11 Platform 5: Improving safety and quality of care 55 Health and safety legislation Legislation Risk assessment Hazards 56 Clinical audit Florence Nightingale Audit Stages of the audit cycle 57 Risk assessment tools Risk assessment tools Tools and instruments Limitations 58 National Early Warning Score (NEWS2) National Early Warning Scores (NEWS) National Early Warning Score 2 A holistic approach 59 Hazards and incidents Hazards to staff Incidents, error and near misses Patient safety reporting systems Escalating concerns 60 Staffing and safe care Skill mix Impact of inadequate staffing levels The Nursing and Midwifery Council 61 Revalidation Revalidation The Nursing Associate’s responsibility Practice‐related feedback Written reflection
12 Platform 6: Contributing to integrated care 62 Being resilient Resilience Basic needs Emotional stability Confidence Social support Speaking your truth (be honest with yourself) Self‐awareness and insight Having faith 63 The roles of health and social care teams Integrated care Effective working relationships Understanding roles 64 Long‐term conditions Long‐term conditions Personalised care planning The pyramid of care for those with long‐term conditions 65 Promoting independence Intermediate care Core principles Risk Personalised goals 66 Accessing care The NHS England Access to services Barriers to accessing services Improving access to services 67 Discharge planning Discharge planning Transfer of care Hospital passport