Simone Well
“We are the Multi-dimensional Universe becoming aware of Itself. Live in this One Truth – That God is Real As your very Life!”
Michael Bernard Beckwith
“Truth is a torch, but a tremendous one. That is why we hurry past it, shielding our eyes, even terrified of getting burnt.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“Truth is the spirit’s sun.”
Marquis de Vauvenargues
You will recognise the Truth, and the truth will set you free
John, 8:32
“Truth is the Eternal – Unchangeable! Which never changes in its form, but is as it has been eternally and will ever remain, as it is now. Which can therefore never be subjected to any development either, because it has been perfect from the very beginning. Truth is real, it is ‘being’! Only being is true life. The entire Universe is “supported” by this Truth!”
To honour God in all things and to perform everything solely to the glory of God
(In the Light of Truth)
Keep the heart of your thoughts pure, by so doing you will bring peace and be happy.
Love thy neighbour, which means honour him as such!
Therein lies the adamantine command: You must never consciously harm him, either in his body or in his soul, either in his earthly possessions or in his reputation!
He who does not keep this commandment and acts otherwise, serves not God but the darkness, to which he gives himself as a tool!
Honour be to God Who only sows Love! Love also in the The Law of the destruction of the darkness!
(In the Light of Truth)
Love & Gratitude
Crystal Images © Office Masaru Emoto, LLC
Petroleum refining is a complex industry that world-wide produces more than $10 billion worth of refined products. Improvements in the design and operation of these facilities can deliver large economic value for refiners. Furthermore, economic, regulatory and environmental concerns impose significant pressure on refiners to provide safe working conditions and at the same time optimize the refining process. Refiners have considered alternative processing units and feedstocks by investing in new technologies.
The United States, Europe and countries else-where in the world are embarking on full electrification of automobiles within the next couple of decades. Furthermore, the current pandemic of the coronavirus with lock downs in many countries has restricted the movement of people, less use of aviation fuel and motor gasoline. This has resulted in the barrel of crude being sold at $42.0 per barrel presenting problems to oil producers and refiners. The venture of electrification still poses inherent problems of resolving rechargeable batteries and fuel cells and providing charging stations along various highways and routes. Oil and natural-gas will for the foreseeable future form an important part of everyday life. Their availability has changed the whole economy of the world by providing basic needs for mankind in the form of fuel, petrochemicals and feedstocks for fertilizer plants and energy for the power sector.
Presently, the world economy runs on oil and natural gas, and the processing of these feedstocks for producing fuels, and value-added products has become an essential activity in modern society. The availability of liquefied natural gas (LNG) has enhanced the environment, and recent development in the technology of natural gas to liquids (GTL) has further improved the availability of fuel to transportation and other sectors.
The complex processing of petroleum refining has created a need for environmental, health, and safety management procedures and safe work practices. These procedures are established to ensure compliance with applicable regulations and standards such as hazard communications (PHA, HAZOP, HAZAN, Inherently Safer Design, MoC, and so on), emissions, Waste Management pollution that includes volatile organic compounds (VOC), carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulates, ammonia (NH3), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and toxic organic compounds) and waste minimization. These pollutants are often discharged as air emissions, wastewater or solid wastes. Furthermore, concern over issues such as the depletion of the ozone layer that results in global warming is increasingly having a significant impact on Earth’s nature and mankind, and carbon dioxide (CO2) is known to be the major culprit of global warming. Other emissions such as H2S, NOx, and SOx from petroleum refining have adversely impacted the environment, and agencies such as Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Health and Safety Executive (U.K. HSE) have imposed limits on the emissions of these compounds upon refiners.
Flaring has become more complicated and concerns about its efficiency have been increasing and discussed by experts. The OSHA, EPA and HSE have imposed tighter regulations on both safety and emission control, which have resulted in higher levels of involvement in safety, pollution, emissions and so on.
Petroleum refining is one of the important sectors of the world economy, and it’s playing a crucial and pivotal role in industrialization, urbanization, and meeting the basic needs of mankind by supplying energy for industrial and domestic transportation, feedstock for petrochemical products as plastics, polymers, agrochemicals, paints, and so on. Globally, it processes more materials than any other industry, and with a projected increase in population to around 8.1 billion by 2025, increasing demand for fuels, electricity and various consumer products made from the petrochemical route is expected via the petroleum and refining process.
Petroleum Refining Design and Applications Handbook, Volume Two, is a continuation of volume one; comprising of five chapters, a glossary of petroleum and technical terminology, appendices, Excel spreadsheet programs, computer developed programs, UniSim – Design simulation software excises, cases studies and a Conversion Table, interspersed with Process Safety Incidents. Chapter 13 provides the rules of thumb of process equipment and the heuristics for designers, which can be applied by engineers who are substantially familiar with the topics. However, such rules should be of value for approximate design and cost estimation, and should not provide the inexperienced engineer with a perspective, and a foundation where detailed and computer-aided results can be determined; Chapter 14 provides