fracture of upper right ...
Figure 5A.2 22‐year old mountain lion. Right lower canine #404 has internal ...Figure 5A.3 22‐year old mountain lion. Right lower canine #404 has been surg...Figure 5A.4 15‐year old tiger (See also Figures 5A.5 & 5A.6 below). Complica...Figure 5A.5 15‐year old tiger. Radiograph shows lucent infected apical delta...Figure 5A.6 15‐year old tiger. Under‐filled apical delta. Time constraints p...Figure 5A.7 A 16‐year old, 350 lb. neutered male tiger. An apical bulbous ca...Figure 5A.8 Successful obturation of both bulbous apical canal and apical de...Figure 5A.9.1 Tiger canine tooth (see also Figures 5A.9.2 and 5A.9.3). Maxil...Figure 5A.9.2 Radiograph of tiger canine tooth from above photo.Figure 5A.9.3 Tiger canine tooth showing incomplete mid‐canal obturation ()...Figure 5A.10.1 & 5A.10.2 Left upper tiger canine #204 showing typical flared...Figure 5A.10.3 Tiger study skull showing flared root canal apex, and turbina...Figure 5A.10.4 Endodontic failure. Obturation (→) incomplete. Tiger maxillar...Figure 5A.10.5 Apical bulb and flared apical delta of tiger maxillary canine...Figure 5A.11.1 Dental Stopping (gutta percha).Figure 5A.11.2 Softening dental stopping so that it can be shaped to conform...Figure 5A.11.3 Dental stopping after being rolled and shaped on a glass slab...Figure 5A.12.1 Five‐year old diabetic lemur, “Mitzi.” Image shows internal p...Figure 5A.12.2 The five‐year old lemur, “Mitzi” (1) above. Normal left upper...Figure 5A.13.1 Root end resorption and bulbous root canal apex is a common f...Figure 5A.13.2 Successful obturation of the tiger root canal terminus.Figure 5A.14.1 Tiger with an open apex.Figure 5A.14.2 MTA apical plug placement and Gutta Flow
® 2 obturation. ...Figure 5A.15.1 Ingredients of MTA hand‐mixed recipe.Figure 5A.15.2 Ingredients for after‐market MTA production, placed here on a...Figure 5A.15.3 MTA bagged in a sealed sterilized pouch.Figure 5A.15.4 90 mm Lentulo past filler mounted on a slow speed handpiece....Figure 5A.15.5 MTA ingredients being mixed into a slurry consistency.Figure 5A.15.6 Lentulo Spiral Paste Filler being loaded from a spatula for p...Figure 5A.15.7 MTA can also be directed to the root canal terminus with the ...Figure 5A.15.8 MTA Filapex.Figure 5A.16.1 Apexification: Before first application of CA(OH)2.Figure 5A.16.2 Apexification: At three‐months, after first application of CA...Figure 5A.16.3 Apexification: At six months, after second three‐month applic...Figure 5A.16.4 Apexification: At 90 days, after final application of CA(OH)2...Figure 5A.17.1 Young tiger with a large pulp canal and thin dentinal wall. T...Figure 5A.17.2 Canal necrotic content.Figure 5A.17.3 One‐year post‐operative photograph, showing completed and sus...Figure 5A.17.4 Typical, young, non‐vital canines (this radiograph is Actuall...Figure 5A.17.5 Study model. Sagittal section of an immature adult tooth repr...
6 Chapter 5BFigure 5B.18.1 An eight‐year old wolf has a complicated crown fracture of th...Figure 5B.18.2 An eight‐year old wolf. The intra‐oral surgical incision is a...Figure 5B.18.3 Eight‐year old wolf. Standard root canal therapy has been com...Figure 5B.18.4 Eight‐year old wolf. Retrograde exposure and apicoectomy has ...Figure 5B.18.5 Eight‐year old wolf. X‐ray, showing the apicoectomy and back‐...Figure 5B.18.5a After the apicoectomy, above, a slot preparation, as shown, ...Figure 5B.18.6 Eight‐year old wolf. The surgical site has been closed with c...Figure 5B.19.1 18‐year‐old, 260 lb./118 kg, Fs tiger.Figure 5B.19.2 Mandibular canine fistulous Tract (◯). A draining tract can b...Figure 5B.19.3 Lower right canine #404 abscess (◯).Figure 5B.19.4 71 mm working length.Figure 5B.19.5 Open apex.Figure 5B.19.6 There had been intermittent draining for five years. There wa...Figure 5B.19.7 Crown‐down root canal preparation and obturation.Figure 5B.19.8 Chlorhexidine scrub and an extra‐oral 3‐inch incision was mad...Figure 5B.19.9 The retrograde preparation was performed with a #2 round bur....Figure 5B.19.10 The coronal access was prepared with a barrel diamond bur, a...
7 Chapter 5DFigure 5D.1 Jaguar: root canal therapy, prosthesis and TMS pin restorative r...Figure 5D.2 Jaguar: Crown placement and occlusal evaluation.
8 Chapter 5EFigure 5E.1 An 18‐year old, 410 lb. Tiger with a complicated crown‐root frac...Figure 5E.2 Standard root canal therapy has been performed and a gingivectom...Figure 5E.3 Osteoplasty and odontoplasty are being performed with a diamond ...Figure 5E.4 Z‐250 3M posterior composite is being placed to re‐conform a hea...Figure 5E.5 The surface restoration is smoothed with a plastic placement ins...Figure 5E.6 The restoration is light‐cured.Figure 5E.7 The finished treatment showing a healthy gingival margin.Figure 5E.8 Diagram of infra‐bony pocket created from long axis crown fractu...Figure 5E.9.1 Apically repositioned flap in the left lower canine #304 of a ...Figure 5E.9.2 One‐year postoperative image in same tiger (above).
9 Chapter 5FFigure 5F.1 A powerful, portable dental delivery system. Electrical surgery ...Figure 5F.2 An electro‐surgical unit provides reduced bleeding compared to c...Figure 5F.3 A set of equine wolf‐tooth elevators are more stout than small a...Figure 5F.4 Equine extracting forceps offer a mechanical advantage.Figure 5F.5.1 20‐year old, 425 lb. tiger. A full‐thickness gingival flap has...Figure 5F.5.2 20‐year old, 425 lb. tiger. A 10 mm Osteotome and mallet can s...Figure 5F.5.3 A 1 in./2.54 cm gouge and mallet. Occasional use of this instr...Figure 5F.5.4 A 10 mm bone curet is useful to remove bacteria‐laden granulom...Figure 5F.5.5 A large double‐action Rongeur forceps facilitates removal of s...Figure 5F.5.6 Oral surgery can be accompanied by significant bleeding.Figure 5F.5.7 A portable suction machine is also a tremendous asset, improvi...Figure 5F.5.8 The surgery site was closed with a full‐thickness gingival adv...Figure 5F.6.1 Six‐year‐old Bengal Tiger Mammalia, Carnivora, Felidae, Panter...Figure 5F.6.2 Notice the wry bite (
)) which resulted when the maxillary canin...Figure 5F.7.3 An X‐ray shows a retained root tip ((
)).Figure 5F.7.4 A fenestration was created ((
)), to remove as little bone as ...Figure 5F.7.5 Root tip has been retrieved.Figure 5F.7.6 The palatal flap is raised, based on the palatal margin of the...Figure 5F.7.7 When it was apparent that we would not have enough palatal sof...Figure 5F.7.8 The palatal flap is folded back over the fistula and sutured t...Figure 5F.7.9 The second flap is a mucosal flap, rotated from the inner side...Figure 5F.7.10 Postoperatively, the double‐flap