The Greatest Sea Adventure Novels: 30+ Maritime Novels, Pirate Tales & Seafaring Stories. R. M. Ballantyne. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: R. M. Ballantyne
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066385750
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of Contents

      Six months after our “gam” with the Yankees Tom Lokins and I found ourselves seated once more in the little garret beside my dear old mother.

      “Deary me, Robert, how changed ye are!”

      “Changed, mother! I should think so! If you’d gone through all that I’ve done and seen since we last sat together in this room you’d be changed too.”

      “And have ye really seen the whales, my boy?” continued my mother, stroking my face with her old hand.

      “Seen them? ay, and killed them too—many of them.”

      “You’ve been in danger, my son,” said my mother earnestly, “but God has preserved you safe through it all.”

      “Ay, mother, He has preserved my life in the midst of many dangers,” said I, “for which I am most thankful.”

      There was a short silence after this, during which my mother and I gazed earnestly at each other, and Tom Lokins smoked his pipe and stared at the fire.

      “Robert, how big is a whale?” inquired my mother suddenly.

      “How big? why, it’s as big as a small ship, only it’s longer, and not quite so fat.”

      “Robert,” replied my mother gravely, “ye didn’t used to tell untruths; ye must be jokin’.”

      “Joking, mother, I was never more in earnest in my life. Why, I tell you that I’ve seen, ay, and helped to cut up, whales that were more than sixty feet long, with heads so big that their mouths could have taken in a boat. Why, mother, I declare to you that you could put this room into a whale’s mouth, and you and Tom and I could sit round this table and take our tea upon his tongue quite comfortable. Isn’t that true, Tom?”

      My mother looked at Tom, who removed his pipe, puffed a cloud of smoke, and nodded his head twice very decidedly.

      “Moreover,” said I, “a whale is so big and strong, that it can knock a boat right up into the air, and break in the sides of a ship. One day a whale fell right on top of one of our boats and smashed it all to bits. Now that’s a real truth!”

      Again my mother looked at Tom Lokins, and again that worthy man puffed an immense cloud of smoke, and nodded his head more decidedly than before. Being anxious to put to flight all her doubts at once, he said solemnly, “Old ooman, that’s a fact!”

      “Robert,” said my mother, “tell me something about the whales.”

      Just as she said this the door opened, and in came the good old gentleman with the nose like his cane-knob, and with as kind a heart as ever beat in a human breast. My mother had already told me that he came to see her regularly once a week, ever since I went to sea, except in summer, when he was away in the country, and that he had never allowed her to want for anything.

      I need scarcely say that there was a hearty meeting between us three, and that we had much to say to each other. But in the midst of it all my mother turned to the old gentleman and said—

      “Robert was just going to tell me something about his adventures with the whales.”

      “That’s capital!” cried the old gentleman, rubbing his hands. “Come, Bob, my boy, let’s hear about ’em.”

      Being thus invited, I consented to spin them a yarn. The old gentleman settled himself in his chair, my mother smoothed her apron, folded her hands, and looked meekly into my face. Tom Lokins filled his pipe, stretched out his foot to poke the fire with the toe of his shoe, and began to smoke like a steam-engine; then I cleared my throat and began my tale, and before I had done talking that night, I had told them all that I have told in this little book almost word for word.

      Thus ended my first voyage to the South Seas. Many and many a trip have I made since then, and many a wonderful sight have I seen, both in the south and in the north. But if I were to write an account of all my adventures, my little book would grow into a big one; I must therefore come to a close.

      The profits of this voyage were so great, that I was enabled to place my mother in a position of comfort for the rest of her life, which, alas! was very short. She died about six months after my return. I nursed her to the end, and when I laid her dear head in the grave my heart seemed to die within me, for I felt that I had lost one of God’s most precious gifts—an honest, gentle, pious mother.

      I’m getting to be a old man now, but I am comfortable and happy, and as I have more than enough of this world’s goods, and no family to care for, my chief occupation is to look after the poor, and particularly the old women who live in my neighbourhood. After the work of the day is done, I generally go and spend the evening with Tom Lokins, who lives near by, and is stout and hearty still; or he comes and spends it with me, and, while we smoke our pipes together, we often fall to talking about those stirring days when, in the strength and hope of youth, we sailed together to the South Seas, and took to—Fighting the Whales.

      Fast in the Ice

       Table of Contents

       CHAPTER I.

       CHAPTER II. At Sea—The First Storm.

       CHAPTER III. In the Ice—Dangers of Arctic Voyaging.

       CHAPTER IV. Difficulties, Troubles, And Dangers.

       CHAPTER V. A Gale—Narrow Escapes—Signs Of Winter—Set Fast.

       CHAPTER VI. Preparations for Wintering—Remarkable Adventures with a Bear.

       CHAPTER VII. A Great Battle with the Walrus.

       CHAPTER VIII. The Cause of Ice-Bergs—Fox-Chase—A Bear.

       CHAPTER IX. A Visit to the Eskimos—Wonderful Doings—A Mystery.

       CHAPTER X. The Tale of a Kite—A Great Bear-Fight.

       CHAPTER XI. Christmas Time—Death—Return of Light and Hope—Disasters and Final Deliverance.


       Table of Contents

      One day, many years ago, a brig cast off from her moorings, and sailed from a British port for the Polar Seas. That brig never came back.

      Many a hearty cheer was given, many a kind wish was uttered, many a handkerchief was waved, and many a tearful eye gazed that day as the vessel left Old England, and steered her course into the unknown regions of the far north.

      But no cheer ever greeted her return; no bright eyes ever watched her homeward-bound sails rising on the far-off horizon.