Native Americans: 22 Books on History, Mythology, Culture & Linguistic Studies. James Mooney. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Mooney
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788027245475
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of hay, and saw a million feet of lumber. They own 20,000 horses, 15,000 mules, 200,000 cattle, 100,000 swine, and 12,000 sheep.

      They have a constitutional form of government predicated upon that of the United States. As a rule, their laws are wise and beneficent and are enforced with strictness and justice. Political and social prejudice has deprived the former slaves in some instances of the full measure of rights guaranteed to them by the treaty of 1866 and the amended constitution of the nation, but time is rapidly softening these asperities and will solve all difficulties of the situation.

      The present Cherokee population is of a composite character. Remnants of other nations or tribes have from time to time been absorbed and admitted to full participation in the benefits of Cherokee citizenship. The various classes may be thus enumerated:

      1. The full blood Cherokees.

      2. The mixed blood Cherokees.

      3. The Delawares.

      4. The Shawnees.

      5. White men and women intermarried with the foregoing.

      6. A few Creeks who broke away from their own tribe and have been citizens of the Cherokee Nation for many years.

      7. A few Creeks who are not citizens, but have taken up their abode in the Cherokee country, without any rights.

      8. A remnant of the Natchez tribe, who are citizens.

      9. The freedmen adopted under the treaty of 1866.

      10. Freedmen not adopted, but not removed as intruders, owing to an order from the Indian Department forbidding such removal pending a decision upon their claims to citizenship.

      If the Government of the United States shall in this last resort of the Cherokees prove faithful to its obligations and maintain their country inviolate from the intrusions of white trespassers, the future of the nation will surely prove the capability of the American Indian under favorable conditions to realize in a high degree the possibilities of Anglo-Saxon civilization.

      Table showing approximately the area in square miles and acres ceded to the United States

       by the various treaties with the Cherokee Nation:

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Date of treaty. State where ceded lands are located. Area in square miles. Area in acres.
1721 South Carolina 2,623 1,678,720
November 24, 1755 do 8,635 5,526,400
October 14, 1768 Virginia 850 544,000
October 18, 1770 do 4,500 2,880,000
West Virginia 4,300 2,752,000
Tennessee 150 96,000
Kentucky 250 160,000
1772 do 10,135 6,486,400
West Virginia 437 279,680
Virginia 345 220,800
June 1, 1773 Georgia 1,050 672,000
March 17, 1775 Kentucky 22,600 14,464,000
Virginia 1,800 1,152,000
Tennessee 2,650 1,696,000
May 20, 1777 South Carolina 2,051 1,312,640
July 20, 1777 North Carolina 4,414 2,824,960
Tennessee 1,760 1,126,400
May 31, 1783 Georgia 1,650 1,056,000
November 28, 1785 North Carolina 550 352,000
Tennessee 4,914 3,144,960
Kentucky 917 586,880
July 2, 1791 Tennessee 3,435 2,198,400
North Carolina 722 462,080
October 2, 1798 Tennessee 952 609,280
North Carolina 587 375,680
October 24, 1804 Georgia 135 86,400
October 25, 1805 Kentucky 1,086 695,040
Tennessee 7,032 4,500,480
October 27, 1805 do 11/4 800
January 7, 1806 do 5,269 3,372,160
Alabama 1,602 1,025,280
March 22, 1816 South Carolina 148 94,720
September 14, 1816 Alabama 3,129 2,194,560
Mississippi 4 2,560
July 8, 1817 Georgia 583 373,120
Tennessee 435 278,400
February 27, 1819 Georgia