6 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Compact flare observed in an active region off the solar limb on ...Figure 5.2 A long‐duration, gradual solar flare observed in a filament chann...Figure 5.3 Sequence of SOHO LASCO C2 coronagraph images showing an eruption ...Figure 5.4 This eruption, observed by SDO/AIA on 31 August 2012 (orange: 304...Figure 5.5 “Typical” auroral oval. Colors indicate intensity; red is stronge...Figure 5.6 Light curves of an X8.2 flare on 10 September 2017, including (a)...Figure 5.7 Left: An arcade of flare loops of an eruptive two‐ribbon flare ob...Figure 5.8 Left: Image of a flare with brightened feet of flare loops observ...Figure 5.9 Top: X‐ray emission (contours) observed by RHESSI at “soft” and “...Figure 5.10 (a) An M1.9 flare observed on 14 June 2012 by SDO/AIA in 304 Å (...Figure 5.11 Early observations provided evidence that many CMEs have a disti...Figure 5.12 This diagram, from Colaninno et al. (2013), illustrates a diffic...Figure 5.13 Magnetic field and EUV coronal images of a large‐scale, post‐eru...Figure 5.14 Left: SOHO Extreme Ultraviolet Telescope 304 Å (He II) image fro...Figure 5.15 Figure 3 from Parenti (2014). Left: A simple 2D Kippenhahn–Schlü...Figure 5.16 Figure from Thompson et al. (1998). Running‐difference (i.e., co...Figure 5.17 Diagram from Liu et al. (2012) summarizing the impulse from a co...Figure 5.18 (a): Magnetic flux P1‐N1 emerging into preexisting overlying flu...
7 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Examples of chromospheric spicules observed at the solar west lim...Figure 6.2 Examples of X‐ray images of solar coronal jets observed with the Figure 6.3 This is a schematic representation of the emerging flux model for...Figure 6.4 Observed X‐ray jet near at the solar limb in (a) X‐rays from Yohk...Figure 6.5 Minifilament observed erupting in SDO/AIA 171 Å, where the arrows...Figure 6.6 Schematic representation of the minifilament eruption model for c...Figure 6.7 Plot showing magnetic evolution as a function of time of positive...Figure 6.8 Plot of estimated observed number of erupting filament‐like featu...
8 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Upper: Time–latitude diagram of spot area; Lower: Total spot area...Figure 7.2 Magnetic butterfly diagram, constructed from longitudinally avera...Figure 7.3 Polar field amplitudes for cycles 21–24 from the Wilcox Solar Obs...Figure 7.4 Excess hemispheric sunspot number, north (green) over south (red)...Figure 7.5 Fractional difference between spot area in the north and south. S...Figure 7.6 Difference between north and south in timing of peaks and minima....Figure 7.7 Typical synoptic magnetograms from cycles 22 and 23. Hale’s polar...Figure 7.8 Flowchart of the history of development of solar cycle dynamo mod...Figure 7.9 Schematic sequence of induction and transport processes contained...Figure 7.10 Calibrated butterfly diagram from a Babcock–Leighton flux‐transp...Figure 7.11 Relationship between latitude of poleward boundary of primary me...Figure 7.12 Butterfly diagrams (frames b,c) from flux‐transport dynamo conta...Figure 7.13 Early results from a 3D Babcock–Leighton flux‐transport dynamo m...Figure 7.14 Left: Sun‐as‐a‐Star power spectrum from the Birmingham Solar Osc...Figure 7.15 Sample rotation kernels based on Equation 7.2.Figure 7.16 (a) The relative differences of the squared sound speed between ...Figure 7.17 Latitudinal distribution of frequency shifts from GONG, averaged...Figure 7.18 Solar interior rotation profile, based on the average of 2dRLS i...Figure 7.19 Zonal‐flow residuals at 0.99 R⊙ from 2dRLS inversion...Figure 7.20 North–south average of meridional flow profile.Figure 7.21 White‐light observation of a sunspot (National Oceanographic and...Figure 7.22 (a) Inferred temperature, (b) magnetic field strength, (c) incli...Figure 7.23 Measured tilt of solar magnetic sunspot pairs, taken from Mount ...Figure 7.24 Observation of the long‐term (three‐month) evolution of the line...Figure 7.25 Height–time reconstruction of the line‐of‐sight component of the...Figure 7.26 Magnetic flux emergence rate versus peak magnetic flux from a nu...Figure 7.27 Figures showing the shape of a rising thin flux tube in a 3D con...Figure 7.28 Two‐dimensional simulation of a rising magnetic flux tube. The s...Figure 7.29 Two‐dimensional simulation of the rise of a buoyant, twisted flu...Figure 7.30 Snapshots from two simulations of 3D buoyant flux tubes rising t...Figure 7.31 Simulation of a flux tube rising through a rotating convection z...Figure 7.32 Simulation of the rise and emergence of a kinking magnetic flux ...Figure 7.33 Simulation (top two rows) of the rise and emergence of an Ω...Figure 7.34 Simulation of the emergence of a very low twist flux rope into t...Figure 7.35 Simulation of the emergence of a kinking flux rope from the conv...Figure 7.36 Two‐dimensional cuts from a 3D simulation of the rise of a twist...Figure 7.37 Simulated white‐light emission from modeled sunspot formation in...Figure 7.38 Synthetic magnetogram from a simulation of the formation of an a...
6 Preface
9 Index
10 Wiley End User License Agreement
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