Unique English Course. Александр Чумаков. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Александр Чумаков
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005333599
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or you can visit my Instagram page easyenglishshow. There you will find many useful, inspiring and empowering ideas not only for learning English, but also for every day life. Go there and grab it. It is free.

      Commit. Don’t quit.

      Good luck to you! See you there!

      How to use the course

      My dear friend! My congratulations! Welcome to your Unique English Course – speak real English!

      Hello, my superstar student! This is Alex – your English teacher. You are now ready to speak English easily, powerfully and confidently!

      In this lesson I will tell you what you should do to start speaking English easily, powerfully and confidently.

      How to use the Lessons!

      Each lesson Set (Unit) has several different lesson files. All lessons in a Set/ Unit have the same name. These lessons go together. Every day, you will listen to all the lessons in ONE lesson SET or Unit (all the lessons go with the same name). You will listen to only one set for 7 days.

      This is very important.

      You will only improve your English quickly if you follow this method – one lesson set everyday – the same lessons set every day for 7 days (or more). Slower is better.

      How to use texts:

      1. First, try to only listen

      Don’t use these text transcripts files first. Try to listen to a Story, Vocabulary lesson and a Mini-story without the text. If you understand them, you don’t need the text – just continue to listen.

      2. Use these text transcripts only when you don’t understand something.

      If you don’t understand part of a Story, vocabulary or a Mini-Story, read the text. This will help you identify vocabulary you might not understand from just listening. Use a dictionary, if necessary, to find unknown words.

      3. Read and Listen at the same time, a few times

      Once you know all of the words and phrases in a Story, Vocabulary lesson and a Mini-Story, you can listen and read at the same time. Do this a few times only. Every day focus more on answering the questions.

      4. Just listen again

      Now you just listen to the Mini-story. Don’t read. You know the questions and the answers very well.

      Do not focus on reading – focus on listening!

      Put the text aside and only listen to the Mini-Stories and answer the questions. These text transcripts can help you, but don’t use them too much.

      If you follow the system, you will certainly succeed!

      Remember: listening is the key to speaking.

      To stay committed to learning English, to remain curious about learning English and to maintain your motivation for learning English, I encourage you to go to my website englishiseasyandfun.ru and you can visit my Instagram page easyenglishshow. There you will find many useful, inspiring and empowering ideas not only for learning English, but also for every day life. Go there and grab it. It is free.

      This is the platform where I inspire, encourage and help you to be more confident, more successful and happier when you speak English. Commit. Don’t quit.

I wish you good luck and every success!With love and respect,Your English teacher,Alex.

      Unit 1. Supercat

      Hello, my superstar student. This is Alex your English teacher. Hope, you are having a nice day today. Welcome to our first lesson “Supercat”. Let’s get started.

      There is a cat. Her name is Jane. Jane has blue eyes and she is grey.

      She wants to be like Superсat, because Superсat is her heroine.

      What does Supercat look like?

      Superсat has super-green eyes and she is purple.

      Jane wants to be just like Superсat.

      Jane wants to jump and run like Superсat.

      Jane wants to walk and talk like Superсat.

      And of course, she wants to dress like Superсat.

      Every day Jane wears Superсat outfit.

      One day Jane is walking along the street. And she sees raccoons robbing a jewelry shop. She runs to the jewelry shop. She catches the raccoons. Suddenly Supercat appears. She helps Jane bring the raccoons to the police station.

      Now Supercat and Jane are working together.

      Jane understands that she can do good things without having superpower.

      This is the end of the story “Supercat”. Listen to this story every day. Listen and enjoy the story.

      The next lesson is your vocabulary lesson. See you there.

      The Vocabulary Lesson

      Hello, my superstar student. This is Alex – your English teacher. Welcome to the vocabulary lesson for “Supercat”.

      In this lesson I am going to tell you the same story and I am going to explain some words to help you understand them better. Let’s get started.

      There is a cat. Her name is Jane. Jane has blue eyes and she is grey. She wants to be like Superсat, because Superсat is her heroine.

      Okay, I will explain the word heroine in a minute. But first I want to talk about to be like. She wants to be like Superсat.

      Our first word, our first phrase is to be like. To be like means to be similar something or someone, resembling something or someone.

      Jane wants to be like Supercat. It means that Jane wants to resemble Supercat. She wants to be similar to Supercat. Jane wants to be like Supercat, because Supercat is her heroine.

      Our next word is a heroine. A heroine means a woman who has heroic qualities. In other words, heroine is a woman who is courageous and fearless. Jane wants to have heroic qualities. Jane wants to be courageous and fearless. Jane wants to be like Supercat, because Supercat is her heroine.

      Next we see a question – What does Supercat look like?

      We usually ask this question when we want to know what is her appearance? What colour are her eyes? What colour is her fur? And so on. What does Supercat look like? What is her appearance? I think you get the idea.

      Superсat has super-green eyes and she is purple. Okay, our next word is super-green. Super-green means very very very green. Super-green eyes – very, very, very green eyes. Supercat has super-green eyes. Her eyes are very very very green. Her eyes are super-green.

      Jane wants to be just like Supercat. Here we see the phrase just like. Just like – is another way to say look like or is like. Just like Supercat – means Jane wants to look like Supercat. She wants to be exactly like Supercat. She wants to be just like Supercat.

      From the story you already know that Jane wants not only look like Supercat, but she also wants to be just like Supercat.

      Jane wants to jump and run like Superсat. Jane wants to walk and talk like Superсat. And of course, she wants to dress like Superсat.
