Caloric, what are the effects of it, 74
Caloric, why is it called a repulsive agent, 75
Caloric, how may it be excited to develope heat, 79
Caloric, is there any in ice, snow, water, marble, &c., 89
Caloric, how do we measure the quantity of in any substance, 329
Caloric, how does it travel, 332
Caloric, how do we know that it is caloric which fuses metals, 334
Calves and lambs, why have they no horns, 1069
Camel, why has its stomach a number of distinct bags, 1065
Candles, why do tallow require snuffing, 264
Candles, why do composite and wax not require snuffing, 265
Candle, what becomes of it after it is burnt, 269
Capillary blood-vessels, why are they found in every part of the system, 919
Capillary attraction, what is it, 780
Carbonic acid gas, how is it formed, 9
Carbonic acid gas, what becomes of it, 10
Carbonic acid gas, is it heavier or lighter than air, 11
Carbonic acid gas, what are the chief sources of, 16
Carbonic acid gas, what is its effect upon the human system, 21
Carbonic acid gas, what becomes of that formed by combustion, 59
Carbonic acid gas, what proportion is dangerous to life, 60
Carbonic acid, what is it, 798
Carbonic acid, where does it chiefly exist, 799
Carbonic acid, what are its pure states, 800
Carbon, what is it, 18
Carbon, will it produce flame when burnt in oxygen, 106
Carbon and hydrogen, what differences characterise the combustion of, 268
Carbon, what is the purest form of it, 277
Card, why do the images on each side blend while a card is revolving, 846
Caterpillars, why do they appear in the spring, 1289
Caterpillars, why do they eat voraciously, 1290
Caterpillars, why do they pass into the state of the chrysalis, 1291
Caterpillars, why do they become torpid in the chrysalis, 1292
Caterpillars, why do they attach themselves to the leaves of plants when in the chrysalis, 1294
Cats, &c., why do they see in the dark, 981
Cats' eyes, why are the pupils of nearly closed by day, 982
Cats, &c., why have they whiskers, 1096
Cattle, why if they run round in meadows may thunder be expected, 1122
Ceiling, how did Mr. Sands walk on the, 664
Champagne, why does it effervesce, 806
Champagne, why do bubbles rise from it in two or three columns, 807
Charcoal, why is it dangerous to burn it in rooms, 20
Charcoal fires, why do they not give flames, 107
Charcoal, what is it, 275
Charcoal, why does it act as a disinfectant, 809
Chicory, what is it, 1196
Chimney, why does it cease smoking after the fire has been lighted a little while, 680
Chimney, why does a long one create a better draught than a short one, 681
Chimneys, why do some smoke when windows and doors are closed, 683
Chimneys that stand under elevated objects, why do they smoke, 685
Chimneys, why do sooty smoke, 687
Chimneys, why do they smoke in damp and gusty weather, 688
Chimney, why does it smoke when first lighted, 679
Chocolate, what is it, 1194
Circulation, why are the venous blood and chyle sent to the lungs, 887
Circulation, what is the course of the arterial blood, 888
Circulation, why does the blood impart vitality, 891
Circulation, how do we know the blood is alive, 892
Circulation, why does the blood circulate, 893
Circulation, how is the body renewed by the blood, 894
Circulation, how does the blood return to the lungs after it has reached the extremities, 895
Circulation, why are the veins more perceptible than the arteries, 897
Circulation, why when we prick the flesh does it bleed, 893
Circulation, what occurs during the, 899
Circulation, what becomes of the matter collected by the blood, 901
Circulation, how is the blood propelled through the arteries, 916
Circulation, why are the capillary vessels capable of receiving the quantity of blood sent through larger vessels, 917
Cinnamon, where is it produced, 1239
Cleanliness, why does it promote health, 1015
Clothes on fire, why should persons