Nothing But The Lord Can Keep Me From Truth. ALICE L. WEST. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Изобразительное искусство, фотография
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781649696854
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to it. Many that's not my family, that's not no friend of mine, many that I do not even know but seen they face and their marks. Many call me stupid and I accept they remarks for they do not as well understand. Lord the world has rosed up against me and I show no fear for I know you are coming Lord . I allow them all to call me crazy and I don't mine at all. for I know if manythat don't believe in you and expressed themselves against you Lord and none of them had to go through this. This is pure evil roaming the earth using the word giant. But have no understanding of the real giant that's gonna walk this earth. I have fear of that giant because I know that it is you LORD. The only one I fear.

      I do not fear no human because they are just man and woman made from man. They don't know my heart and soul dwell in the house of the Lord. In the name of Jesus, I shall not fear thy enemies that rise up. I shall upon the lies that are told, or the evil acts set upon me and my family. I know that you are watching and see all. Just as many do evil upon me saying it's in your name Lord without knowledge of all coming to me and sitting me down to talk to me with out riddles. All pastors that forsake my name as they find it that easy to do so. Why couldn't they rise and bring me forth and sit me down and have and a conversation with me to understand me instead of judging me that is your job Lord. Why not leave me just as I leave them all to be judged in heaven by you Lord. I shall not run to police about these acts but allow you to Judge each and everyone that has rose against me in such a file way with no real understanding, but of the understand of just man that could have judged me all wrong. None have never came to me directly and had a word with me but all judge me, all has come against me. If I am wrong I can accept me wrong doing and try hard to correct it but do they all think they are not wrong for these acts?? Do they not??? How can they correct the murders the brutal rappings , How do they correct the the judging that all has done in your name?? How do they not see that they are wrong as well if I am so wrong.I can fix my any wrong that I have do but can they?? I must pray.

      BOOK OF EZEKIEL as I say no more in the name of Jesus!

      ALL is getting a big kick out of watching our every move as we get hurt through it all. While you Bishop play out the roll of the bible for something you are after, for what you have done. One day it will all come to light and you will none of you will have no justification for your hash acts, none of this make no since. All for what you want. Perry, Harvey and all that joined yall. I promise there has be a day God set just for. There was not enough money in the world all needed that would make yall do this to people a whole family. Perry said wait till I find out who is doing this and now that I know. Knowing why is the worse part. I continue to pray for all souls. I don't care no more about the sounds of engines let them roar loudly. across the city streets.. As they echo off all walls for the sale, for this is fun to all as all pockets get full. We suffer for now but our suffering will have nothing to the suffering all face. All will bare their shame. This is acts of pure greed. This is just the flesh but yall don't move my spirit, will not every move my spirit and won't ever move my spirit. That is yall flesh but all spirits will surely roam and burn through out hell. in the name of Jesus. All think they know God lol I must. All that watch with a silent tongue. You are no better, all have proved that none are nothing OF Godly. No matter how much you go to church. No matter what I did or said, Who are yall any of yall to be the judge?? One day all will think back on the awful crime all performed, all watched and engaged in. I can not judge none and I shall not. All i can do is pray for all souls. Have a great day! The devils doors are open as he awaits for all. THIS EARTH I TELL YOU NO LIE IS GONNA SHAKE< ROCK< AS MANY WILL BE DESTROYED AND THREW TO THE FIERY PITS OF HELL. ok I'll can live with that too. Call me a lair when I know truth. GOD is the TRUTH. NOTHING NO ONE DID WAS OF ANY TRUTH. THIS IS NOT MY LIFE AND DAYS WILL COME TO PEACE< AS I I AMD FAMILY SHALL REJOICE IN GLAMOROUS DAYS. I have peace through it all now, blow by blow. from every night.

      AS ALL THINGS COME TO AN END! You are the devil! You know who I speak of you words don't sound the same no more.

