Space Physics and Aeronomy, Ionosphere Dynamics and Applications. Группа авторов. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Группа авторов
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Физика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119815532
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counterintuitive, but as shown in Liu et al. (2016) and Zou et al. (2014), the evolution of SED plume or TOI depends on the interplay between the convection electric field and thermospheric winds. There are cases in which the SED plume/TOI do not extend into the polar cap during geomagnetic storms. This is further complicated by the fact that global‐scale thermospheric composition change with increased molecular species can occur during the negative storm phase and, thus, extremely low ionospheric densities may occur while the geospace is still under perturbed condition. Therefore, the relationship between TOI/patch and geomagnetic activities may not be described by a simple linear relation.

      It has been well known that the IMF direction and magnitude largely control the ionospheric convection pattern and their variations can segment large‐scale high‐density structures into smaller‐scale patches (Anderson et al., 1988; Lockwood & Carlson, 1992; Rodger et al., 1994; Valladares et al., 1996, 1998; Zhang et al., 2013a). Studies have been performed trying to understand the patch occurrence rate dependence on the IMF conditions. Spicher et al. (2017) found that patches occur more often in the Northern Hemisphere postnoon/prenoon sector for negative/positive By condition, while the trend is mirrored in the Southern Hemisphere. This result is consistent with the cusp location dependence on the IMF By, confirming that the dynamics in the cusp region is responsible for the patch segmentation. The superposed epoch analysis carried out by Noja et al. (2013) shows that enhanced IMF Bz preceded the patches, suggesting that enhanced convection is important for the patch formation. In the Jin et al. (2018) paper, ESR was selected to observe patches within 3 hours surrounding the noon MLT in order to minimize the time between their formation near the dayside cusp and their detection at ESR. This study confirmed the preference of patch formation during southward IMF Bz, and also revealed the IMF By influence on the patch location.

      In the last decade, two advanced modular incoherent scatter radars (AMISRs) have been installed deep in the polar cap at Resolute Bay, Canada, named Resolute Bay ISR‐North face (RISR‐N) and Canadian face (RISR‐C). These two ISRs provide new opportunities for in‐depth investigation of the patch plasma characteristics, such as altitude profiles of key plasma parameters (e.g., Dahlgren et al., 2012a and 2012b; Gillies et al., 2016; Lamarche & Makarevich, 2017; Perry & St. Maurice, 2018; Ren et al., 2018).

Schematic illustrations of volumetric image of a patch using RISR-N data on 11 December 2009 at 22:12:36–22:13:46 UT. The horizontal slices show the electron density at 220, 250, 280, 310, and 340 km altitude. The contemporary 630.0 nm all-sky image is projected onto the 200 km plane. The locations of the radar beams at each altitude slice are indicated as black circles.

      (from Dahlgren et al., 2012b; Reproduced with permission of John Wiley and Sons).

Schematic illustrations of polar cap patch median profiles compared with sector median and all-sector median profiles. From left to right, plasma density, electron temperature, ion temperature, and ion flux are shown. The ion flux profiles are based on measurements from the RISR-C vertical beam.

      (modified based on Ren et al., 2018; Reproduced with permission of John Wiley and Sons).