A Red Wallflower. Warner Susan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Warner Susan
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664566560
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may I?' cried the girl, with such a flush of delight coming into eyes and cheeks and lips, that Pitt was almost startled.

      'I don't think I could enjoy it unless you came. And then you will help me dress the rooms.'

      'What rooms?'

      'Our rooms at home. And now, what have you been doing since I have been away?'

      All shadows were got rid of; and there followed a half-hour of most eager intercourse, questions and answers coming thick upon one another. Esther was curious to hear all that Pitt would tell her about his life and doings at college; and, nothing loath, Pitt gave it her. It interested him to watch the play of thought and interest in the child's features as he talked. She comprehended him, and she seemed to take in without difficulty the strange nature and conditions of his college world.

      'Do you have to study hard?' she asked.

      'That's as I please. One must study hard to be distinguished.'

      'And you will be distinguished, won't you?'

      'What do you think? Do you care about it?'

      'Yes, I care,' said Esther slowly.

      'You were not anxious about me?'

      'No,' she said, smiling. 'Papa said you would be sure to distinguish yourself.'

      'Did he? I am very much obliged to Colonel Gainsborough.'

      'What for?'

      'Why, for his good opinion.'

      'But he couldn't help his opinion,' said Esther.

      'Queen Esther,' said Pitt, laughing, 'I don't know about that. People sometimes hold opinions they have no business to hold, and that they would not hold, if they were not perverse-minded.'

      Esther's face had all changed since he came in. The premature gravity and sadness was entirely dispersed; the eyes were full of beautiful light, the mouth taking a great many curves corresponding to as many alternations and shades of sympathy, and a slight colour of interest and pleasure had risen in the cheeks. If Pitt had vanity to gratify, it was gratified; but he had something better, he had a genuine kindness and liking for the little girl, which had suffered absolute pain, when he saw how his absence and silence had worked. Now the two were in full enjoyment of the old relations and the old intercourse, when the door opened, and Mrs. Barker's head appeared.

      'Miss Esther, it's your time.'

      'Time for what?' asked Pitt.

      'It's my time for going to bed,' said Esther, rising. 'I'll come, Mrs.


      'Queen Esther, does that woman say what you are to do and not do?' said

       Pitt, in some indignation.

      'Oh no; but papa. He likes me not to be up later than nine o'clock.'

      'What has Barker to do with it? I think she wants putting in her place.'

      'She always goes with me and attends to me. Yes, I must go,' said


      'But the colonel is not here to be disturbed.'

      'He would be disturbed, if I didn't go at the right time. Good-night,


      'Well, till to-morrow,' said the young man, taking Esther's hand and kissing it. 'But this is what I call a very summary proceeding. Queen Esther, does your majesty always do what you are expected to do, and take orders from everybody!'

      'No; only from papa and you. Good-night, Pitt. Yes, I'll be ready to-morrow.'

       Table of Contents

      A NOSEGAY.

      Pitt walked home, half amused at himself that he should take so much pains about this little girl, at the same time very firmly resolved that nothing should hinder him. Perhaps his liking for her was deeper than he knew; it was certainly real; while his kindly and generous temper responded promptly to every appeal that her affection and confidence made upon him. Affection and confidence are very winning things, even if not given by a beautiful girl who will soon be a beautiful woman; but looking out from Esther's innocent eyes, they went down into the bottom of young Dallas's heart. And besides, his nature was not only kind and noble; it was obstinate. Opposition, to him, in a thing he thought good to pursue, was like blows of a hammer on a nail; drove the purpose farther in.

      So he made himself, it is true, very pleasant indeed to his parents at home, that night and the next morning; but then he went with Esther after cedar and hemlock branches. It may be asked, what opposition had he hitherto found to his intercourse with the colonel's daughter? And it must be answered, none. Nevertheless, Pitt felt it in the air, and it had the effect on him that the north wind and cold are said to have upon timber.

      It was a day of days for Esther. First the delightful roving walk, and cutting the greens, which were bestowed in a cart that attended them; then the wonderful novelty of dressing the house. Esther had never seen anything of the kind before, which did not hinder her, however, from giving very good help. The hall, the sitting-room, the drawing-room, and even Pitt's particular, out-of-the-way work-room, all were wreathed and adorned and dressed up, each after its manner. For Pitt would not have one place a repetition of another. The bright berries of the winterberry and bittersweet were mingled with the dark shade of the evergreens in many ingenious ways; but the crowning triumph of art, perhaps, to Esther's eyes, was a motto in green letters, picked out with brilliant partridge berries, over the end of the sitting-room—'Peace on earth.' Esther stood in delighted admiration before it, also pondering.

      'Pitt,' she said at last, 'those partridge berries ought not to be in it.'

      'Why not?' said Pitt, in astonishment. 'I think they set it off capitally.'

      'Oh, so they do. I didn't mean that. They are beautiful, very. But you know what you said about them.'

      'What did I say?'

      'You said they were poison.'

      'Poison! What then, Queen Esther? they won't hurt anybody up there. No partridge will get at them.'

      'Oh no, it isn't that, Pitt; but I was thinking—Poison shouldn't be in that message of the angels.'

      Pitt's face lighted up.

      'Queen Esther,' said he solemnly, 'are you going to be that sort of person?'

      'What sort of person?'

      'One of those whose spirits are attuned to finer issues than their neighbours? They are the stuff that poets are made of. You are not a poet, are you?'

      'No, indeed!' said Esther, laughing.

      'Don't! I think it must be uncomfortable to have to do with a poet. You may notice, that in nature the dwellers on the earth have nothing to do with the dwellers in the air.'

      'Except to be food for them,' said Esther.

      'Ah! Well—leaving that—I should never have thought about the partridge berries in that motto, and my mother would never have thought of it. For all that, you are right. What shall we do? take 'em down?'

      'Oh, no, they look so pretty. And besides, I suppose, Pitt, by and by, poison itself will turn to peace.'

      'What?' said Pitt. 'What is that? What can you mean, Queen Esther?'

      'Only,' said Esther a little doubtfully, 'I was thinking. You know, when the time comes there will be nothing to hurt or destroy in all the earth; the wild beasts will not be wild, and so I suppose poison will not be poison.'

      'The wild beasts will not be wild? What will they be, then?'
