Much was the blood which was shed upon the earth, till at last it allayed the clouds of dust, and the field of combat was light, and the fierce amok as became visible, none of whom on either side would fly. Then Raja Chulan advanced his elephant, and broke into the ranks of Raja Suran, which exceeded all power of calculation. Wherever he approached the corpses swelled in heaps over the ground, till great numbers of the Kling troops perished, and unable to maintain their ground, they began to give way. He was observed by Raja Suran, who hurried forward to meet him. Raja Suran was mounted on a lofty elephant eleven cubits in height, but the elephant of raja Chulan was very courageous, and they fiercely rushed together, roaring like the thunder, and the clash of their tusks was like the stroke of the thunderbolt. Neither of the elephants could conquer the other. Raja Chulan stood on his elephant, brandishing his spear which he aimed at Raja Suran; he missed him, but pierced his elephant in the fore flank, from side to side ; Raja Suran rapidly discharged an arrow at Raja Chilian, which struck him on the breast, and pierced him to the back, and Raja Chulan fell down dead on his elephant.
When the host of Raja Chulan saw their master dead, they quickly took to flight, and were hotly pursued by the Kling forces, who entered with them into the fortress of Glang-kiu. Raja Chulan left a daughter of great beauty named Putri Onang-kiu, whom Raja Suran took to wife, and carrying her with him, advanced to Tamsak. Then, it was reported in the land of China, that Raja Suran was advancing against them with an innumerable army, and had arrived at the country of Tamsak. The raja of China was alarmed at hearing this intelligence, and said to his mantris and chieftains, " If Kling Raja approach, the country will be inevitably ruined; what method do you advise to prevent his approach ?" Then, a sagacious mantri of China said, " Lord of the world, your slave will fall on a device. "The raja of China desired him to do so. Then this mantri ordered a vessel (pilu, i. e. the Chinese mode of pronouncing prow) to beprepared, filled full of fine needles, but covered with rust; and planted in it trees of the Casamak and Bidara (Ber) plants; and he selected a party of old and toothless people, and ordered them on board, and directed them to sail to Tamsak.
The prow set sail, and arrived at Tamsak in the course of a short time. The news was brought to Raja Suran, that a prow had arrived from China, who sent persons to enquire of the mariners how far it was to China. These persons accordingly went, and enquired of the Chinese, who replied, "When we set sail from the land of China, we were all young, about twelve years of age, or so, and we planted the seeds of these trees; but now, we have grown old and lost our teeth, and the seeds that we planted have become trees, which bore fruit before our arrival here." Then, they took out some of the rusty needles, and showed them, saying, "When we left the land of China, these bars of iron were thick as your arm; but now they have grown thus small by the corrosion of rust. We know not the number of years we have been on our journey; but, you may judge of them from the circumstances we mention. "When the Klings heard this account, they quickly returned, and informed Raja Suran. " If the account of these Chinese be true," said Raja Suran, "the land of China must be at an immense distance; when shall we ever arrive at it ? — If this is the case, we had better return." All the champions assented to this idea.
Then Raja Suran, considering that he had now become acquainted with the contents of the land, wished to acquire information concerning the nature of the sea. For this purpose, he ordered a chest of glass, with a lock in the inside, and fixed it to a chain of gold. Then, shutting himself up in this chest, he caused himself to be let down into the sea, to see the wonders of God Almighty's crea-tion. At last, the chest reached a land, denominated Zeya, when Raja Suran came forth from the chest, and walked about to see the wonders of the place. He saw a country of great extent, into which he entered, and saw a people named Barsam, so numerous, that God alone could know their numbers. This people were the one half infidels, and the other true believers.
When they saw Raja Suran, they were greatly astonished and surprised at his dress, and carried him before their raja, who was named Aktab-al-Arz, who enquired of those who brought him, " Whence is this man ?" And they replied, " He is a new comer." — " Whence is he come ?" said the raja. " That," said they, " none of us know." Then Raja Aktab-al-Arz asked Raja Suran, "Whence are you, and whence have you come ?" — " I come from the world," said Raja Suran ; " and your servant is raja of the whole race of mankind; and my name is Raja Suran." The raja was greatly as-tonished at this account, and asked if there was any other world than his own. "Yes, there is," said Raja Suran ; "and a very great one, full of various forms." The raja was still more astonished, saying, " Al-mighty God, can this be possible ?" He then seated Raja Suran on his own throne.
This Raja Aktab-al-Arz had a daughter named Putri Mahtab-al-Bahri. This lady was extremely handsome, and her father gave her in marriage to Raja Suran, to whom she bore three sons. The raja was for some time much delighted with this adventure; but at last he began to reflect what advantage it was for him to stay so long below the earth, and how he should be able to carry his three sons with him. He begged, however, his father-in-law to think of some method of conveying him to the upper world, as it would be of great disadvantage to cut off the line of Secander Zulkarneini. His father-in-law assented to the propriety of this observation and furnished him with a sea-horse named Sambrani, which could fly through the air as well as swim in the water. Raja Suran mounted this steed amid the lamentations of his spouse, the Princess; the flying steed quickly cleared the nether atmosphere, and having reached the upper ocean, it rapidly traversed it; and the subjects of Raja Suran quickly perceived him. The mantri of Raja Suran perceiving on what sort of animal his master was mounted, quickly caused a mare to be brought to the shore of the sea. On per-ceiving the mare, the steed Sambrani quickly came to the shore, and as quickly did Raja Suran dismount from him, on which he immediately returned to the sea. Raja Suran then called a man of science and an artificer, and ordered the account of his de-scent into the sea to be recorded, and a monument to be formed which might serve for the information of posterity, to the day of judgment.
The history of this adventure was accordingly composed, and inscribed on a stone in the Hindostani language. This stone being adorned by gold and silver, was left as a monument, and the raja said that this would be found by one of his descendants who should reduce all the rajas of the countries under the wind. Then Raja Suran re-turned to the land of Kling, and after his arrival he founded a city of great size, with a fort of black stone, with a wall of seven fathoms in both height and thickness, and so skilfully joined that no interstices re-mained between the stones, but seemed all of molten metal. Its gates were of steel adorned with gold and gems. Within its circumference are contained seven hills, and in the centre a lake like a sea, and so large that if an elephant be standing on the one shore he will not be visible on the other; and this lake contained every species of fish, and in the middle was an island of considerable height, on which the mists continually rested. The island was planted with trees, flowers, and all kinds of fruits, and whenever Raja Suran wished to divert himself, he used to frequent it. On the shore of this lake was a large forest, stocked with all sorts of wild beasts, and whenever Raja Suran wished to hunt, he mounted his elephant and proceeded to this forest. The name of this city was Bijnagar, which at the present time is a city in the land of Kling. Such is the account of Raja Suran, but if all his adventures were to be related, they would rival those of Hamdah.
In process of time Raja Suran had, by the lady Putri Onang-kiu, the daughter of Raja Chulan, a daughter of exquisite and unrivalled beauty, named Chanduwani Wasias. By the lady Putri Gangga he had three sons, one of them was named Bichitram Shah, another Palidutani, and the third, Niluma-nam. His daughter, Chanduwani Wasias, was asked in marriage by Raja Hiran, for his son Raja Chulan; Raja Suran placed his son, Palidutani, in the government of Amdan Nagara; and his son, Nilumanam, in the country of Chandukani. On his