71 71. Charles A. Kupchan, ‘Is NATO Getting too Big to Succeed?’, New York Times, 25 May 2017, https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/25/opinion/nato-russia-donald-trump.html.
72 72. Markus Kaim, ‘Reforming NATO’s Partnerships’, SWP Research Paper (Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik), no. 1, 2017.
73 73. Wolfgang Rudischhauser, ‘Adaptations Needed: NATO Partnership Programmes in the 21st Century’, Security Policy Working Paper (Berlin: Federal Academy for Security Policy), no. 11, 2019.
74 74. Kris Quanten, ‘What [is] NATO’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy?’, NDC Policy Brief, no. 12, May 2019, http://www.ndc.nato.int/news/news.php?icode=1323.
75 75. NATO, ‘Brussels Summit Declaration’, 11 July 2018, para. 50, https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/official_texts_156624.htm.
76 76. Benedetta Berti and Ruben-Erik Diaz-Plaja, ‘Two Ages of NATO Efforts to Project Stability – Change and Continuity’, in Hope (ed.), Projecting Stability, p.24.
77 77. Julio Miranda Calha (general rapporteur), ‘Instability in the South’, NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Political Committee, General Report, 177 PC 18 E rev.1 fin, 18 November 2018, p. 4, https://www.nato-pa.int/document/2018-instability-south-miranda-calha-report-177-pc-18-e-rev1-fin.
78 78. Arab Reform Initiative, ‘Dossier. COVID-19: Impact on MENA Countries’, https://www.arab-reform.net/dossier/covid-19-impact-on-mena-countries/.
79 79. Calha (general rapporteur), ‘Instability in the South’, p. 11.
80 80. Jeffrey A. Larsen, ‘Projecting Stability in a New Cold War: A NATO Mission?’, in Hope (ed.), Projecting Stability, p. 24.
81 81. For this type of problem, see Larry D. Terry, ‘The Thinning of Administrative Institutions in the Hollow State’, Administration and Society, 37(4), 2005, pp. 433–4.
82 82. Patricia A. Weitsman, Waging War: Alliances, Coalitions and Institutions of Interstate Violence (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2014), p. 32.
83 83. Alexander Mattelaer, ‘How Afghanistan Has Strengthened NATO’, Survival, 53(6), 2011, p. 127.
84 84. Aaron Bazin and Dominika Kunertova, ‘An Alliance Divided? Five Factors that Could Fracture NATO’, Military Review, January–February 2017, pp. 82–8.
85 85. Celeste Wallander, ‘NATO’s Enemies Within: How Democratic Decline Could Destroy the Alliance’, Foreign Affairs, 97(4), 2018, p. 72.
86 86. Sinan Ulgen, ‘Don’t Blame Turkey for NATO’s Woes’, Foreign Policy, 3 December 2019, https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/12/03/dont-blame-turkey-for-natos-woes.
87 87. Remarks by NATO Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow at the NATO Future Leaders Summit, Cardiff, 5 September 2014, https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/opinions_112977.htm?selectedLocale=en.
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