebras.

      Let us consider in Z the bracket { , } given by:


      The above bracket is a Jordan bracket, so the Kantor double V(Z, D) = Z + Zv = KJ(Z, { , }) is a simple