      These people are two funny as they watch us leave, follow us around through the city and blow the horn when we come in taking count. as they flash their head lights on us. Stupid as hell I know every move yall make. Now turn on your cameras to finish watching us.

      Lord thank you for changing me, thank you Lord for encouraging me to write. I can forgive you but I trying hard not to tell on you, although all sees you too.

      I gonna just watch you fall instead by your own hands. All will fall by the hands of thy self.. I cant write no more unless we get attacked the way we did this morning. Footage many haven't seen. footage that they cut out. They can lie or say yeah right but the marks don't nails don't lie. my daughter was drugged and that kinda of stuff don't lie. They raped her this morning and how about the many hand prints all over my legs and inner thighs big and small ones. Book will be published soon and sent free around to everyone of law in every state . YOOOOOO!!!!!! The reason why I smile. The white house on down. I gonna get justice. yall can't stop this. The LORD said stop and now the Lord make sure . every church gets it across the world for free. ROAR ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm ROARING TOO> Sick of this and funny how yall think I'm supposed to just take it and stay silent.. The world will know this story and more than what all show. they gonna read the missing footage. All are the sadist people the world have ever seen. Yes this is a war and I'm glad I'm on the right team. Don't ever think I'm gonna stop fighting. yall started this war and GOD gonna finish it and I'm gonna help out.

      This is not about hope and hope can stand till the Lord cleans the world and cst all the demons out. What make all think this is not wrong or sinful unto God?? Why do all think this is of good axts the pleases the LORD. NEWS FLASH!!!! This is wrong in every way, all that know about without watching is a sinner, all that watch is a sinner all that's involved is a sinner. CALL ME A LAIR WHEN ALL KNOW I JUST SPOKE TRUTH.

      GOT TO GO < I NEED A NEW CHURCH that is really of GOD


      WHO CARES HOW LOUD YALL GET MAKE IT KNOW> IM MAKE A MOVE> WE DO NOT ACCEPT ABUSE AND IS NOT FOR SALE. I;m gonna show all better than I can tell all. HOH I"LL SAY LESS. OMG its no way out of this.

      you are not the devil I just didn't realize how hard it is to get us out this is unbelievable. I'm fighting tho , where there is a will there shall always be a way.. I strongly believe that ,GOD make ways out of no ways.

      I must realize these people don't care or love them self so it comes easy for them to do this. They living for this moment nothing more. They don't even love life. Sure they are rich until they get caught then they fear and try hard to find God but nothing but the devil awaits and they all know this.. Why else would you take a chance on getting life in jail.

      The more I learn I come to realize that it's not a man but a woman maybe a couple. The one that is trafficking my daughters is a woman.

      backed up by a large group of man and women who are prostitutes. must do a lot of homework on this. How did bishop know my friends and many people are dying I know?????? how did the lady in white know we were in the hotel but we gad no room service I brought our food we used nothing they provided. how do they know about my health all of them/

      I'm beginning to think this is a family business. I can't put my hands on it. but the whole church got involved so canfused and I don't want to think that way but I'm just going over the facts, How did they know to speaking on the the fact of wanting to be with that man I seen traffick me.HOW?? I don't want to believe that. I know in my heart these traffickers are messing with my mind. , I must stay focused and know my people , Bishop been in my lfe for over 20 years and I never seen him do no wrong , why would he mess up all he have for this mess. I don't see that in none of them. have to keep my mind right. I fight to stay strong but it gets hard at times. I would love to come face to face with who this is, and know it. 100 sure. Lord I would have to beg for forgiveness, I don't know what I would do. you hurt my babies and my friends. you hurt me bad. to the soul , just to know all you did, punk shut up because you don't want to get caught. you sorry as hell. that means nothing, you mean nothing. I wish I know the exact house you are in because I would not stop calling law and pointing you out. you talk trash as you hide behind the walls. you attack babies and children. and women you're a punk in my eyes i have no respect for you coward. see you in my sleep. lol all you gonna ever get is me laughing at you. are you down stairs. big