Manual for Eye Examination and Diagnosis. Mark W. Leitman. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mark W. Leitman
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Медицина
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119630579
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hemorrhages that are grayis...Fig 514 Schematic of normal retina showing retinal pigment epithelium sittin...Fig 515 Dry AMD, with thinning of retina, thickening of Bruch’s membrane (dr...Fig 516 Dry AMD with pigment mottling, drusen, and loss of the foveal reflex...Fig 517 OCT of dry AMD with large drusen ↑.Fig 518 Geographic atrophy is the more advanced form of dry AMD resulting in...Fig 519 Neovascular (nAMD) is also called the wet type. Abnormal choroidal v...Fig 520 Hemorrhagic stage of wet AMD may be associated with severe vision lo...Fig 521 Fluorescein angiogram of subretinal neovascular membrane.Fig 522 OCT of wet AMD with increased retinal thickening due to edema (appea...Fig 523 OCT of wet AMD with cystoid macular edema. This loculated type of ed...Fig 524 AMD imaged with OCTA showing choroidal neovascularization on left an...Fig 525 Late‐stage wet AMD with disciform scar following hemorrhage.Fig 526 Pars plana injection of an anti‐VEGF to treat wet AMD. Calipers meas...Fig 527 Intravitreal injections are becoming the most common intraocular oph...Fig 528 White‐centered pre‐retinal hemorrhages called Roth spots may occur i...Fig 529 Central serous chorioretinopathy.Fig 530 Fluorescein leakage through the RPE in central serous chorioretinopa...Fig 531 Central serous chorioretinopathy.Fig 532 OCT of central serous chorioretinopathy showing subretinal fluid det...Fig 533 Cotton‐wool spots in AIDS. Arteriolar closure causes infarctions of ...Fig 534 White, inflammatory cells in cytomegalovirus retinitis.Fig 535 Schematic cross‐section of retina.Fig 536 Exudate in background diabetic retinopathy. Leaking fluid from vesse...Fig 537 Drusen, together with pigment mottling and decreased vision is often...Fig 538 Pseudoxanthoma elasticum: Angloid streaks are breaks in Bruch’s memb...Fig 539 Do not confuse pseudoxanthoma elasticum and Ehlers–Danlos (ED) syndr...Fig 540 Albinotic fundus.Fig 541 Transilluminated iris in albinism.Fig 542 Albinotic hair and skin.Fig 543 Retinitis pigmentosa with boney pigmented spicules.Fig 544 Retinitis pigmentosa with macular cyst clearly visible on OCT.Fig 545 Constricted visual field in late‐stage retinitis pigmentosa. Dark sq...Fig 546 A microchip in the subretinal space (note black pigment clumping typ...Fig 547 Retinoblastoma.Fig 548 Leukocoria (white pupil) due to retinoblastoma.Fig 549 Stage 3 retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Note line of demarcation w...Fig 550 Regression of abnormal vessels and hemorrhages after treating ischem...Fig 551 Late stage retinopathy of prematurity with disk and retinal vessels ...Fig 552 Posterior vitreous detachment. The posterior surface of the vitreous...Fig 553 Pars plana vitrectomy—The vitrector cuts out at a rate of 15,000/min...Fig 554 Pars plana vitrectomy showing sites for illumination, irrigation, an...Fig 555 Pars plana vitrectomy.Fig 556 Vitreous opacity.Fig 557 Vitreolysis of vitreous opacity with laser breaking it up into small...Fig 558 Slit lamp view of asteroid hyalosis with lens seen on left and vitre...Fig 559 Hazy view of toxoplasmosis choroiditis due to white cells in the vit...Fig 560 Vitreous hemorrhage or inflammatory cells could hinder one from gett...Fig 561 Blunt trauma, causing pre‐, intra‐, and subretinal hemorrhages is re...Fig 562 Vitreomacular tractionFig 563 OCT of epiretinal membrane appearing as a thickened white line on su...Fig 564 Macular pucker with visible traction lines It occurs in 6% of the po...Fig 565 A blade or forceps is used to create an initial flap in the internal...Fig 566 A circular tear then peels off the opacified epithelial membrane wit...Fig 567 Photograph of peeling epiretinal membrane.Fig 568 OCT scan of full‐thickness macular hole with no detachment caused by...Fig 569 OCT scan of macular hole resolution after vitrectomy with injection ...Fig 570 OCT showing vitreomacular traction (↑) with pigment epithelial detac...Fig 571 Diabetic retinopathy with exudates and macular hole (↑).Fig 572 OCT of partial‐thickness macular hole, called a lamellar hole. Also,...Fig 573 Retinal hole with detachment of sensory retina from pigment epitheli...Fig 574 Lattice degeneration, with a small, round hole with fluid entering t...Fig 575 Retinal detachment caused by a large tear and hole in area of lattic...Fig 576 Pneumatic retinopathy is performed in office. After laser photocoagu...Fig 577 Bubble tamponading retinal hole after laser treatment creates barrie...Fig 578 Retinal detachment with a large hole referred to as horseshoe tear. ...Fig 579 Retinal detachment due to contraction of vitreous membranes treated ...Fig 580 Scleral buckling repair of retinal detachment.Fig 581 Repair of retinal detachment with silicone buckle.

      12 Appendix 1Fig 582 Branch retinal artery embolus (↑) from carotid artery and resulting ...Fig 583 In diabetes, hard exudates are caused by lipoproteins leaking from r...Fig 584 Carotid endarterectomy showing temporary shunt (↑) to bypass surgica...Fig 585 Thrombectomy using spatula and forceps (see Fig. 135).Fig 586 Plaque removed from carotid artery.Fig 587 Xanthelasma are irregular yellowish plaque on the medial side of the...Fig 588 Creamy, white retinal blood vessels indicating lipemia retinalis whi...Fig 589 Corneal arcus is a narrow, white band of lipid infiltration separate...

      13 Appendix 2Fig 590 Amsler grid.


      1  Cover Page

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright Page

      4  Preface

      5  Introduction to the eye team and their instruments

      6  Table of Contents

      7  Begin Reading

      8  Appendix 1 Hyperlipidemia

      9  Appendix 2 Amsler grid

      10  Index

      11  Wiley End User License Agreement


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