Native Americans: 22 Books on History, Mythology, Culture & Linguistic Studies. James Mooney. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Mooney
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788027245475
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tribe on an equal footing with its original members. They were also opposed to the policy of consolidating all the tribes in the Indian Territory under one government, because of the many incongruous and irreconcilable elements which no power could bring into a semblance of assimilation.592

      Southern Cherokees want a division of territory.—They had already proffered and were willing again to proffer the olive-branch of peace and reconciliation to their brethren of the so called loyal portion of the nation, but respectfully urged that after all the blood that had been shed and the intense bitterness that seemed to fill the bosoms of their brethren they ought not to be expected to live in an undivided country. They wished peace, and they believed they could have it in no other way than by an equitable division of the Cherokee country in such manner as should seem most appropriate to the United States.

      On the 21st of September the council adjourned, to meet again at the call of the Secretary of the Interior.

      Conference at Washington, D. C.

       Table of Contents

      Interviews, consultations, and discussions followed each other in rapid succession, covering a period of several months, with no apparent approach toward a final agreement.

      Among other things, this treaty provided that a quantity of land equal to 160 acres for every man, woman, and child, including the freedmen belonging to the Southern party, and also for each North Carolina Cherokee who should, within one year, remove and join them, should be set apart in that portion of their territory known as the Canadian district, for their sole use and occupancy. In case this district should afford an insufficient area of land, there should be added a further tract extending northward and lying between Grand River and the Creek boundary, and still further northward and westward between that river and the line of 95° 30' west longitude, or a line as far west if necessary as 96° west longitude, until the necessary complement of land, based upon a census of their people, should be secured. It was further agreed that the Southern Cherokees should have exclusive jurisdiction and control in the Canadian district, southwest of the Arkansas River, and of all that tract of country lying northeast of the Arkansas River and bounded on the east by Grand River, north by the line of 36° 30' north latitude, and west by 96° of west longitude and the Creek reservation. In consideration of these things, the Southern Cherokees ceded absolutely to the United States all other Cherokee lands owned by them, at such price as should be agreed upon by the respective parties, whenever the Northern or loyal Cherokees should agree with the United States to sell the same. The sale of the "neutral land" was provided for at a sum per acre to be fixed by the President, which should amount in the aggregate to not less than $500,000. In all future negotiations with the United States, as in the past, but one Cherokee Nation should be recognized, but each of the two parties or divisions should be represented by delegates in proportion to their respective numbers. All moneys due the nation should be divided between the parties in the same proportion, and whenever the state of feeling throughout the nation should become such as by their own desire to render a complete and harmonious reunion of the two factions practicable, the United States would consent to the accomplishment of such a measure.