is the phase wave velocity. Substituting Eqs. (1.24—1.26) into Eq. (1.23) yields:
Introducing a new vector, G, which is called vector of reciprocal lattice,
and combining Eqs. (1.27, 1.28), we find
According to Eqs. (1.28, 1.29), different values of kf = ki + 2πG are permitted in a periodic medium, but only those that provide scalar products of certain vectors, G, with all possible vectors, rs, to be integer numbers, m. By substituting Eq. (1.1) into Eq. (1.29), we finally obtain:
In order to find the set of allowed vectors, G, satisfying Eq. (1.30), the reciprocal space is built, which is based on three non-coplanar vectors b1, b2, and b3. Real (direct) space and reciprocal space are interrelated by the orthogonality (reciprocity) conditions:
where δij is the Kronecker symbol, equal to 1 for i = j or 0 for i ≠ j (i, j = 1, 2, 3). To produce the reciprocal space from real space, we use the following mathematical procedure:
where Vc stands for the volume of the parallelepiped (unit cell) built in real space on vectors a1, a2, a3:
By using Eqs. (1.32, 1.33), it is easy to directly check that the procedure (1.32) provides proper orthogonality conditions (1.31). For example, a1 · b1 = a1 · [a2 × a3]/Vc = Vc/Vc = 1, whereas a2 · b1 = a2 · [a2 × a3]/ Vc = 0. Certainly, the volume of the unit cell, Vrec, in reciprocal space
is inverse to Vc. To prove this statement, we use the relationship well-known in vector algebra:
In the reciprocal space, the allowed vectors, G, are linear combinations of the basis vectors, b1, b2, b3:
with integer projections (hkl), known as Miller indices. The ends of vectors, G, being constructed from the common origin (000), produce the nodes of a reciprocal lattice. For all vectors, G, Eq. (1.30) is automatically valid due to the orthogonality conditions (1.31). We repeat that in the medium with translational symmetry, only those wavevectors, kf, may exist, which are in rigid interrelation with the initial wavevector ki, satisfying Eq. (1.28). Sometimes Eq. (1.28) is called as quasi-momentum (or quasi-wavevector) conservation