Crave. Jessa James. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jessa James
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783969697139
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Is that a problem?” she said. She eyed him in his punk rock garb. It seemed unlikely that such a big guy would have any problems walking alone at night.

      “No, just curious.”

      They turned the corner, and Cam’s apartment loomed.

      “My apartment’s just right here,” she said, her nerves beginning to show when she dug her keys out.

      She skipped up the half-dozen steps to her apartment, willing her hands not to shake as she unlocked the door. She felt his eyes all over her body as she got the door open.

      She threw a glance over her shoulder as she let him into the loft, standing aside and locking the door behind him. It was one huge room, all the floors and walls cement, but she’d done her best to glam it up. There were soft rugs everywhere, a lovely L-shaped couch, a femininely decorated kitchen, and delicate Japanese screens dividing off her bedroom. A small office setup sat in one corner, and the bathroom in another.

      “Nice,” he said, looking around. “It looks like you’ve done well for yourself.”

      His accent made her shiver all over again. Surely he must know that the accent was a killer.

      “It’s a work in progress,” she said, dropping her clutch and keys on a side table. “Do you want a drink?”

      “I can think of things I want more,” he said, smirking as he reached out to snag her waist. He leaned down, seeking her mouth.

      Cam gave in to him instantly, kissing him back. He pushed her back toward the bedroom, and she went willingly. She wanted him, if his being in her apartment weren’t clear enough.

      She turned to part the screens of her bedroom, revealing a huge white bed. He followed, kissing her neck. She gasped, feeling herself grow wet. Her pussy clenched with need.

      He unzipped the back of her dress with nimble fingers, taking his time. She took a breath, letting the dress drop to the floor. She was left bare except for a black lace thong.

      She closed her eyes, hearing his intake of breath when he saw her like that.

      “God, you’re fucking beautiful,” he said, turning her back toward him.

      She opened her eyes and looked up at him, realizing just then that his eyes were the darkest shade of blue. He palmed both her breasts, weighing them in his hands.

      She sucked in a breath and shivered at his touch, her nipples hardening. She reached out and started to undress him, peeling off his jacket.

      He tugged his shirt over his head, muscles rippling. He was a work of art, all chiseled abs and straining biceps. His tattoos entranced her, although she couldn’t make heads or tails of them in the gloom. It was everything she could do to control herself, not just stand there slack-jawed.

      The last things to go were his shoes and dark jeans. He shucked his pants and reached for her, but she managed to get a glimpse of his cock. Apparently he wasn’t merely arrogant, he actually had a huge dick to back up all his smooth moves.

      They kissed again, and she led him backward to the bed. When the backs of her knees hit the bed, she melted back onto it.

      He paused a second, going back and getting something from his wallet. She saw him grasp a shiny foil packet. She approved; if he hadn’t pulled out a condom, she would have.

      Then he was back on the bed, on top of her. He kissed her deeply, then attended to both breasts, rolling her nipples around with his tongue. She moaned at the pulse of sensation between her breasts and her pussy, writhing.

      She wriggled to get her thong off, wanting nothing between her and his cock.

      He pulled back for just long enough to get the condom on, then spread her legs. He pressed his cock against her entrance.

      “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, do it.”

      He smirked for a moment, then pushed himself into her pussy inch by inch, making her cry out.

      “You’re so tight,” he said, thrusting again. “Damn.”

      She wrapped her legs around him as he set a rhythm, moaning at the feel of his cock going in and out, hitting every single spot that cried out for touch. He was setting her on fire as he worked himself in and out of her pussy.

      He pulled out, flipping her around so that she was on her knees and elbows. She cried out as he plunged deep inside her again. He wrapped her hair around his fist, pulling gently on it as he fucked her.

      She came alive with that small bit of pain, pushing back against every thrust, calling out as he worked his cock in and out. He grunted as he thrust, slipping his hand around and between her legs.

      He touched her clit, made slippery with her own excitement. He worked in slow circles as his thrusts grew shorter. She could feel the tension in him, feel him winding up, but she was too lost in sensation to care.

      She was right on the edge, waiting to fall from the precipice. He pinched her clit, adding a little pain to her pleasure, and she exploded.

      Her body spasmed as she came, her mind blanking as she was overcome with pleasure, the slick slide of it. He stiffened and came with a groan, thrusting into her.

      He collapsed beside her, and she lay on her side, struggling to breathe. Her mind was totally blown, but she didn’t say anything to him. He apparently didn’t feel like talking either, because he was silent.

      He took the condom off, but where he put it she didn’t know.

      She felt her eyes growing heavy, but she didn’t feel comfortable falling asleep with him here. She was about to roll over and tell him to leave, but she felt him rise from the bed.

      She stayed still, waiting to see what he would do. He didn’t waste any time getting dressed. When he was ready, he stood for a second and stared over at her body. He hesitated, as if he weren’t used to this part.

      What, he wasn’t used to sneaking out on girls he’d hooked up with? She would’ve rolled her eyes if she wasn’t pretending to be asleep.

      After a moment, he turned and left her room. She listened intently for sounds of him going through her stuff. It wouldn’t be the first time that she’d exercised poor judgment in guys, although she didn’t usually hook up with random guys. Let alone bring them home...

      The sound of the front door closing made her sit up. Apparently she’d picked the only punk rocker who wasn’t hard up enough for cash that he’d at least rifle through her things when he thought she was asleep.

      She looked at her bedside table, at the clock. It was still only twelve.

      She closed her eyes, smiling to herself. Tonight was fun, if nothing else. A good way to blow off steam before her new assignment.

      She drifted off, content in her post-coital bliss.


      Cameron’s heels clicked as she walked up the stairs of the subway, her phone glued to her ear.

      “We’ve manufactured your executive assistant background, so you’ll have to remember the secretarial training course you went through,” her boss Erika MacMillan said.

      As an investigative reporter in the making for The Daily News, Cam had done a lot of things, but cloaking herself as a secretary at Calloway Corp was altogether different. She was going to be investigating Calloway’s financial dealings, trying to figure out if they were just hemorrhaging money or if there was someone corrupt at the bottom of it all.

      “I brushed up on all of that last week,” Cam said. “I promise, I’ll be fine.”

      “You’ll need to draw on your accounting background for this one.”

      “Accounting background? I took like four accounting classes, then switched majors,” she said irritably.
