The Essential Works of Robert G. Ingersoll. Robert Green Ingersoll. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Robert Green Ingersoll
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066394400
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sound at last is represented by a mark, and this mark stands for a picture, and every brain is a gallery, and the artists—that is to say, the souls—exchange pictures and statues.

      All art is of the same parentage. The poet uses words—makes pictures and statues of sounds. The sculptor expresses harmony, proportion, passion, in marble; the composer, in music; the painter in form and color. The dramatist expresses himself not only in words, not only paints these pictures, but he expresses his thought in action.

      Shakespeare was not only a poet, but a dramatist, and expressed the ideal, the poetic, not only in words, but in action. There are the wit, the humor, the pathos, the tragedy of situation, of relation. The dramatist speaks and acts through others—his personality is lost. The poet lives in the world of thought and feeling, and to this the dramatist adds the world of action. He creates characters that seem to act in accordance with their own natures and independently of him. He compresses lives into hours, tells us the secrets of the heart, shows us the springs of action—how desire bribes the judgment and corrupts the will—how weak the reason is when passion pleads, and how grand it is to stand for right against the world.

      It is not enough to say fine things—great things, dramatic things, must be done.

      Let me give you an illustration of dramatic incident accompanying the highest form of poetic expression:

      Macbeth having returned from the murder of Duncan says to his wife:

      "Methought I heard a voice cry: Sleep no more,

       Macbeth does murder sleep; the innocent sleep;

       Sleep, that knits up the ravelled sleeve of care,

       The death of each day's life, sore labor's bath,

       Balm of hurt minds, great Nature's second course,

       Chief nourisher in life's feast." …

       "Still it cried: Sleep no more, to all the house,

       Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor

       Shall sleep no more—Macbeth shall sleep no more."

      She exclaims:

      "Who was it that thus cried?

       Why, worthy Thane, you do unbend your noble strength

       To think so brain-sickly of things; get some water,

       And wash this filthy witness from your hand.

       Why did you bring the daggers from the place?"

      Macbeth was so overcome with horror at his own deed, that he not only mistook his thoughts for the words of others, but was so carried away and beyond himself that he brought with him the daggers—the evidence of his guilt—the daggers that he should have left with the dead. This is dramatic.

      In the same play, the difference of feeling before and after the commission of a crime is illustrated to perfection. When Macbeth is on his way to assassinate the king, the bell strikes, and he says, or whispers:

      "Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell."

      Afterward, when the deed has been committed, and a knocking is heard at the gate, he cries:

      "Wake Duncan with thy knocking. I would thou couldst."

      Let me give one more instance of dramatic action. When Antony speaks above the body of Cæsar he says:

      "You all do know this mantle:

       I remember The first time ever Cæsar put it on—

       'Twas on a summer's evening, in his tent,

       That day he overcame the Nervii:

       Look! In this place ran Cassius' dagger through:

       See what a rent the envious Casca made!

       Through this the well-beloved Brutus stabbed,

       And as he plucked his cursed steel away,

       Mark how the blood of Cæsar followed it."


       Table of Contents

      THERE are men, and many of them, who are always trying to show that somebody else chiseled the statue or painted the picture—that the poem is attributed to the wrong man, and that the battle was really won by a subordinate.

      Of course Shakespeare made use of the work of others—and, we might almost say, of all others. Every writer must use the work of others. The only question is, how the accomplishments of other minds are used, whether as a foundation to build higher, or whether stolen to the end that the thief may make a reputation for himself, without adding to the great structure of literature.

      Thousands of people have stolen stones from the Coliseum to make huts for themselves. So thousands of writers have taken the thoughts of others with which to adorn themselves. These are plagiarists. But the man who takes the thought of another, adds to it, gives it intensity and poetic form, throb and life—is in the highest sense original.

      Shakespeare found nearly all of his facts in the writings of others, and was indebted to others for most of the stories of his plays. The question is not: Who furnished the stone, or who owned the quarry, but who chiseled the statue?

      We now know all the books that Shakespeare could have read, and consequently know many of the sources of his information. We find in Pliny's Natural History, published in 1601, the following: "The sea Pontis evermore floweth and runneth out into the Propontis; but the sea never retireth back again with the Impontis." This was the raw material, and out of it Shakespeare made the following:

      "Like to the Pontic Sea,

       Whose icy current and compulsive course

       Ne'er feels retiring ebb, but keeps due on

       To the Propontic and the Hellespont—

       Even so my bloody thoughts, with violent pace,

       Shall ne'er turn back, ne'er ebb to humble love,

       Till that a capable and wide revenge Swallow them up."

      Perhaps we can give an idea of the difference between Shakespeare and other poets, by a passage from "Lear." When Cordelia places her hand upon her father's head and speaks of the night and of the storm, an ordinary poet might have said:

      "On such a night, a dog

       Should have stood against my fire."

      A very great poet might have gone a step further and exclaimed:

      "On such a night, mine enemy's dog

       Should have stood against my fire."

      But Shakespeare said:

      "Mine enemy's dog, though he had bit me,

       Should have stood, that night, against my fire."

      Of all the poets—of all the writers—Shakespeare is the most original. He is as original as Nature.

      It may truthfully be said that "Nature wants stuff to vie strange forms with fancy, to make another."

       Table of Contents

      THERE is in the greatest poetry a kind of extravagance that touches the infinite, and in this Shakespeare exceeds all others.

      You will remember the description given of the voyage of Paris in search of Helen:

      "The seas and winds, old wranglers, made a truce,

       And did him service; he touched the ports desired,

       And for an old aunt, whom the Greeks held captive,

       He brought