Figure 3.2 (a) Hydrogen bond formation in base pairs in a DNA duplex. The hydrogen bonds are shown in dashed lines. (b) Duplex structures of DNAs are depicted in tube and ball-and-stick models, respectively. Stacking interactions are shown in arrows.
3.2.2 Stacking Interactions
The π–π stacking interactions refer to the interactions between aromatic rings containing π orbitals in bases of nucleic acids. The individual bases make strong stacking interactions with neighboring bases, which are major contributors to duplex stability (Figure 3.2b). The stacking interactions are much more prevalent in duplexes than in single strands. Base-stacking interactions are London dispersion force interactions and depend on the aromaticity of the bases and their dipole moments. The degree of stabilization afforded by base stacking depends on the DNA sequence. Nearest-neighbor base-stacking interactions are important determinants of duplex stability. The values of free energy change at 37 °C (−Δ
Moreover, the stacking interactions increase with increasing salt concentration, as high salt concentrations mask the destabilizing charge repulsion between the two negatively charged phosphodiester backbones. The DNA duplex stability increases with increasing salt concentration.
3.2.3 Conformational Entropy
The conformations of nucleotides depend on the torsion angles for rotation around each bonding shown in Figure 3.3. There are seven torsion angles (α, β, γ, δ, ε, ζ, χ) per nucleotide that must be specified to characterize the conformation of ordered structures for the nucleic acids. The duplex formation is favorable for enthalpy. However, the loss of conformational entropy is induced by reduction of degrees of freedom for nucleotides.
Figure 3.3 Torsion angles in a polyribonucleotide chain.
3.3 Thermodynamic Analysis for the Formation of Duplex
In the case of canonical duplex structures, the base stacking decreases the transition dipole moment of bases, which makes UV absorbance at 260 nm of duplex smaller than that of single-stranded state. Heating of nucleic acids causes the strands to be denatured by disrupting the ordered stacking of the bases and breaking hydrogen bonds. The process can be conveniently monitored by an increase in UV absorbance as the duplex unwinds to single strands owing to hyperchromicity.
The example in Figure 3.4a shows a melting curve (UV absorption as a function of temperature). Slow heating of duplex causes the unwinding of the ordered helical structure into the two single-stranded constituents. The unwinding can be seen as a sigmoidal curve of increasing UV absorption. The midpoint corresponding to the precise melting temperature (Tm) of the duplex is indicated.
Methods to obtain the thermodynamic parameters of enthalpy (ΔH°), entropy (ΔS°), and free energy changes at 25 °C (Δ
where A, B, and C indicate the single strands of DNA and A2 and B·C indicate the double-stranded DNA.
Figure 3.4 UV melting curves of the self-complementary duplex (5′-ATGCGCAT-3′) at 5 μM strand concentration with (a) Tm value and (b) upper and lower baselines. Upper and lower baselines can be represented as εds = mdsT + bds and εss = mssT + bss, respectively, where εds and εss indicate the absorbance for the double-stranded and single-stranded DNA, respectively. The mds and bds or mss and bss represent the slope and intercept of the upper baseline or lower baseline for the UV melting curve, respectively.
The equilibrium for an intramolecular transition, for example, a hairpin, is represented as
where Dss and Df indicate the single-stranded (unfolded) and folded DNA structures, respectively.
For self-complementary (Eq. 3.1) or non-self-complementary equilibria (Eq. 3.2) with equal concentrations of B and C, the observed equilibrium constant Kobs is given by
where Ct is the total strand concentration,