Book Wars. John B. Thompson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: John B. Thompson
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Кинематограф, театр
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781509546794
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that’s what the client gets. So there’s much less room to do the new, totally different kind of work that we’ve tried to do. I just couldn’t see something like The Waste Land ever coming out of that kind of work.’

      For Max and Theo, the two creative driving forces behind Touch Press, it was a disappointing realization. They’d set out six years earlier with the aim of creating a completely new kind of ebook, a book-as-app that worked in ways that were completely different from the printed book and that engaged the reader/user in a rich, multi-layered, multimedia experience, and with the aim of building a business that would enable them to sustain this creative activity. They succeeded in the former but not in the latter. ‘I think we’ve shown that the medium is capable of creating a really strong engagement between the subject and the reader’, reflected Max; ‘I think we’ve shown that the material has a way of inspiring somebody who has an interest in a subject and giving them the best possible way of exploring it.’ But he had to accept that the model didn’t work in the end. There was a brief moment in the two to three years after the iPad had been introduced when it was possible to produce a beautiful app and get people to pay $10 or $15 for it, and you could build a publishing venture around it. But that moment is now over. ‘It was a brief moment that opened and closed and I’m delighted it happened because it allowed us to take some steps forward in the long-term development of interactive media. But as a business venture it just didn’t work.’11

      We are still in the early stages of the digital age, of course, and it would be unwise to jump to conclusions about future developments on the basis of what has happened so far. The experiments that took place in the period from 2010 to 2015 were conditioned by the technologies and delivery systems available at the time, as well as by the broader features of an information environment in flux, and it could well be that, as this environment continues to evolve and as new technologies and delivery systems emerge, new opportunities for the re-invention of the book will arise. But then, as before, the same question of sustainability will arise, and new forms will endure only if the processes and organizations that bring them into being are able to survive and maintain these forms beyond the initial start-up phase.

      1  1 Angus Phillips, Turning the Page: The Evolution of the Book (Abingdon: Routledge, 2014).

      2  2 Very short books, of 10,000 words or less, are more common in other languages such as French or Spanish. In English-language trade publishing, however, it is rare for texts of 10,000 words or less to be published as printed books.

      3  3 Laura Hazard Owen, ‘Why 2012 Was the Year of the E-Single’, Gigaom (24 December 2012), at

      4  4 Vook was subsequently rebranded as Pronoun in May 2015, and Pronoun was acquired by Macmillan US in May 2016.

      5  5 Another example is the Brooklyn-based Restless Books. Established in 2013 by Ilan Stavans, a professor of humanities and Latin American culture at Amherst College, Restless Books set out to translate books from Mexico and elsewhere and publish them as ebooks in English; it was initially funded by a sympathetic benefactor but its ambition was to become a self-supporting, going concern. Being an ebook-only publisher seemed like a good idea at the time – ‘it’s cheap and easy. You don’t have to have a printer, you don’t have to have a distributor,